View Full Version : SS Server Lists - NOT from GameSpy or ASE !!! Query..

Pog Mo Thoin
01-05-2005, 08:22 AM
Hi Guys, (forgive me if this sounds strange, but I previewed my last post and it killed IE so Im gunna try and state it all again.... :mad: )

Ok, What Im basically asking - and if this has been asked and answered before, please let me know. I've done a pretty basic search of Google for the answers, but all I get are links to GS/ASE and they dont help - is How does GameSpy get it's list of OnLine Servers for Sam ?

Im toying with the idea of using Aaron Bishop's PHP code to enumerate the list of servers, and get more info that either the Adware (GS) or the SlackWare (ASE - 1 Server lists, and SS inline lists numersous dozens and I dont have any filters on). I like how Aarons code works, and would like to be able to have it enumerate the list that SS has when ingame.

I have QStat etc, and know how that works, but getting the details on how the find the server list is eluding me.

ANy advice, help or RTFM (as long as there is a link to TFM of chourse :) would be greatly appreciated !!!

I could just use Sam to write down the IP's and do this all manually, but I have not yet developed that much of a psychosis, and so rather than spend numerous hours trying to find ways to go bald, I would rather be out killing innocent sam-izens, and thought here would at least be a good place to ask !

If not, then be gentle with me, I am fragile... :rolleyes:

Any help ?? Just want a master server list the way SS/GameSpy gets it.

Kiss My Ars... I mean, Pog Mo Thoin.

Die Hard
01-05-2005, 09:28 AM
Hi my Irish/Ozzie play mate. Very happy to see you here. :P

Sorry but I have no idea what your post is about but I'm sure there are lots of peeps here who will help you out. :thumbs: :thumbs:

Death Engineer
01-05-2005, 05:23 PM
There is a central server that those programs connect to. You connect to it and then it streams the data for the specified servers that you requested. It's not a terribly difficult interface, but I don't think that it's documented very well.

Pog Mo Thoin
02-04-2005, 08:26 PM
Hi my Irish/Ozzie play mate. Very happy to see you here. :P

Sorry but I have no idea what your post is about but I'm sure there are lots of peeps here who will help you out. :thumbs: :thumbs:


Basically, what I wanted was the method of finding out what SSSe servers were running at any given time, the same way thet the inbuilt Sam GAMEYSPY server does, In other words, make my own server list outside of SAM so I can quickly see what servers are up and what is going on in them. While I have not found the actual code to do so, I have learnt that it is a rather tricky process to query the gamespy servers itself (They make it hard, the buggers)

However, I did find a dos based prog. that does list the server/IP's running, and have been able to parse this via vb, and then query the actual servers for players,pings,frags, etc.. Not quite what I wanted but it works a treat !

Took a bit of sussing out info from a lot of places, but for once Google paid off !!

Thanks again man!!


Pog Mo Thoin
02-04-2005, 08:29 PM
There is a central server that those programs connect to. You connect to it and then it streams the data for the specified servers that you requested. It's not a terribly difficult interface, but I don't think that it's documented very well.

Yep, that was the problem however. Gamespy prefer to keep their info secret unless you're a developer of a game. Found a dos based prob (gslist.exe) to query the main gamespy server and pipe it to a text file... UGLY.. but it works.. it simply gives IP/Port but from there, it's a peice of cake to query the IP/port for details.

I just hate UDP is all, but it works fine ! Had to do it in vb6, unfortunately, so it's not web based, coz I just suck at web coding, but Im sure it could be done... php is like delphi to me. and I hate pascal.


thanks mate !!!