View Full Version : LANwar 25: How did it go?

01-16-2005, 11:58 PM
Pure, Unfo, and the rest of the gang...I'm guessing LANwar 25 just wrapped up for you all right about now...hopefully you all had a great weekend, and goddamn it...post some pics (preferably of Warhead being drunk...since they'd make some nice photoshop projects) of what you guys were up to! Hope you guys had a great time, and RL permitting, provided nothing catastrophic happens, hopefully I can join you for #26 (or whatever the next one is!) Woot!!! :thumbs:

01-17-2005, 01:05 AM
lan war was great:thumbs: i just got in 15 minutes ago and await the others to post so i know they got home safely. sucks they had to drive through bad weather. i will post some pics after i get settled.

01-17-2005, 02:02 AM
lan war was great:thumbs: i just got in 15 minutes ago and await the others to post so i know they got home safely. sucks they had to drive through bad weather. i will post some pics after i get settled.

i only died 3 time on the way home... :P

its so different reading your posts now biggs cuz i can picture you saying them...not sure if thats a good thing or not

01-17-2005, 02:19 AM
listen, you were only my date the first night so everything is back to normal:P

01-17-2005, 02:58 AM
I am home finally lol. Well i had a fu@kin blast lol. what can i say i am a crazy mofo and a mutha fokin pimp lol. it was all fun though i ended up loosing in the second round to the guy who won the 1 v 1 turny....which made me feel a little better about my play hehe. umm the strip bar was 1337 roxors lol. and them gurls omg them gurls....damn youngins. bigg is the craziest focker i have EVER met, along wit lash and goob. pure well pure is still my little bitch..(SORRY ABOUT THE JIMMYS I WILL TRY TO GET THEM BACK ROFL) damn women cant trust them to do anything right hehe. ummmm overall a great use of 100 bucks. thanks to all that helped me out money wise, pj, lash, goob, BIGG(STRIP BAR HEHE), pure, etc... was a long drive home tired as hell hehe. i will try to make ethier the next one or the one after woot. P.S. Smooths gurlfriend is a hottie damn lol!!!

He Is Legend
01-17-2005, 03:21 AM
I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics I Want Pics

01-17-2005, 09:34 AM
I just got home, after battling the torrential snow in West Virginia. ****, I love snow, but driving through it... not so much.

LANWar was great. I'm gonna put together a page with pics and ****, hopefully this week. It was worth the long drive.

To all the {DS} mofos I met: you're a great bunch of guys, glad I got to meet you, and hope to do so again. :thumbs:

01-17-2005, 10:23 AM
I just got home...15hrs... uhg... will post more from work.... screenies some other day :D

lanwar with your friends rules! :thumbs:

01-17-2005, 12:21 PM
OK Unfo, I'm never going to be your bitch.

But, mad promps for Unfo getting 3 bitches phone #'s........ without asking :eek: :jammin:

He is Teh [SMS]Pimp :cool:

01-17-2005, 01:39 PM
OK Unfo, I'm never going to be your bitch.

But, mad promps for Unfo getting 3 bitches phone #'s........ without asking :eek: :jammin:

He is Teh [SMS]Pimp :cool:


01-17-2005, 03:43 PM
I can not find words to describe it....it is an experience that you should not miss.....

01-17-2005, 03:50 PM
I can not find words to describe it....it is an experience that you should not miss.....
Amen to that!!!

Here you go Arwen, and he was sober....doesn't look that way though!!!