View Full Version : it's good to see

01-14-2005, 05:50 AM
some old faces playing the game again:thumbs: . nothing beats the old school players that kick ass and just have fun:thumbs: .

Die Hard
01-14-2005, 08:58 AM
Thanks :P

Alexis SC430
01-14-2005, 02:41 PM

I've played Sam since First Encounter demo; it's just that I didn't have DSL until April 2004 -- neither DSL nor Cable was available in our area at the time, and our 56k wasn't even great by 56k standards -- and so I never played it online until then.

Of course, at THAT time I never would have imagined myself becoming a "gamer" some day, and incorporating their pecular language into my everday speech.

So... um... that makes me an old time player, right? Or does it only count if you're online? :P

(Note: Only some will apply with RPGs, and naturally discounting common speech articles such as "the", "an", or "a" or any variation of the verb "be" -- this goes double for the infinitive "to be", and also most linking verbs.)

10. ping [Note: This noun is almost exclusively used in a derogatory manner - often preceded by the word "nice" and followed by ":P".]
9. bitch[es/ing]
8. camp[s/er/ed/ing/fest]
7. ugh [sometimes expressed more kindly as "arg"]
6. spam[my/mer/med/ming/fest/-o-rama/errific/tageous - often preceded by "way to" and followed by "alexis"]
5. n00b[s/ie/y/ing/ish - sometimes spelled "noob," "newb," or "npbbitch"]
4. own[s/ed/er/ing - also known as "pwn" or "n1"]
3. gg [often responded to with "gg", "w/e", "nice ping", or alternatively "nice aimbot"]
2. lag[ged/ging - Note: While this word is marginally surpassed "gg" for most prevelant post-game display of sportsmanship, it's prevalent use during game pushes it to number two - often preceded by the word "damn" or "pffft" and followed by the word(s) "gy-ass server" or in my case "spikes".]
1. f*** [er/ing/ed/head - often followed by "you", "you all", "off", or any the other words on this list, thus making it number one - Note: When followed by "yourself" the word f*** is 85% likely to be preceded by the word "go".]

Honorable Mentions: "lol", "loser", "later", "teh/teh ghey", "hi/hey", "stfu", "wtf", "gay", "***", "can anyone recommend a good drywall repair specialist", and "hahaha"

01-14-2005, 04:06 PM
ok i am almost 47 :rolleyes: ,started on commodore 64. gamed all that time.

at least 27 of those 47 years and still counting, so thats "OLD" :D

He Is Legend
01-14-2005, 09:41 PM
I've played since Serious Sam the second encounter came out

and online when i first bought it

I consider myself a old player

01-17-2005, 02:58 AM
i played the original ssfe demo off the god games pc gamer cd

01-20-2005, 06:29 PM
;) :thumbs:

hmm been playing awhile.............id guesst :rolleyes:

Good to play you Biggs and of course som of the other Good numerous playahs pps/alias's :D

01-25-2005, 12:45 AM
Biggs, your truly a star m8!, ive played so many a good game with you, and also to the other peeps that dont whine every 2 secs...........

01-25-2005, 03:29 AM
what old faces? i see the same new people everyday called "player 2" and "player 3"

01-25-2005, 03:51 AM
GGs Bigg!!!:thumbs:

02-11-2005, 10:34 PM
lol :)

06-01-2005, 11:26 PM
I have been playing since SS First Encounter demo--which I guess should make me better than I am...or perhaps it's the sucky cable. Oh well. In any case I play it wayyyy too much. Either working in IT or playing SS or a combination of both have sucked my inspiration for writing dry. I keep saying I'm going to quit, but I am addicted and can't stop (help!). How come no one commented on Alexis' LOL Top 10??? C'mon, guys, that was good stuff! :D

Alexis SC430
06-04-2005, 12:55 AM
I guess much like Nietzsche and van Gogh my work will not be truly appreciated until after my death.

06-04-2005, 03:52 AM
;) :thumbs:

hmm been playing awhile.............id guesst :rolleyes:

Good to play you Biggs and of course som of the other Good numerous playahs pps/alias's :D

wish i could use an alias hehe
