View Full Version : Help (please note, no exclamation point)

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-15-2005, 04:41 AM
OK, no biggie here, but my router took a crap 2 days ago. I came home from work and didn't have access to the internet (no page would open). Called the cable company, long story short, the modem works when connected directly to PC, but not through the router.
I happen to have an EtherEngine 500-S that I picked up at Good Will for $1.99, so I ran the modem through it and my first PC (which has the cable company software on it) has internet access, however, my second PC does not have internet access.
I've poked around in the control panel with the networking options and such, but had 0 luck.
I went to the website for the manufacturer of the Ether switch and checked out their support page, expecting to find installation instructions there, but nope, none there.
How you like my novel so far? :D
Anyhooooooooooooo, if someone would be so kind as to post some step by step instuctions regarding the set up for my second PC, I would be forever gratefull.
edit: running Windows XP on #2 PC, running Windows 2000 on #1 PC

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-16-2005, 04:16 PM
Found out why the switch wouldn't work, I will share the knowledge so others may learn from my suffering.....:)

Beginning in the end of May, Comcast started enforcing the one IP address limit on all accounts, unless you rent extra IP addresses each month or have a service that includes more than one. Many of you received letters to this effect (there are a good number of posts about this). What this means is if you do not purchase extra IP addresses and you have more than one system directly connected to your cable modem, only the first system to connect after your cable modem is power cycled will be able to obtain an IP address from Comcast.

Death Engineer
01-16-2005, 07:09 PM
This is why most folks are going to routers now rather than straight switches or hubs. The router allows multiple computers to use a single gateway (IP) to the internet.

Found out why the switch wouldn't work, I will share the knowledge so others may learn from my suffering.....:)

Beginning in the end of May, Comcast started enforcing the one IP address limit on all accounts, unless you rent extra IP addresses each month or have a service that includes more than one. Many of you received letters to this effect (there are a good number of posts about this). What this means is if you do not purchase extra IP addresses and you have more than one system directly connected to your cable modem, only the first system to connect after your cable modem is power cycled will be able to obtain an IP address from Comcast.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-16-2005, 11:57 PM
Yep, picked up another router today. Haven't hooked it up yet though.

Dangerous Dan
01-17-2005, 12:10 AM
my provider allows for 2 ip adresses without a router... :hmmm:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-17-2005, 12:31 AM
my provider allows for 2 ip adresses without a router... :hmmm:

mine used to :down: I didn't find out until my router died, and I tried to use a switch. :)