View Full Version : LANWar 26! April 02/03, 2005

01-18-2005, 06:00 AM
That's right, there's only 74 days left until LANWar 26!! Registration opens at 10:00 PM on February 18th. So, you've got a month to decide if you want to take part in teh 1337 this time around.

I know some said that LANWar 25 was going to be the last one they would be able to do for a while - but how about everyone else? If we're gonna have a decent turnout, we need to start pimping this NOW. :D

I'm tentatively planning on going. The trip is a bitch, but I'm gonna buy some books on CD to pass the time, and hopefully there won't be any snowstorms I have to drive through next time.

01-18-2005, 02:27 PM
I know that my crew will be there again like always. I'd definetly love to see some of you all return.

01-19-2005, 10:10 AM
I got to build me one of those frag boxes so I can fly next time. Although, without the snow...

Mr Clean
01-19-2005, 02:39 PM
Where is it?

01-19-2005, 03:15 PM
I got to build me one of those frag boxes so I can fly next time. Although, without the snow...
I wouldn't even know where to start with one of those. What's in it? Just a hard drive, a processor, some memory, and a video and sound card? There can't be much room for equipment in there... I understand the appeal, though - I just don't know if I'd be willing to part with my gaming rig for a LAN competition.

Where is it?
LANWar and Million Man LAN are held in Louisville, KY, USA. Details are at http://www.lanwar.com/.

01-19-2005, 03:33 PM
I wouldn't even know where to start with one of those. What's in it? Just a hard drive, a processor, some memory, and a video and sound card? There can't be much room for equipment in there... I understand the appeal, though - I just don't know if I'd be willing to part with my gaming rig for a LAN competition.

LANWar and Million Man LAN are held in Louisville, KY, USA. Details are at http://www.lanwar.com/.

My rig Biostar case, mobo, & ps (http://www.biostar-usa.com/ideqdetails.asp?model=ideq+200v)
I have a AMD 2500 Barton CPU
40 gig HD
512 ram
G-force 5600 card
cdr/dvd combo drive
floppy drive

Keep in mind, this was built 14 months ago.

The hard drive is small by choice.

Some people will say the PS is too small, but as long as you're not running monster vid card, it's fine. It's not the size of the PS, it's the quality. Also, heat's never a issue, the venting on this rig is awesome, my rig runs at about 110 degrees F after about 6 hours of use.

Smooth also uses a similar rig and as most of you know, it doesn't hamper his mojo in-game.

You can buy better kits too, but this is what I can afford. What I like is it doesn't waste space and runs smoothly.

01-19-2005, 05:21 PM
Thanks for linking that, Pure - it looks relatively inexpensive to get one of those systems. I'm not in good financial position to get one right now, but I'll definitely look into it in the future - would be nice if I could just fly to Louisville. The problem is I still wouldn't have a monitor... but still, might be nice to have in the event that someone driving could bring a spare monitor.

01-19-2005, 05:32 PM
It also makes a nice pillow for that long ride a Maq :D

My rig Biostar case, mobo, & ps (http://www.biostar-usa.com/ideqdetails.asp?model=ideq+200v)
I have a AMD 2500 Barton CPU
40 gig HD
512 ram
G-force 5600 card
cdr/dvd combo drive
floppy drive

Keep in mind, this was built 14 months ago.

The hard drive is small by choice.

Some people will say the PS is too small, but as long as you're not running monster vid card, it's fine. It's not the size of the PS, it's the quality. Also, heat's never a issue, the venting on this rig is awesome, my rig runs at about 110 degrees F after about 6 hours of use.

Smooth also uses a similar rig and as most of you know, it doesn't hamper his mojo in-game.

You can buy better kits too, but this is what I can afford. What I like is it doesn't waste space and runs smoothly.

01-19-2005, 06:50 PM
I use a Shuttle PC. http://www.shuttle.com/

It's not just my "frag box" tho. It's my ONLY box besides my big heavy server. I go to almost one lan per month, and go to my buddies house occasionally for some lan play. ESPECIALLY back in the 2K3 days. I got tired of carrying around a big heavy ATX case tho. :/

If you travel a lot with your PC, or just hate carrying around a heavy box, or just want something that takes up less space, I can't tell you enough to get you one of these Micro PC's. It's quite possibly one of the smartest PC related things I have ever purchased.

01-19-2005, 07:48 PM
Thanks for the link, Smooth. This is all just food for thought for me, at this point. I've got other things begging for my money right now besides a fourth rig. Sure would be nice, though... :)

01-19-2005, 11:31 PM
shuttle will be releasing an sli small factor box so if you wait just a little, that may be the best option.

01-20-2005, 04:39 AM
Thanks for linking that, Pure - it looks relatively inexpensive to get one of those systems. I'm not in good financial position to get one right now, but I'll definitely look into it in the future - would be nice if I could just fly to Louisville. The problem is I still wouldn't have a monitor... but still, might be nice to have in the event that someone driving could bring a spare monitor.

yeah warhead your rig was massive lol

01-20-2005, 12:43 PM
yeah warhead your rig was massive lol
:hmmm: I don't remember those 2 sharing a room :dunno: :eek:

I guess congratulations to Warhead :D

01-20-2005, 01:05 PM
ROFLMAO They dont call him Warhead for nothing :D

:hmmm: I don't remember those 2 sharing a room

I guess congratulations to Warhead

01-20-2005, 02:25 PM
ROFLMAO They dont call him Warhead for nothing :D
You're not kidding. :D


01-22-2005, 02:54 AM
:hmmm: I don't remember those 2 sharing a room :dunno: :eek:

I guess congratulations to Warhead :D

Uh, did I miss something while I was sleeping?

01-22-2005, 04:30 AM
Uh, did I miss something while I was sleeping?

no...we included you...did you know you were a REALLY heavy sleeper?

01-26-2005, 05:07 PM
Alright, right now we've got myself, Kishra, pit`, and Variance in the "for sure" category from SMS. S3Y3N is a maybe (again). Variance's roommate is also going (for whatever that's worth).

Do any {DS} guys think they're gonna make this one? Not that there's a rush just yet - registration doesn't open for another few weeks. :P

02-16-2005, 08:04 PM
Another few weeks has passed. Registration opens this Friday! :D

02-16-2005, 08:06 PM
We'll be sitting in Section 1 Row 6 like usual. Hope to see lots there!

02-19-2005, 08:49 AM
I've reserved Section 2, Row 25, Seat 12 for myself. I've reserved Seats 11 and 13 (one on either side of me) for other SMSers going to this one.I've committed myself to going, so even if I'm the sole SMS rep there, I'll be there. I don't know if any {DS} are planning on going to this one.

03-11-2005, 04:49 PM
So, is it safe to assume that no {DS} guys will be going to this LANWar in April? Come on - you know you want to. :)

03-11-2005, 06:03 PM
If you joined, that would make 1 :D

04-01-2005, 12:19 PM
Alright, I'm off to Louisville. I'll try to take pictures again, and at the very least I should have screenshots and demos of me pwning and getting teh pwnted. It won't be the same without you fellas around, but I'll just try to make do with pit`. :P Be back Monday! :D

04-01-2005, 12:48 PM
have fun man! wish I was going but bad timing. I am going to NY :) hope you are too
good luck in the tourney

04-01-2005, 01:08 PM
Good luck brother :thumbs: Drop a dollar at God Fathers for me. :D

04-01-2005, 01:24 PM
Good luck and kick some booty man!!

04-01-2005, 03:19 PM
I won't be leaving until I get off wotk at 5ish.. but its definetly a small crew this time. Stale won't be able to make it down either.

Still gonna try to have some fun and do well in the tourney. I really wish you all could make MML. 1500 people :(

04-03-2005, 11:35 PM
Well, I took 3rd (again), Smooth took 2nd (again), and Elian from clan [Gz] took 1st. Eli_Somera bailed, fortunately for me. :) pit` took 4th. This LANWar was smaller than the last one - only a third of Section 2 was filled, but apparently that was intentional. In the empty space they rented an inflatable jousting court, like something out of American Gladiators. I took a couple of pics, and I'll get them hosted after I get back home. All in all, pretty enjoyable.

MML registration should be opening soon, if anyone's interested. I plan on going to MML, and I think pit` wants to as well -- hopefully some guys from here will make the trip as well. :)

04-03-2005, 11:59 PM
Cool glad you had a safe trip :) look forward to seeing the pic's

04-04-2005, 12:07 AM
A++ BABY! :thumbs: :D

04-04-2005, 12:31 AM
Congrats on the 3rd place man.....Wanna see some pictures!!!

04-04-2005, 02:33 AM
Well done Warhead! As others said, I can't wait to see pictures!

04-04-2005, 04:29 PM
hehe.. me and WarHead have got 2nd and 3rd on lock down. This time tho, I didn't get a chance to actually play WarHead. I played pit` in the semi's, and then Elian in the finals.

He ran me pretty bad on Ironic. But when I spawned at shock on Roughinery, I knew I had a chance since that's his main weapon. I grabbed shock, grabbed the vials, and headed over to the LG area. boom.. headshot :|

So then I respawn and grab flak, jump down to 100 area and boom.. goo blob. :|

Then my game minimizes on me, and he doesnt realize, so its 3-0 :|

After that I really didn't try as hard as I should have hehe.

Was a pretty fun event, but Im pumped about MML. I DEFINETLY won't be getting second there. Heck.. if I get top 10 I'd be shocked. I look forward to hanging with all the guys tho. Will be fun. You all need to come. If you aren't coming, it's because you've never been to an MML. Everything I do gets put on hold so I can go to this one event. It's so awesome.

on a side note.. Ill be playing (and winning due to extreme lack of competition) another 1v1 tourney at AsylumLAN in two weeks.


Die Hard
04-06-2005, 01:19 PM
Sounds like a hoot. Any pics yet?