View Full Version : help with mapoptions

01-26-2005, 09:24 PM
Ok, have been fooling around changed some things and suddenly this happens.
i am in a map and want to open the next one by double click, but instead of opening the map it starts a search screen.

Doing a rightclick on the map i have a search option on the first spot (zoeken) instead of open.

Where or how do i switch that back????

Death Engineer
01-27-2005, 12:05 AM
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about. If you're talking about the context menu (when you right click, what you get is a context menu if one is available), then you probably installed something that added a search to the conects menu of Explorer. Heck, windows may do that with SP2.

Still not sure if that's what you're asking though.

Caged Anger
01-27-2005, 01:12 AM
um, uninstall then reinstall? lol, thats what i do every time i mess up my SSSE options

01-27-2005, 07:13 AM
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about. If you're talking about the context menu (when you right click, what you get is a context menu if one is available), then you probably installed something that added a search to the conects menu of Explorer. Heck, windows may do that with SP2.

Still not sure if that's what you're asking though.
Put in two other screenies.

in the first one:
clicking the file button >> open file on the first spot.
the search (=zoeken..) option is on the third spot.

in the second screenie:
clicking the file button >> search.. (=zoeken..) is on the first spot

Question: how can you change that file menu (add,del or move lines).


01-27-2005, 08:11 AM
i am confused but would like to help you. i guess the not understanding the language is a problem so i cant read the menus. i am not sure what you are asking but is it the view your having a problem with?

ok after rereading your second post i think i understand your dilemna. i just need to ask what have you installed lately? was it a powertoys program?

01-27-2005, 09:56 AM
i am confused but would like to help you. i guess the not understanding the language is a problem so i cant read the menus. i am not sure what you are asking but is it the view your having a problem with?

ok after rereading your second post i think i understand your dilemna. i just need to ask what have you installed lately? was it a powertoys program?
first i downloaded the xptweakguide from the tweakcompany pdf file.
started to read and downloaded some programs.

Enrunt >> is a register backup program used it
Everest151 >> sort of sisoftsandra program used it

nothing strange happened.

then cacheman550 didnot use it and TweakUiPowertoysetup didnot use it.

following the guide i changed some items in the mapotions, but forgot to record the old settings, think something went wrong there.


01-27-2005, 02:55 PM
i think i found it, will try it when i get home.

have to change file-extension settings (third tab) in the mapoptions menu.

thx for the trouble :D