View Full Version : A Note of the E. Coli Virus

01-22-2005, 11:32 AM
In studying **** about a infection I have in my chin, that the cure is what Im allergic to(Theres other crap out there), the infection is called Anerobes, and it causes swelling within the skin, and bad aching pain, internal pain, it is released when A PERMENANT TOOTH is knocked loose at least, as it works like E. Coli virus, killing blood cells, its only real affective cure is Penicillen, or how the hell it is, Im allergic to that...

I just found out that the Anerobes Oral Infection, and E. Coli Infections are related to another, so if you have Anerobes, dont think its not Ecoli, cause actually, it is, just a note to you all, if you know what Ecoli is, and dont know what Anerobes is, they both can cause death, as they work the same...

Dont worry, I wont die, cause Ill know when I get Anerobes...

Anerobes IS NOT ANAEROBES, so you know...

Thanks, FlameRush...

01-22-2005, 11:32 AM
Note: If you have Anerobes, then you Have Ecoli, get that **** treated QUICKLY

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-22-2005, 12:58 PM
I wonder if it causes brain damage. :)

01-22-2005, 06:00 PM
Yes, when not treated quickly enough.... especially since "Penicillen" is the only cure....

Mr Clean
01-22-2005, 06:16 PM
I wonder if it causes brain damage. :)


01-22-2005, 08:50 PM
Yes, when not treated quickly enough.... especially since "Penicillen" is the only cure....
Theres OTHER medicines out there that doesnt work as good as the stuff Im allergic to, Im also glad it is too, cause Id be either dead, or jawless...

It may cause brain damage, but Anerobes and Ecoli is not funny infections...

They both kill blood cells, and form a nasty yellow **** up which that causes the swelling, if there was no other cure then the one I was allergic to, they may had to do surgery on my chin...

The yellow stuff is the infection, its like pus, but like the stuff you hock out of your loogies with the flu, theres its not as nasty, THOUGH, Anerobes does not work like ades, or anything like it, it can only infect with infected stuff...

Cause if it ran through the blood, then human would nearly be extinct...

01-22-2005, 08:55 PM
im so grossed out, and confused, what's ades, and why would we be extinct?

01-22-2005, 08:57 PM
lol, exe, you can't actually ask questions and have conversations with an insane person.... :wacko:

01-22-2005, 09:00 PM
oh, so we should just ley him be...

01-22-2005, 09:00 PM

01-22-2005, 09:16 PM
Its just a note, Im not insane, although I have had the Anerobes infection in my chin before, the signs are hard, its some of the worst pain, but be glad it hurts the same any year old you old...

01-22-2005, 09:53 PM
lol, flame, you should post more often. it acts like a warning as to what can happen when people do not get those unusual rashes or bumps looked at....

01-22-2005, 09:58 PM