View Full Version : HL2 Mods

01-24-2005, 11:09 PM
Anyone know any mods that look and seem good and/or mods that are good and have came out? I have been bored with HL2 for a month now and I don't like HL2 DM. CS:S is starting to lose my interest. I will post some mods I know of. If you guys are wondering why what I am going to post almost the exact same thing as a thread in steampowered forums is because I made it. So don't worry that I plagurised(sp?). Most of them aren't complete yet though. I can't wait for some full conversion mods.

Here is a good site with a list of some mods: Half Life 2 Net Mod List (http://www.halflife2.net/index.php?page=mods)

Renegade X: The Dead 6: http://www.renevo.com/d6/
Completed?: No

"Renegade X: The Dead 6 is not only an expansion on the story of the Dead 6, but is also an expansion on the C&C universe, brought to you only how game fans can. With the playability of C&C Renegade bundled with a brand new game engine (Source Engine) it is sure to appeal to your eyes, ears, and adrenaline.
Some of the game modes include:
Single Player Campaign
Team Deathmatch
Capture The Flag
This wouldn't be a true expansion if we didn't allow users to make their own maps and mods would it? You will be able to create your own models/maps in 3DS Max and then import them into your map/mod. Also the Hammer WorldCraft Editor will be used in conjuction with the other tools.
Since this is an expansion it will bring new features that the original C&C Renegade didn't offer you, such as:
Updated Engine. (Using Source game engine)
New and improved characters.
New beefier and high detailed weapons.
New age vehicles that will spawn a new era in C&C Renegade vehicles.
Detailed buildings that will really open your eyes to the possibilities of the Source engine.
Highly skilled level development by some of the top designers in the community.
New GUI that will really make you want to load up the Expansion, just to see the graphics.
All of the great things you loved from C&C Renegade and none of the things you didn't!
You can expect to see some custom applications bundled in with the expansion"

Infiltration: http://infiltration.sentrystudios.net/
Completed?: No

"What is Infiltration?
Infiltration is an immersion into realism, driven by intense military combat, in a squad-based, mission-oriented shooter. Each of those missions brings the distinctive taste of multifaceted warfare in any environment you can imagine.
You will choose your gear prior to the mission, based on the kind of soldier you want to be. Decide from a cache of modern-day weapons, keeping in mind the size and weight of the equipment and how much you can carry. Each mission will allow you to become a unique soldier, based on the equipment and skill you contribute to the tasks at hand.
The different venues you will be called into won't have weapons and ammunition lying about. You must bring in what you can carry, and salvage what you need from comrades or the enemy.
We give you the tools to do the job. How you do it is up to you. Take the skills you learn in one battle to help you with future missions and objectives. If you become a talented sniper, it's because you develop the skill to use the weapon and tactics properly and effectively.
Keep in mind that these bullets are for real. One well placed shot, and you are out! Use common sense, pay attention to detail, and watch your buddy's back. The essence of teamwork separates the winners from the dead.
Take your missions seriously, and move with diligence. Running around aimlessly will only put your team, and the entire mission, at risk. Play it smart, and you might come out of this alive.
-INF Team "

Black Mesa: Source: Black Mesa: Source Forums (http://forum.leakfree.org/viewforum.php?f=33)
Complete?: No
"Black Mesa:Source is a Half-Life 2 modification intent upon recreating Half-Life 1 on the Source Engine. Now before you all flame back saying 'It's already been done: Half-Life: Source Fool!', let me just say that we fully understand and know that Half-Life: Source is an actual game out there with Half-Life 1 on the Half-Life 2 engine. But we're not here to give you another Half-Life: Source, we're here to give you something far more impressive: Black Mesa: Source. We are not a group of the most talented people in the development industry, but what we are is a group of dedicated and die-hard fans of Half-Life 1 that want to see it shine on Source. We plan to do this in many ways:

--Reconstructing levels based upon the originals in order to bring you the same facility with a new look and feel.
--Complete redo of the Half-Life 1 enemies, allies and weapons in order to give you an immersive and impressive experience unlike any other before or after it.
--Completely re-worked textures with bump & normal mapping along with new 'texture baking' techniques to make the walls and other brushes "come-alive".
--Compiling new ambient sounds including radio chatter, gunfire, explosions and other dynamic sounds critical to the Half-Life 1 experience.
--Enhance the Marine and Enemy AI to make them more fierce and as impressive as they were to audiences in 1998.
--Working diligently in order to effectively tie the Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2 storylines together without altering the fabric that made Half-Life 1 so great.
--Enhancing many other aspects of Half-Life that were just simply impossible on the 1998 Engine.
Just as Valve said "a community remake of Half-Life 1 is not only possible, it's inevitable". Official development will begin on January 1st, 2005 with a rock solid and dedicated team of level designers, modelers, texture artists, conceptual artists and coders ready to give the Black Mesa Research Facility the 'Trading Spaces' make-over it deserves. At this time we are not actively seeking any positions to be filled (as we almost have a full-roster as it is), but in the future we will be requiring the need of a character and weapons animator. We would however like to hear your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, and suggestions to Black Mesa: Source, the Half-Life 1 remake on the Source Engine. You can express your ideas, comments and suggestions here in this thread if you wish, but we would much rather you communicate with us over at our forums. At this time our website is under development and will be launched in a few days."

Substance: No official site yet, d/l site is http://halflife2.filefront.com/file/HalfLife_2_Substance_V041_Full_Install;36325
Complete?: Yes
"HLČ: SUBSTANCE is a single player campaign remix, developed for those HLČ veterans who found the original game either too short or easy, and now ask for more. The levels contain now much more action and challenges - in shortly, no one plays as before. HL2S features a much more Duke3D-like approach to gameplay, as I myself am a great fan of intensive action. The difficulty is higher and requires Nova Prospekt-like skills since the very start. You'll never fight alone, otherwise in the never-ending battle that'll enrage on your screen you'd be in real trouble; keep your rebel/alien friends closer than ever. Gore is also maxed to satisfy your bloodlust. Expect some changes in the HL2 world, don't be surprised if now City17 is not safe at all and the rebellion didn't wait for you to break through. To further personalize your new passage through the game, both a skinpack and a soundpack are included. Welcome to the real substance, what the action is made of!"

JB Mod: http://jbmod.hl2world.com/
Complete?: Yes
Description: "JBMod focuses on the welding gun and sticky launcher that were not implemented in the release of HL2 Single Player or Death Match. The mod allows you to weld items together, and create virtually anything you desire.
JBMod was one of the first mods released for Half-Life 2, and the first to implement the welding gun (physgun). Although there hasn't been an update since December, the mod team is actively working on it to make 0.6 the best release yet.
JBMod 0.6 will consist of lots of new features, new models, new weapons, and much more. "