View Full Version : Thinking of

He Is Legend
01-17-2005, 08:59 AM
Getting my tounge peirced..

has anyone done this?..I know and heard its the most painfull peircing and can be fatal?..and you have to wash your mouth after every meal

i was also thinking of getting my eyebrows peirced also

if anyone knows about this let me know

01-17-2005, 09:57 AM
I heard your nipples where the worst. As for the tounge, I head if you drink soda or anything, that you have to wash your mouth out. Plus it chips your teeth and you chomp on it while eating, that I wouldn't like. I've thought about it. Whocares could probably tell ya more about it then I can. ;)

Black Rose
01-17-2005, 10:16 AM
well there are other zones which are more painful to pierce..female ones http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/angel_innocent.gif

01-17-2005, 12:05 PM
It's way too early in the morning for me to explaun the procedure to you. I will give you details and answer your questions when I get home tonight.

Die Hard
01-17-2005, 01:21 PM
Get a Prince Albert.....

Mr Clean
01-17-2005, 04:32 PM
Get a Prince Albert.....

And you will end up talking like Fat Albert...:P

Mr Clean
01-17-2005, 04:37 PM
Getting my tounge peirced..

has anyone done this?..I know and heard its the most painfull peircing and can be fatal?..and you have to wash your mouth after every meal

i was also thinking of getting my eyebrows peirced also

if anyone knows about this let me know

Personal expression is cool, and I realize people need to do their own thing and be their own person. Having said that I think it is a waste of time and money to be doing that stuff. To each his own...

There is always a chance of infection whenever you get a piercing, but if you go to a reputable place that has sterilized equipment you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

Asian Invasian
01-17-2005, 04:38 PM
Im soon going to get my lip peirced everyone says i look good with one so they want me to get one :S. My sisster has her toungue peirced she had to wash her mouth with listerine like everyone hour :P

01-17-2005, 04:39 PM
Im soon going to get my lip peirced everyone says i look good with one so they want me to get one :S. My sisster has her toungue peirced she had to wash her mouth with listerine like everyone hour :P
peircings are so noob, get a tatoo that says "Aisain Invasian" on your chest.

Asian Invasian
01-17-2005, 07:20 PM
LOL ya if i want no friends :P

01-17-2005, 07:29 PM
if you do get piercings, make sure no one with plyers gets mad at you.

He Is Legend
01-17-2005, 07:31 PM
if you do get piercings, make sure no one with plyers gets mad at you.

lol, my friend was actually threating to pull my earrings out with plyers (joking)...it was funny :p

Mr Clean
01-17-2005, 09:35 PM
That would not feel very good if someone used PLIERS on you like that...

01-17-2005, 10:03 PM
That would not feel very good if someone used PLIERS on you like that...

Thank God someone can spell it right! ;)

01-17-2005, 10:04 PM

I'll explain the Tounge piercing as best and as detailed as I can. I will probally jump all over the place explaining this to you but I hope it helps. If not please ask me any questions you may have.

Your tounge is a muscle as with other muscles it can and will swell and bruise. What you will feel if a slight prick with some pressure. All in all the tounge is fairly painless.

As Clean said please before you let someone jam a needle through your mouth seek out a PROFESSIONAL PIERCER!!! ONE THAT HAS A SHOP (not his/her living room) Make sure the the needle/ring/pliers and any other tools are sterile and in the package. Make sure they are using SINGLE USE Needles. Also make sure that the shop and Piercer is OSHA, local and State Certified. Meaning did he or she take a bloodborne Pathogen class/ a class on how to properly sterilze equipment and practice sterile procedures.

If you stick out your tounge and flip it up you will see 2 veins and a web looking piece of skin. The barbell will be inserted between the 2 viens and either in front of the web or off to the side (depends on the length of your tounge)

You will probally get a 14gague 7/8" barbell to start. This may seem too big but you can change it after the tounge heals (about 3-4 weeks)

After care is simple but will involve some work on your part. Before you deide to go and get the needle jammed into your tounge I wiould suggest that you eat a large meal because you will not be eating much for a week or so.

Your tounge will swell to 1.5 to 2.5 the size it is now. (some people don't swell) Every time you drink something besides water you will need to rinse your mouth out with Listerine. The same goes for anything you eat. For the first few days JELLO and Pudding will be your main source of food. I would advise that you DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL OF ANY KIND OR ENGAGE IN ANY SORT OF ORAL SEX FOR AT LEAST 4 WEEKS. No kissing no nothing. If you smoke or do any of the things I mentioned the chance of an infection is very high.

All in all the tounge is not all that painfull.
Again I am sorry if I jumped all over the place explaining and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions I will be happy to answer them for you.

Grimmy mentioned that the Male Nipple is painfull. YES IT IS!!! Women tend to have a higher tolerence of pain than that of a man. Male Genitals do not hurt till the next day. Women Genitals from my experience with doing piercings tend to heal very fast. Usually within a week or so.

To add to what Grimmy said. I tounge ring can and will do damage to your teeth. You are gonna wanna play with the thing. Why because it's there. You will find yourself biteing on it and rubbing it against your teeth which will over time wear away at them. Chipping the tooth is not as common but can happen. Please make sure the the Balls on the ring are tight enough so you do not swallow the ring.

01-17-2005, 10:14 PM
Damn cody wont be happy about that.

He Is Legend
01-18-2005, 12:32 AM
damn lol

that helps alot Whocares, i barly smoke or drink so i should be just fine

and EXE im sorry but no oral sex :(

01-18-2005, 01:29 AM
Please make sure the the Balls on the ring are tight enough so you do not swallow the ring.

Alright, does anyone else think that part needs to be in GI-NORMOUS letters at the beginning and end of that statement, and perhaps several times in between????

:P :P


01-18-2005, 10:20 AM
That would not feel very good if someone used PLIERS on you like that...

i was close, only u separates them.

01-18-2005, 11:27 PM
Get a Prince Albert.....
I'd rather have a Jacob's Ladder
10 times the pleasure of a PA :D

01-19-2005, 12:45 AM
I got curious as to what a "Prince Albert" was. Yikes I should've stayed curious! :eek:

01-19-2005, 01:47 AM
you should see a Jacob's Ladder and you will be scared for life :D

01-19-2005, 02:22 AM
I got curious as to what a "Prince Albert" was. Yikes I should've stayed curious! :eek:

OUCH, that is just plain wrong.

01-19-2005, 03:01 AM
I once watched a friend pierce his own nipple...that was fun. We worked at McDonalds, so he ganked one of those dumb pins that we wore (you know, the "All White Meat Nuggets" and whatnot). He pulled the button part off and just plain shoved the pin through his nipple. Word of advice...for some reason, the pin doesn't come out the other side nearly as easily as it went in the first...he ended up really jamming to get it through his nipple. I've never heard a guy cuss and scream like that. To this day, his nipple is really weird looking, and screwed up.

I wouldn't recommend self-nipple piercing.

Mr Clean
01-19-2005, 02:02 PM
i was close, only u separates them.

If Y is a vowel, which is not always the case :P

Mr Clean
01-19-2005, 02:13 PM
[QUOTE=BobtheCkroach] To this day, his nipple is really weird looking, and screwed up.


....Do I want to ask why you know this....No, nevermind, I don't...:P

Mr Clean
01-19-2005, 02:15 PM
Women Genitals from my experience with doing piercings tend to heal very fast. Usually within a week or so.

I need to hang out with Who more....

01-19-2005, 10:37 PM
I need to hang out with Who more....

I have sent women out of the shop for well not being so clean :)

01-20-2005, 04:55 AM
damn it, i had to find out what the prince albert thing was,
and then i learned such words as Ampallang, Apadravya, Guiche & Hafada
any volunteers? :D

He Is Legend
01-20-2005, 05:05 AM
damn it, i had to find out what the prince albert thing was,
and then i learned such words as Ampallang, Apadravya, Guiche & Hafada
any volunteers? :D

A very hurtfull process

01-20-2005, 07:16 AM
If Y is a vowel, which is not always the case :P

on the keyboard.

01-20-2005, 08:00 PM
I had my tongue pierced, I could only stand it for about 9 months before I took it out. It was swollen, very swollen for a good week. Has a horrible lisp while it was swollen too, pretty embarassing! Ice was my food of choice for that week. Spaghettios, I could not eat while my tongue was pierced, they would get wrapped around the barbell and that was gross feeling! I chipped one of my teeth pretty good, while messing with it. I think it's annoying to see people who are constantly messing with it in their mouth. The bottom side of the barbell got tartar on it like teeth do, I took it out to clean it really good and had a heck of a time getting that darn ball screwed back on. All in all, not my favorite experience. Eyebrow, eh, those are ok... I personally like nose rings, but that's just me... Lip rings are right up there on the annoying scale with tongue rings because I get tired of seeing someone sticking their tongue out and messing with it... :down: