View Full Version : subscriptions fee changes

01-05-2005, 09:38 AM

For over five years Mythic Entertainment has worked to make Dark Age of Camelot one of the best MMORPGs in the world. We believe that one of the keys to our success in creating DAoC has been our ability to effectively balance the expectations and desires of our players with the significant investment that goes into building a great online game. Last month, we announced a number of improvements and new features that we plan to integrate into the game over the next few months. Those features are only the beginning of what we have planned and over the next few weeks we will be announcing additional improvements and upgrades to the game. This continues our tradition of constantly improving DAoC in order to ensure it remains competitive with even the latest online games.

Mythic appreciates the continued support of DAOC players and with that in mind Mythic is committed to continuing to expand and improve Dark Age of Camelot far into the future. However, in the three years since DAoC first launched, Mythic’s costs to operate DAoC have more than doubled as we have expanded the size of the development team in order to add new technologies and grow the world of Camelot. In order for Mythic to continue to make this significant investment after three years of not changing our subscription fees, we must raise the price of our fees in line with those increased costs. Thus, we are announcing a price increase starting on February 3rd to the prices listed below.

$14.95 per month
$40.35 for 3 months
$71.70 for 6 months
$137.40 for 1 year
To thank our current players as well as any players who return during the next thirty days, we are offering a discounted one year price plan which will enable you to lock in our lowest current subscription rate for one year at a rate of $131.40 ($10.95 per month). As an additional “thank you” we are allowing players to lock in their current billing plans for an additional period during the next thirty days. Of course, with regard to the new pricing, players who are already on three and six month plans will not be affected by this increase until the end of their current billing cycle.

While the announcement of a price increase, no matter how small, is never pleasant, this is our first price increase since the game launched and we remain committed, not only to DAoC as it is today, but also to continuing to expand and improve it with both free and retail expansion packs. This increase will allow us to continue to provide DAoC players with the best support and continued upgrades and improvements in the MMORPG industry.

As always, we thank you for your continued support and patronage.


From the Hearld. :down: They better be adding a lot more stuff, and make it worthwhile or I just migth cancel my 3 accounts and find a different game.

01-05-2005, 02:23 PM
I'm not too upset...its been the same for years...prices always go up. Agree with most its bad timing, but can't argue with an increase. I throw more than 2 dollars a month in the spinny thing at burger king that if you land a quarter on the platform you get a free meal. I never take the free meal but I just like trying to land the change on the platform.

Death Engineer
01-05-2005, 05:25 PM
This is like the nail in the coffin with respect to WoW and several other new MMORPGs. This is not a good move in my opinion. My guess is that they're having to try to compensate for the number of people that have left for other games.

Mr Clean
01-07-2005, 06:05 PM
This is like the nail in the coffin with respect to WoW and several other new MMORPGs. This is not a good move in my opinion. My guess is that they're having to try to compensate for the number of people that have left for other games.

Yep I agree. They are feeling the pinch...

01-07-2005, 11:30 PM
All things being equal, WoW > DAOC.

Come join me and DE on the Aggramar server. :) If we get enough, I'd be happy to make a new forum for it.

01-09-2005, 12:15 AM
I tried WoW and to me, personally- DAOC is much, much > WoW. Again, only imho.

Death Engineer
01-12-2005, 11:05 PM
More evidence in favor of WoW. Like it or not, it is a beast.


01-13-2005, 12:25 AM
when pepsi twist came out I bought it right away and had to try it, like thousands of other people. Liked it at first, then stuck with the one I enjoyed more...regular pepsi.

Same with wow. I was one of those 600k, bought it, they got my $49 but thats it.

Death Engineer
01-13-2005, 12:45 AM
I agree that they probably will not retain all of those customers. But the fact is that they are still growing. I contend that the DAOC subscriber base is shrinking faster now than ever before (it was slipping before WoW came out).

These are just my personal opinions, and I still appreciate the good times I had in DAOC. But, like alot of other people, I was ready for something new.

01-13-2005, 02:29 AM
I've actually noticed a rise in numbers in daoc since I started playing again

01-13-2005, 06:11 AM
hehe..everyone's 30 day trial period has expired :)
Speaking of that, I have 3 or 4 of them if any of you know someone or wants one. Let me know.

Mr Clean
01-13-2005, 03:28 PM
WoW has taken off, but well see where it is 6 months from now. DAOC has taken some lumps but just the fact that it has survived speaks for how good the game really is. It will be interesting to see what happens when Guild Wars comes out with no monthly fee.....