View Full Version : Who plays Half Life 2..

Die Hard
01-25-2005, 09:28 AM
...and Counter strike?

I have this game now and would like to get some pointers :thumbs:

01-25-2005, 09:32 PM
Yeah I do, already beated HL2, playing CS:S. HL2 isn't too difficult, the only advice I can give you for that is try to conserve your ammo because it might run out fast. Use the pistol if possible, I find it effective yet it has a lot of ammo. For CS:S, shoot in short burst and duck when you shoot. A good weapon for the Terrorist is the AK-47, and for the Counter-Terrorist the M4 is good. I like to have it silenced.

01-26-2005, 01:23 AM
This is where i come in :D

Counter-Strike Tips
1)Walk when you think the enemy might be close. Walking makes no sound, and also it improves your aim a little.

2)When in a firefight, crouch, it reduces recoil, making your shots more accurate. Also aim for the head or mid section for maximum damage.

3)Think like the enemy. This game isn't only about running and gunning, use your brains to outsmart your enemies and you will do a lot better.

4)Make use of your surroundings. Use boxes for cover and walls, always have a safe place to reload or call for backup.

5)Shoot objects, bullets can penetrate some objects, and if there is an enemy behind it, the bullet will penetrate and hit home, injuring them.

6)If an enemy retreats, find cover, but shoot at where he was, this will keep them at bay long enough for you to get away most of the time.

7)Use grenades, flashbang areas where the opposing force might be hiding. Use smoke for cover, or for a shield when under fire, this will block you from sight and give you time to get away. Use explosive grenades when an enemy takes cover, throw it where he took cover. When someone takes cover it usually means they are near death.

8)Use the switch to previous button key, this will come in handy when there is no time to reload.
when awping, a good move to see over boxes instead of jumping is to quick crouch(just press the crouch button quickly, ittll et u see over the box by a bit).

9)When spraying, aim low.

10)Always shoot in bursts of two or three with the AK, and watch where your bullets hit and try to correct your aim as you spray if indeed you are spraying your bullets.

11)When using deagle, dont go full out like click click click, you know. Aim fire, take a second, aim, fire. It works like a charm.


Hope they are useful to ya matey!! :thumbs:

Die Hard
01-26-2005, 10:42 AM
Thanks guys, some really useful stuff there :thumbs: