View Full Version : Interesting CTF picture

01-11-2005, 05:59 AM
apperently im better at CTF then at TDM...who knew and i still dont use the translocator

ANYWAYS...look at this screenie i got just as the game ended

01-11-2005, 06:47 PM
you should have posted a screenie of your F3 ending screen

and if you want to test your CTF-ness you should visit the SMS lot on tuesday evenings

01-11-2005, 07:05 PM
apperently im better at CTF then at TDM...who knew and i still dont use the translocator

ANYWAYS...look at this screenie i got just as the game ended
I recommend you start using the translocator. You will not be able to hold your own against most experienced CTF players without it.

As far as our Tuesday evenings go, we're going to have TWL Onslaught League matches every Tuesday at 10 PM Eastern - perhaps we can move CTF night to Wednesdays? I'd have to discuss it with the others. Feel free to drop by anytime you see us messin' around, though! :)

01-11-2005, 07:27 PM
Good to see you back PJ and at lanwar, I'm sure we'll have some SMS vs DS CTF and you'll know what WH means. :D
Trans rules!

As far as CTF night goes, I need to talk to a few peeps. It looks like we're dumping it. Nobody really played over the hollidays and quite frankly, that's the third freaking competition SMS is on and we need some free nights to book matches. Right now we practice on Sunday/Thursday and have ONS league on Tuesdays. I think we're getting full of clan nights.

If PJ stays active, maybe we can re-start the MS/DS scrims instead if everyone still wants to dance ;)

01-11-2005, 09:08 PM
Am up for that :thumbs: I enjoy scrimin with you guy's very Duh hut hut and sierous
makes it more fun :D