View Full Version : Get this quick before they charge!!!

Caged Anger
01-22-2005, 09:55 PM
hey guys!!!! You gotta check this bad thing out. It has the possibility to put any major, minor, whatever phone company out of business perminantly. The greatest part is that its free guys, the magic word that makes your eyes spin.

Its called the Skype Internet Phone Service. It provides world wide support for voice calls via the skype network. It has perfect encryption and doesn't cost unless you want to call regular phones. As long as you and the person you want to talk to both have a computer and the 5.6 meg skype free download, you can talk. No charges, great sound quality, and world wide connection. So now we can not only type to one another, we can talk...lol

LET IT BE KNOWN! This info came straight from Kill Me who found it and says that the phone companies over there are getting very nervous about this!!!


01-22-2005, 09:59 PM
yeah, voip is the next big thing.... or so a lot of people hope. you should have cable for best results. as for me, i don't use LD except on cell, and with my wife, both combined never use up our 400 minutes

Caged Anger
01-22-2005, 10:02 PM
land lines will always serve their purpose because what happens when the power goes out Jim? lol, many in florida found out the benefit to having their land lines because their net service was out for weeks. I do agree though, voip is cheaper, easier, and growing in popularity

01-22-2005, 10:14 PM
uh, you may have misread my statement. i am not advocating it, but a lot of people that have a lot of LD usage will find it useful. i just don't fall in that category, and find the combination of local service and cell phone to be all i need.

01-22-2005, 11:26 PM
i have heard of it but not sure what it is. let me ask, if this is what it does. you can install this program and it will allow you to make phone calls for free? do you have to setup an account along with giving personal information?

i find it hard to believe that anything is free today so can someone explain how they do this:confused: ?

01-23-2005, 12:12 AM
It's the same thing as using audio chat in a program like msn or yahoo messenger. If two people have it on their computer they can 'call' each other for free, of course you have to own a headset or a mic.
The one thing people get confused most about is thinking you can use it to call housephones, which you can't do. It is all through the internet. I used to use it, but msn has the same feature and for some reason I get less lag with it.

Caged Anger
01-23-2005, 12:54 AM
I wasn't seeing it quite like that...hmm, and here i got all excited for nothin. However, for a small fee, the skype service can be extended to include land line phone numbers too.

01-23-2005, 01:24 AM
the basic service is free, has been for years in various formats. the addons add cost. so you can do software only, and then there is being able to call phone numbers, and then having your own phone number, and hardware-wise having a router that directly does voip to a wireless device that acts as a cellphone when it is not in range of the router. so this will be an interesting technology to see.