View Full Version : No screenie

01-20-2005, 08:45 PM
I still dont know how to post those damn screenies :bawling: so I have to write about my games instead :D
It was me against almost the whole Overlords clan (at least 5 of them) and some other guys at fortress today.It was on the overlords server and I beat them all.Think I got 35 and the second guy came in with 25 or something :thumbs:
Really wanted to get screenie,but,but......I will learn one day ;)

01-20-2005, 10:10 PM
Du kan pröva "Print Screen" (ovanför "Insert" på tangentbordet). Sedan klistrar du in bilden i Paint och sparar som JPG i lagom storlek. Kom ihåg att du bara kan ta ett skärmskott isåfall...

Die Hard
01-20-2005, 11:00 PM
Well done Andy. Getting the screenie is so easy, i'm sure you will work it out soon?