View Full Version : Owen's first ownage (joke SAL) parental advice explicit language

01-08-2005, 04:52 PM
a Spy pic from SALvation's little one

parental advice: explicit language

01-08-2005, 06:43 PM
Heh :)

01-08-2005, 06:49 PM


01-08-2005, 07:43 PM
I find any use of the "N" word to be offensive, not funny and in poor taste! :down:

01-08-2005, 07:55 PM
:funny: & :watchmovi

He Is Legend
01-08-2005, 08:15 PM
i find the use of any word that is used funny to be hillarious :rofl:

awesome post..that made my day 5x better

01-08-2005, 08:24 PM
I find any use of the "N" word to be offensive, not funny and in poor taste! :down:
i remember nitro getting some stick for using that word :D do a search on google for the word *****,you will find it has nothing to do with the offensive word ****** :thumbs:
nice find aries :D

01-08-2005, 11:19 PM
I don't care for it's use either, so I offer up this...

01-08-2005, 11:26 PM
As usual, i've prob'ly climbed out on this limb by myself but since when did racist and offensive names such as variations of the "N" word become acceptable here? :confused:

I'm really shocked that the post is still up and that some of you actually found it funny. Now I believe in the freedom of speech and having fun up to a point, but this crosses the line in my opinion and I am sure there are others that feel the same, they just aren't posting. I have the balls to speak up when I see something that I feel is wrong. I checked the rules and didn't see anything against using that word or those types of words, but what kinds of jokes are next?

01-09-2005, 12:09 AM
As usual, i've prob'ly climbed out on this limb by myself but since when did racist and offensive names such as variations of the "N" word become acceptable here? :confused:

I'm really shocked that the post is still up and that some of you actually found it funny. Now I believe in the freedom of speech and having fun up to a point, but this crosses the line in my opinion and I am sure there are others that feel the same, they just aren't posting. I have the balls to speak up when I see something that I feel is wrong. I checked the rules and didn't see anything against using that word or those types of words, but what kinds of jokes are next?

i understand where you are coming from. major problem is some people find things offensive and some don't. the joke itself probably doesnt offend anyone but i do understand where you are coming from with what you are saying. i truthfully doubt that aries has or had any intention to be offensive to anyone but i can see any n word being offensive.

01-09-2005, 12:21 AM
it's a sad day when you have to question locking a post Aries made :dunno:

01-09-2005, 12:25 AM
it's a sad day when you have to question locking a post Aries made :dunno:Aries is practically a secondary admin! His threads can't be locked. muahah

Btw, I think it's funny.. We know Aries means no ill intentions so I think it's prefectly fine. If it was someone else, I think it should have been locked. I know that's favoritism, but whatever! lol

Plus, Picard is right.. The actual usage of the word is entirley non-racist.. It has a racist heritage, but it has come to mean "homie," and such. If it was the verb form of the word and not the slang, I would be more offended.

Aries rocks!

01-09-2005, 12:26 AM
I don't care for it's use either, so I offer up this...lol.. Nicely done. ahah

01-09-2005, 02:05 AM
:thumbs:yup the word ***** is not a racist remark,ask any youth thats into rap and all that gang land crap :thumbs:

A rap artist, that's a great example of what we should all grow up to be like! Try again little buddy! :rolleyes:

01-09-2005, 02:05 AM
Aries doesn’t live in the US and doesn’t understand what some of us have seen, lived with and have experienced. In Belgium where I think Aries lives, things might be different than here in the US in regards to racism against African-Americans. I’m sure they have some form of racism over there so he should understand what he did is wrong.

Besides it doesn’t really matter who posted it or what they intended it to mean and some of you can put any spin on it you want to. That word is still a racist word used to de-grade African-Americans.

Put yourself in an African-American’s point of view for a second and say you come here for the first time and see that posted. Do you come back here? Do you really feel welcome? What opinion do you have of GM after seeing that?

GM is made up of a diverse population or races, religions and beliefs. What kinds of jokes can we expect to see here next? Italian, Jewish, Oriental, Arab, etc … I’m sorry but there are some thing that shouldn’t be discussed or posted.

I’ve lived in the South all of my life and grew up using variations of the “N” word and I used to tell those types of jokes. When I was younger, I shared the opinion that many of you have on it’s usage. At 43 years of age I’m a lot older than most of you and also experienced more than most of you so my opinions on thing vary from some of you alls. I guess it’s something you have to grow out of and I really hope you do … soon. Racism is an ugly thing that needs to go away, we have enough problems in this world already.

I’m not asking or even suggesting this to be made into a rule for posters at GM to follow. Hell it shouldn’t have to be one. It ought to be a rule that you already follow as a member of the human race.

01-09-2005, 03:11 AM
ok, the pic is funny in itself, without the caption. i think whoever made it made a mistake in singling our one racial group. And no, the word is not socially acceptable for use. i don't care for the excuses that nitro or anyone else uses. if you are part of a social group, and you use slurs for the same group, that is fine. used within a group they can indicate affection or whatever. they paid the debt and have the right. however when used to mock others outside a group, that is not ok....

01-09-2005, 03:16 AM
:watchmovi ammusing thread :drink: too bad schism can't reply :eek:

01-09-2005, 03:18 AM
First and foremost to anyone who took offence to the imbedded 'N' word, I appologise!

I did not realize the impact it might have...

when I cautioned for explicit lyrics, I was mainly referring to the 'f' word which I know is censored (or used to be) by this board.

The language register and its related word meaning(s) that I as a European associate with the 'N' word are of a less critical nature -I assume- than a person living in the US. I believe the difference due to setting and (historical) background is understandable for all. On a sidenote I think we Europeans are in the same fashion more 'touchy' about another 'N' word (but let's not elaborate on that).

At the time of posting I did not think about nor did I consider this difference in reception. I appologise for the lack of cautiousness on my part. My intuďtive interpretation of the imbedded line ('for the record' I did not write that line myself) was that it must belong to slang. One could even venture to suppose that it was a random quote from rap or hiphop slang [in which the 'N' word is (re-)appropriated by the Afro-American community to use it for their own purposes and meanings while in the process neutralising its pejorative usage]

The hip hop language and slang have throughout the recent years become a globalised product with subsequent global spreading and influence. To determine the interpretation at reception of such a globalised phenomenon (which we would wrongfully generalise if we interpeted it to be monolythical in nature -differentiation would definitely be advisable if we would wish to dig deeper into this matter-) is always a tricky thing. There will always be idiosyncrasies of interpretation. Keeping note of the aforementioned arguments, I saw no harm in this.

Let's leap to the actual 'content' of the joke that arises from the clash of the pictorial with the anchoring hook line. The slangy rhetoric in combination with the countenance of the framed pictorial (notably 'the stare') adds to a 'reading' of the baby having 'an attitude' by which we mean the 'bad azz' connotation of the word attitude. The joke however does not limit its humourous instigating force to the fact that the baby crosses language barriers and slang tabboos (at an age -derived from the pictorial- preceding language acquisition) but the pictorial in itself forms a core of amusement for the joke...namely the fact that the baby is getting all worked up over a similar looking lifeform(?) which he/she fails to recognise as a doll. (note that the doll -although obviously falling short of a realistic imitation of natural complexion- doesn't portray a coloured person).

By no means does the above paragraph pretend to be an exhaustive explanation of the joke, it is merely a first hand interpretation providing more insight about how I saw it.

Vividly remembering MERC-rhetoric (we all know their 'prey'-fixation) from the hay days of their eloquent proverbial provocations, I deemed it funny to link this textual/visual joke to the recent emergence of SALvation's soon to become (in)famous [meant in the best of ways] offspring, Owen.

Although the joke will lose some of its edge, I do advise that the politically correct adaptation by Jiminator be a replacement for the original pic (perhaps to finetune the alternative, let's exchange 'asshole' with 'prey').

Once again, I appologise


Caged Anger
01-09-2005, 03:26 AM
my head hurts from this bit of weekend reading, but nice use of info!

01-09-2005, 03:29 AM
First off, I find a joke with a baby using **** more offensive than *****, replacing it with asshole is equally offensive since I am a asshole and it's a exclusive club.

Just for those posts alone, I think Aries, Jiminator and myself deserve a week's banning for soiling the forums with vulgarities.

As far as the worg "*****" goes, I feel the black community's youth has gone a long way to help de-sensatise that word to help bridge racial barriers and the white community should start accepting it.

A example. Most men I associate with I refer to as "Bro" now it used to be if I called a black man "Bro" I was a racist, well, I call everyone that, and it has been my experience that it's acceptable by all racis. Just like now with our use, ***** is becoming acceptable. There's a few people here that call each other "my *****" and nobody gets bent over it, because we know it's not derogatory.

01-09-2005, 03:34 AM
I don't think too many masters called their slaves "bro".... my brother calls me that too.... :hmmm:

01-09-2005, 03:36 AM
As far as the worg "*****" goes, I feel the black community's youth has gone a long way to help de-sensatise that word to help bridge racial barriers and the white community should start accepting it.

. Just like now with our use, ***** is becoming acceptable. There's a few people here that call each other "my *****" and nobody gets bent over it, because we know it's not derogatory.

Pure, try out your new lingo down at the Jamaican Bakery on Albany Ave.. I'll watch for you on the news.. :wave:

01-09-2005, 03:39 AM
that Hartford or NH?

01-09-2005, 03:42 AM
that Hartford or NH?
Sorry..Hartford.. right past Blue Hills Ave..

01-09-2005, 03:45 AM
I had pretty much the same idea as Nightbreed. For any of you non-African-Americans that disagree with me or think that using variations of the word ****** is acceptable and or funny in way shape or form, I dare you to get a piece of poster board and write on it in big capital letters “HEY ******”, then go to the predominantly African-American neighborhood in your town and walk around and see what happens.

Then “IF” your ass survives, I would like to know a few things from you:
1) Do you think they found it funny?
2) How long was it before you got your ass kicked?
3) Do you still have the same opinion as you had before?

01-09-2005, 03:46 AM
:hmmm: Bruce Willis did that once....

01-09-2005, 03:51 AM
I had pretty much the same idea as Nightbreed. For any of you non-African-Americans that disagree with me or think that using variations of the word ****** is acceptable and or funny in way shape or form, I dare you to get a piece of poster board and write on it in big capital letters “HEY ******”, then go to the predominantly African-American neighborhood in your town and walk around and see what happens.

Then “IF” your ass survives, I would like to know a few things from you:
1) Do you think they found it funny?
2) How long was it before you got your ass kicked?
3) Do you still have the same opinion as you had before?
where i live, you wouldnt make it a minute. and as far as just getting your butt kicked, that would be considered lucky:eek: .

are we all this bored:D

01-09-2005, 03:51 AM
:funny: Yeah I borrowed the idea :D

01-09-2005, 03:52 AM
i think that movie was in ny am i correct?

01-09-2005, 04:01 AM
You would be correct sir

01-09-2005, 04:22 AM
Only reason I'm gonna say anything is because I don't want Sal to feel he's nearly on his own.

Yeah, I don't too much care for it. While I'm not gonna say it offends me, cause I'm damn near impossible to offend, I don't think it's appropriate.

I also certainly don't think Aries was out to offend anyone. Don't take it harshly, or as an attack mate! :)

I'm pretty much up for any sort of tasteless humour. Just think there are plenty of other ways to achieve our low-brow goals than heading for slurs.

Plus, it'd actually be funnier with other quotes, I believe!

"What the hell you lookin at, baldie?"

"What the hell you lookin at, potato head?"

"Don't you even THINK about hitting that nipple first man. I called dibs an hour ago!"

"Dude, I'm totally blaming that one on you. You or the dog."

"You keep lookin at me like that, and I swear to God... as soon as I develop my motor skills - I'm totally kickin your ass!"

"Dammit, it worked in Scanners...why hasn't his head exploded??"

Alright, so those pretty much sucked, but I've got a pounding headache, and that's right off the top of my head.

Hey, suggest more!


01-09-2005, 05:10 AM
I'll lock the thread since some are offended.