View Full Version : Tivo2Go

01-07-2005, 05:55 PM
For all those that have Tivo, on Monday they released Tivo2Go, which is a free service that lets you move recordings from your Tivo to your PC. You can watch the programs then on your PC, but we have to wait a couple of more weeks until we can burn to a DVD player that can play the files back on any TV (You need to purchase software if you want to be able to burn viewable DVDs).

I'll be checking out the service as soon as I get home and let you know how it works.

01-07-2005, 06:06 PM
Cool I will keep an eye out for that.
Thanks Sal

Death Engineer
01-07-2005, 07:30 PM
Now THIS makes me want to get a Tivo. I'm sure this is only with the Tivo Plus service though, right?

01-07-2005, 08:20 PM
I don't think there is a Tivo Plus service. It's included with the normal $12.95/month plan. Also, even though the service was announced Monday, it looks like Tivo's won't start downloading the update for a couple of weeks so there is no rush. Also, the update only works for normal Series 2 Tivos, not any Tivo/DVR or Tivo/DirecTV combination boxes.

Let me know if you have any Tivo questions as I have had a box for 4 years now.

01-07-2005, 08:25 PM
how about a hardware decoder card + windows MCE 2005 instead?

01-07-2005, 08:38 PM
salv, i am just curious because i have the new digital cable stuff here and it will not let you record cable to a vcr. will this also happend if i bought this tivo? the only way i can get my paid channels is having the sony box they rent you. i would hate to get this and it not being able to work.

also as jim suggested but with a tuner card, what is the difference from tivo? isnt it doing the same thing?

01-07-2005, 08:42 PM
You can send video to a vcr thru your tivo. so you could capture that video on your pc and make a dvd that way. I have a ATI 9800 AIW and it will record to my hard drive like a tivo. I have a sieres2 and I use that tivo server thingy. I can host pictures, music, video ect and watch it on my tv thru the tivo. cool stuff