View Full Version : Well, thank you God... thank you so BLOODY much!!

Alexis SC430
01-23-2005, 09:52 AM
...This week on "Lame Days of Our Lives" starring Alexis SC430...

Well, to add injury to insult my ATA Card breathed its last (lucky bastard) just as we started to get the DSL working again. Since my motherboard was built during the latter half of the Truman administration it cannot support hard drives larger than 137 GB like the one my boot partition is on without an ATA card (well, it sorta can, but it leads to severe tooth-grinding problems).

I do have a 120 GB hard drive I can reload Windows on, however I apparantly neglected to make some sacrifice to some dark, forgotten god/dess and so as punishment s/he hid my WinXP CD.

To top it off, this rabbit I've been trying to kill for ruining my garden managed to suspend an anvil by a rope over the front door and dropped it on me earlier this morning -- my head is killing me and I can't remember where I put the hollowed out carrot with the stick of TNT in it (I'm sure it'll turn up).

As a result, I have been offline the past several days, but hope to be back later today. However, if any of you have been wondering where I've been the past week or so that's where.

(BTW, anyone know where I can get more TNT cheap? I checked eBay, but came up with zip.)

Die Hard
01-23-2005, 12:34 PM
Best place for TNT is at a Quarry or Open Cast Mine. Wear dark clothing and go there at night with a good pair of wire cutters.

BTW missed you too......

01-23-2005, 03:49 PM
Best place for TNT is at Quarry or open cast mine. Wear dark clothing and go there at night with a good pair of wire cutters.

BTW missed you too......
it worked for me
Hi alexis :wave:
still waiting for you to call :angel:

Asian Invasian
01-23-2005, 04:54 PM
welcome back ;)

Alexis SC430
01-24-2005, 06:30 AM
AI... a MERC... :eek:

Congrats! :D This is the first I've heard (i.e. seen your signature) of it.

01-24-2005, 01:26 PM
Long time no see alexis. :P

Asian Invasian
01-24-2005, 01:36 PM
AI... a MERC... :eek:

Congrats! :D This is the first I've heard (i.e. seen your signature) of it.I told you i was going to remmeber? :)

and thanks :D

01-25-2005, 12:01 AM
hi alexis and everyone else. whoa is been a long time since I post here.:o I been off gaming for a while now. I dont really got nothing to said lol

01-25-2005, 03:30 AM
hi alexis and everyone else. whoa is been a long time since I post here.:o I been off gaming for a while now. I dont really got nothing to said lol
howabout that AOX pwnz :P