View Full Version : lash

01-28-2005, 07:03 PM
i know it is frustrating and yes i was pissed those 2 games also but we have to realize this is why many of the talented players do not play this game. due to the weak netcode and people cheating the ini file to grab more bandwidth then the others, it makes it impossible to compete and really play at times. again, this is why sam is dead. now it is inexcusable along with bad sportsmanship to do what (i wont mention anyones names) they were doing and just leaving the game is probably the best thing to do. i guess this is why i moved to playing ut more and more because of this. all i can say is there is no way to proving it unless you are at the persons computer to see the ini files but one thing to keep in mind is that although it is obvious that one had edited the netcode, any individual who needs to do that really isnt winning anything. regardless of attitudes, that is another thing one must expect from people that barely have hair on their balls. this is what has pushed people away from this game which hurts the game in it self because the lack of competition and sportsmanship. i guess people just feel the need to bother others and do these sort of things. i know that i always play straight up with everyone and when i win, i know i won fair. i do not use hacks or tricks either in a game because i find that its boring not to give others a chance so i have competition.

so ignore these kinds of players and just remember a player who plays well and is a good sport will always get respect regardless if anyone says gg.:thumbs:

01-28-2005, 07:21 PM
i agree 100%

Dangerous Dan
01-28-2005, 09:53 PM
i didn't know anyone actually used serious sam exploits, how often does this happen? :(

i've never noticed actually, usually i just play the game and don't ask questions when i die, but now maybe i'll be more observant :paraniod:

01-28-2005, 10:02 PM
so exactly how does one edit a config file to override the server side max bandwidth settings? I think you are just making stuff up to justify your loss....

01-28-2005, 10:15 PM
I think there are cheats, but nobody is invincible!

Can you be certain someone cheated? I don't understand.. Is there really any proof? I often think I am playing against a cheater, but Sam is so choppy it's hard to tell. Sometimes a rocket is shot in my face and I leave without a stratch... I call them lagg saves! The one thing lagg is good for! Plus speed strafing can be insane sometimes.

Who knows.. I'd be willing to believe there are cheaters.

Free Styler
01-28-2005, 11:18 PM
i dont want to give the heads up but looking at the finals sstourny demos from a certain point of view there are numerous and obvious cheats.Watch carefully and youl know what i mean.btw its not me.

hints cough * * rockets splahes dont do any effect.Never loosing energy while in the air.A couple others but ill let you find them.

I've seen demos of me yes you heard right 3 sniper shots and one close up shut gun shot and the guy was not dead.Outlaw server a few months ago .Id like to have that body armor of his.

it was the most ridiculous thing that ever happend to me.

i actully remember that time here were my thoughts threw the none kill.
btw it was in hole

1st sniper shot ...Me thinks(the sucker has armor bastered.)
2d sniper shot...Me thinks(hum...strange it might be luck and he has 1 left.)
3rd sniper shot...Me thinks(god damit are you going to die mothafukker)
4 th close up very powerfull shot gun shot Me thinks(ok...im outta here)
Those were defenetly not lag killls btw.

01-28-2005, 11:48 PM
I don't even watch demos anymore.. They bore me.

I often wonder what it would look like in a demo when a lagg spike happens and I avoid getting killed.. Anyone else get that? A rocket hits you dead on and a spike comes and suddenly your still alive five steps foward. lol

He Is Legend
01-28-2005, 11:57 PM
hey its more competition for me

Black Rose
01-28-2005, 11:58 PM
every game has hacks and cheats... so I think there must be some in sam also.
Just found at the sas forum a section about aimbot and several threads about aimbot chat, users and so on.

Dunno how that works, but if someone needs it to win.... thatīs sad.

01-29-2005, 12:02 AM
so exactly how does one edit a config file to override the server side max bandwidth settings? I think you are just making stuff up to justify your loss....

i wont say how to do it but there is away to change settings on the bandwidth which will cause lag for others and make it hard to kill people with multiple double shotgun shots or make you feel as if you are moving in slow motion which both were in this case. as far as server goes and it's config, it actually works against the server because others will not be able to get clean play.

regardless... the point i am trying or was trying to make is because of some along with the problems with the netcode as is, many talented people do not play anymore or if they do play they use an alias because they just don't feel like conversating with all the bs that goes on. i guess at this point i don't blame them. it is extremely rare that you will get players that are good sportsmen, show great talent, and say gg regardless if they win or lose. it just doesnt happend that much anymore which is sad.

01-29-2005, 12:02 AM
every game has hacks and cheats... so I think there must be some in sam also.
Just found at the sas forum a section about aimbot and several threads about aimbot chat, users and so on.

Dunno how that works, but if someone needs it to win.... thatīs sad.an aimbot.. hahahah Pathetic! *goes to Sas forums! :P

I've never seen anyone good enough to be using an aimbot that I can think of.

01-29-2005, 12:05 AM
every game has hacks and cheats... so I think there must be some in sam also.
Just found at the sas forum a section about aimbot and several threads about aimbot chat, users and so on.

Dunno how that works, but if someone needs it to win.... thatīs sad.

yes, and that is another point i tried addressing. people who have to cheat know themself they are not a winner. i would rather be a loser then a cheater anyday. sometimes i think that people who do this only care about pissing people off until they piss off the wrong person. i myself have just left games where i see an unfair advantage.

Free Styler
01-29-2005, 03:40 AM
I don't even watch demos anymore.. They bore me.

I often wonder what it would look like in a demo when a lagg spike happens and I avoid getting killed.. Anyone else get that? A rocket hits you dead on and a spike comes and suddenly your still alive five steps foward. lol

Btw i rarely look at demos myself but...i was taking a couple for a while cause i wanted to do a movie wich i probably wont.I did make a damn cool song for it tho.
but anyways.

That one time where i say the guy had takin 3 sniper shots and a shut gun i had taken a demo For the movie i was suppose to make and decided to watch it to make shure i was not missjudjing and to awnser your question no i was not . It had been a spot on shots.

During 4 days i did a couple of demo footage i missed my biggest killing spree ever with a sniper.It would of been so damn nice in a movie.I wanted to kill myself for not haven takin that demo.Yodeller 15 frags up.I zoom and do 21 frags in a row i could not beileive it.every shot was a go im not kidding.
I had a adrenaline rush like the old days when doing that.Damn it felt good.
Aaaaaahhhhh.... the good old days.

Tho i will say cheating or hacks are not the reason i dont play anymore and were never the reason for even thinking of leaving or quiting.

You know i said i was not gonna play ss2 the new one but....We all know that wont happen.

I wont resist the urge to play one time or the other.

anyways this past month or so i've been doing some damn good tunes.
And i'm enjoying it.

i dont miss gaming for now...

01-29-2005, 04:11 AM
yea well imagine for someone that makes movies, missing like 2 midair rokets in hole from a far distance, some incredible blind pistol and sniper shots in yod, AWESOME spam in lost tomb (:P jk)
i dont think anyone really cheats in the game, cept maybe nitro and ai who made a movie about it (rofl) makes u wonder how and why as has gotten so good...
anway i play ssam jus for the satisfaction of winning and getting goos shots
and i play fair and square, spare a few pups (when im really pissed or to 'make up' for lost frags 'swashings, and fallings'), i rarel spam because it results in bad shots, and i do happen to like the rocket launcher solely because its cool to see a midair hit. (well mabye for the damage it does as well)
if u ever want help with a movie just talk to me fs and ill be more than glad to help, never just give up.
and finally i'd liek to apologize for not being a good sport (i call people "noob" jokingly and obviously a player thats bigg's or lash's caliber knows better than to take it seriously)
im gonna keep playing until ss2, and if that turns out crappy (i pray to god that it doesnt) then ss2 will still be my fav mp game to play
dont get mad if u lose, it happens to all of us.

01-29-2005, 04:15 AM
lol.. "Your a bad sport.." -I think we found the biggest understatement of 05' ladies and gentlemen! :p

For a time I thought someone was faking you.. But, I still like you on the forums though.. :)

01-29-2005, 04:25 AM
thx, i like you too, always having something nice and appropriately funny to say.
not playing enough ssam, and living in the shire are your only downsides

01-29-2005, 04:28 AM
and finally i'd liek to apologize for not being a good sport (i call people "noob" jokingly and obviously a player thats bigg's or lash's caliber knows better than to take it seriously).

That kinda falls back on yourself....dont yah think?.....a player such as yourself should have enough of respect for not only other players but yourself aswell.....for you to taunt and go as you did in the game and pup up at the very last 5 kills to win is cheap...but if thats how you have to win then so be it....no one says you have to play a certain way...this only shows lack of respect for yourself and others....and i thought more of you than that....guess i just havent played you as much as i thought......

01-29-2005, 04:33 AM
[QUOTE=.:EXEcution:.]and finally i'd liek to apologize for not being a good sport (i call people "noob" jokingly and obviously a player thats bigg's or lash's caliber knows better than to take it seriously).

That kinda falls back on yourself....dont yah think?.....a player such as yourself should have enough of respect for not only other players but yourself aswell.....for you to taunt and go as you did in the game and pup up at the very last 5 kills to win is cheap...but if thats how you have to win then so be it....no one says you have to play a certain way...this only shows lack of respect for yourself and others....and i thought more of you than that....guess i just havent played you as much as i thought......
hah i play too much (so much that winning is the only thing on my mind) it was kinda cheap to grab sd in lost tomb, but i got -1 frags way too much and i just lost it :D you already prolly know who the better player was in that match, i have respect for most of the players, and i usually stay away from spamming anything, my comments are stupid (most of the time) but its just what characterizes me on the servers.
if u ever feel like taking your frustration out on me just ask me to a duel in ut2004 where u can easily defeat me.

01-29-2005, 04:40 AM
lol, one thing you can say about exe, he is often an ass, but he always wears his tags... :thumbs:

01-29-2005, 04:43 AM
Its not that important to me no more....i lost my cool over a game of SAM and that was just about as pathetic...........i can easly adapt to your playing style and for future games i will know..............best of luck to yah....

01-29-2005, 04:46 AM
lol, one thing you can say about exe, he is often an ass, but he always wears his tags... :thumbs:

LOL thats funny....i dont remember seeing no tags on him today.......and besides JIM....who was that remark towards? or was it just a comment that you had to make for some strange reason?....

Free Styler
01-29-2005, 04:47 AM
Well maybe ill do a movie later.

You know i actully made one wich lasted 1 minute and a half.

the only good part in it is when hehe...i put it on a cd somewhere ... actully it was damn funny.hehe

Anyways is where i have a empty screen for game play and i shoot this guy in forteress with shot gun and the screen is all red..theres a batman like advertisement sign and it says anybody want soup.hehe actully it was damn funny.

Then i throw this kinda weird 50 movie effect in black and white whit weird lines orange and all red anyways complety rubbish, put it in slow motion and bring back the batman sign and say that's why i need a new video card.lol

So you see what started has a good first step quickly develloped in some twisted humoristic freak show of some sort movie.

But i will give it a other go sometime.

i know i have a new mother board wich can support a athlon 3200 and a 256 MB 8x vid card.So i wont invest is a new computer but rather upgrade the one i have now.

All i need now is a chep price for both those components.

01-29-2005, 04:51 AM
i think its about time for me a upgrade...im still running a cheap a$$ Shuttle motherboard,AMD 1800, pci mem,and a 9000 pro ATI......

01-29-2005, 05:30 AM
the comment is towards exe. I have remarked before about his behavior on the servers. I figure that if you are going to be an a$$hole, do it anonymously, that way everyone assumes it is just another anonymous alias ass. but no, not exe, he is pure ass and he does it proudly wearing his clan tags. Nobody has ever commented on it from his clan, so i guess that is acceptable behavior. Or maybe pretty much nobody else plays or cares.

01-29-2005, 05:42 AM
the comment is towards exe. I have remarked before about his behavior on the servers. I figure that if you are going to be an a$$hole, do it anonymously, that way everyone assumes it is just another anonymous alias ass. but no, not exe, he is pure ass and he does it proudly wearing his clan tags. Nobody has ever commented on it from his clan, so i guess that is acceptable behavior. Or maybe pretty much nobody else plays or cares.


01-29-2005, 05:46 AM
LOL thats funny....i dont remember seeing no tags on him today.......and besides JIM....who was that remark towards? or was it just a comment that you had to make for some strange reason?....Jesus Christ man.. Take it easy.. Not everything people say is meant to be offensive.

It seems more often then not you turn people's innocent comments into quarrels, as I'm more than sure you'll do with mine. Everybody who plays Sam can be a dick. I know I am sometimes.. I can't help it, I just get so annoyed at everybody and I guess it's my medium to "express" and let out my real frutsrations from life. It's just a really frustrating game. With this said, I'd like to apologize to everybody I've pissed off. And I'd like to thank my parents, my teachers, and my dog Sassy, and.. nvm.. That's for another thread. :shifty:

01-29-2005, 05:50 AM
So you see what started has a good first step quickly develloped in some twisted humoristic freak show of some sort movie.
That happened to me too.. There's only so many shots you can put in a movie before it becomes boring,(in Sam at least), so my movie soon become an epic battle to save the shire.. lol I better pm Peter Jackson to make sure I can use it.. Is he registered here yet?

01-29-2005, 10:55 AM
just think its all about connection and bandwith. Some games i have the feeling to be invinceble or having a super armour. going in a shotty battle and ending with no damage at all (100/100>>>> 100/100) and others i don't stand a change. :D

ever noticed the footsteps, just listning to your own steps, the change of pace during the game...... i am still beleaving there is no cheating, sometimes the opponent is not there were you see him, thats the issue.

Rather be a looser then a cheater.

01-29-2005, 12:17 PM
just think its all about connection and bandwith. Some games i have the feeling to be invinceble or having a super armour. going in a shotty battle and ending with no damage at all (100/100>>>> 100/100) and others i don't stand a change. :D
I've noticed that also in the Overseas servers where I have a higher ping. I'll see rockets bursting around me, frag the guy, run around the corner and still have the same health and armor that I started with......go figure.

However..........We ALL know that the Mighty Mercs have been using a secret server hidden under Sals bed that sends pings to all their opponents computers thereby causing extreme lag and bandwidth consumption.

01-29-2005, 12:43 PM
lol, one thing you can say about exe, he is often an ass, but he always wears his tags... :thumbs:
thats ironic cuz i didnt wear my tags that game

Caged Anger
01-29-2005, 01:36 PM
However..........We ALL know that the Mighty Mercs have been using a secret server hidden under Sals bed that sends pings to all their opponents computers thereby causing extreme lag and bandwidth consumption.

oh god....does it really make a difference to a guy that averages a 500 ping on any server? LOL

Die Hard
01-29-2005, 02:16 PM
I find loads of good sports to play all the time.

I don't have any problems. I win a few, I lose a few :thumbs:

01-29-2005, 03:21 PM
Jesus Christ man.. Take it easy.. Not everything people say is meant to be offensive.

Yo Wannabe....can i not ask a damn question with out being judge? you talk about me need to calm down.......LMAO......you just done the exacted same thing you ACCUSED me of doing.....again LMAO.......obviously JIM didnt think so becaused he answered my question with no trouble......and i responded with no trouble.......dont be so quick to judge bro...you only make yourself look like an a$$ even more......LOL..........

01-29-2005, 03:56 PM

Asian Invasian
01-29-2005, 04:16 PM

01-29-2005, 04:21 PM
I want to say something.. But I have nothing usefull to say
so nevermind :P

He Is Legend
01-29-2005, 04:41 PM
Chill out guys come on..

lash bro you know you are alot better than most players man.

just own there face on ut2k4..:D

01-29-2005, 04:53 PM
get on msn so i can pwn u noob

01-29-2005, 05:51 PM
Yo Wannabe....can i not ask a damn question with out being judge? you talk about me need to calm down.......LMAO......you just done the exacted same thing you ACCUSED me of doing.....again LMAO.......obviously JIM didnt think so becaused he answered my question with no trouble......and i responded with no trouble.......dont be so quick to judge bro...you only make yourself look like an a$$ even more......LOL..........:confused: Well, I thought you put a zinger in the end of your post matey. That's the only reason I got "un-calm!" lol

or was it just a comment that you had to make for some strange reason?.
I can see the irony that I said "calm down" after cyber-yelling "Jesus Christ!" lol I'll give you that one. :cool:

01-29-2005, 05:54 PM
Chill out guys come on..

lash bro you know you are alot better than most players man.

just own there face on ut2k4..:D :watchmovi

Yo laSH, I got to agree with Chao, whatcha doin wasting your time playing a Has Been Game! :eek: :P

01-29-2005, 05:55 PM
Chill out guys come on..

lash bro you know you are alot better than most players man.

just own there face on ut2k4..:Ddelightful

Free Styler
01-30-2005, 03:02 AM
you know what i've come to realize playing games with flamming and bla bla bla like the discussion you guys were having earlier in this thread.

It's your all babys.BIG nosense babys.

And this is the kindergarden where the fight starts every month or so and where it will never end.

Cause 12 year olds are 12 year olds.

And adults on these forums often dont make that logic combination.Including myself sometimes.Kids = they say what they want and dont expect anything bad to happen.

Once they get a taste of real life and what it's all about...well then they start to calm down.

People seem to forget that in forums.

01-30-2005, 05:22 AM
:baby: lol.. Well, I can fess up to being childish.

01-30-2005, 02:32 PM
i act like a gown man 100% of the time

01-30-2005, 03:28 PM
i act like a gown man 100% of the time
really? :ghey:

01-30-2005, 05:14 PM
really? :ghey:

ROFL! Nice! :rofl:

01-30-2005, 10:30 PM
really? :ghey:

02-01-2005, 10:38 AM
When you hog up the connection it is only temp. I do not know how long but I do know this that when using it after you get 5 players on it will not matter but your connection stablize better.

Now if you tweak the game like I shown Biggs, and bigg's plays good and he now plays better and also has a good card lol.

I can not compete with Bigg's anymore on a one on one shot gun duel. He would win 85% of the time against me because when you tweak you lower everything down from the settings. Keep this in mind that some of the settings can only be manual done in the script to work very well other then that it will go by default and even when you look into the settings it will still stay the way you set it up but yet it does not really because this game sucks the codes.

BTW there are more things I know that I haven't shared with Bigg's. heheheheh

At this time if anyone knows or if you take the time to understand it you can come up with a few things for the script for sam and you will be able to tell the differents trust me, especially a good player can see improvement.

Bigg's is an example and yet I still have not share a couple of things that I know. hehehehe.

Also UT you can do a few things there too guys and no matter how hard you look on the site you will not find it there guys trust me. LOL

Point is that Sam there really isn't any cheats but only making adjustments at the scripts or INI files. The same goes for UT which I have learn a few things and can make a differents if you are a good player.

It's like giving someone 5% more of everything when playing and that can make a differents for a good player.

(Please do not ask me for the script ty)

02-01-2005, 10:48 AM
One other thing that is very important to know.

In Sam the script that you implement there are combinations that work together. It will not work with just one script being done. Now some can but some you will not see no differents.

Don't ask me why but that is what I have learned and again SAM codes are unstable.

Die Hard
02-01-2005, 11:02 AM
Er, right. Okay, thanks...

02-01-2005, 11:13 AM
When you hog up the connection it is only temp. I do not know how long but I do know this that when using it after you get 5 players on it will not matter but your connection stablize better.

Now if you tweak the game like I shown Biggs, and bigg's plays good and he now plays better and also has a good card lol.

I can not compete with Bigg's anymore on a one on one shot gun duel. He would win 85% of the time against me because when you tweak you lower everything down from the settings. Keep this in mind that some of the settings can only be manual done in the script to work very well other then that it will go by default and even when you look into the settings it will still stay the way you set it up but yet it does not really because this game sucks the codes.

BTW there are more things I know that I haven't shared with Bigg's. heheheheh

At this time if anyone knows or if you take the time to understand it you can come up with a few things for the script for sam and you will be able to tell the differents trust me, especially a good player can see improvement.

Bigg's is an example and yet I still have not share a couple of things that I know. hehehehe.

Also UT you can do a few things there too guys and no matter how hard you look on the site you will not find it there guys trust me. LOL

Point is that Sam there really isn't any cheats but only making adjustments at the scripts or INI files. The same goes for UT which I have learn a few things and can make a differents if you are a good player.

It's like giving someone 5% more of everything when playing and that can make a differents for a good player.

(Please do not ask me for the script ty)

:hmmm: I thought you said you were done posting here because it wasn't what it used to be?? :rolleyes: granted, this is a old school SSSE thread, but I just couldn't pass up a chance to say:

I told you so! :P

I told you so! :P

I told you so! :P

02-01-2005, 11:29 AM
When you hog up the connection it is only temp. I do not know how long but I do know this that when using it after you get 5 players on it will not matter but your connection stablize better.

Now if you tweak the game like I shown Biggs, and bigg's plays good and he now plays better and also has a good card lol.

I can not compete with Bigg's anymore on a one on one shot gun duel. He would win 85% of the time against me because when you tweak you lower everything down from the settings. Keep this in mind that some of the settings can only be manual done in the script to work very well other then that it will go by default and even when you look into the settings it will still stay the way you set it up but yet it does not really because this game sucks the codes.

BTW there are more things I know that I haven't shared with Bigg's. heheheheh

At this time if anyone knows or if you take the time to understand it you can come up with a few things for the script for sam and you will be able to tell the differents trust me, especially a good player can see improvement.

Bigg's is an example and yet I still have not share a couple of things that I know. hehehehe.

Also UT you can do a few things there too guys and no matter how hard you look on the site you will not find it there guys trust me. LOL

Point is that Sam there really isn't any cheats but only making adjustments at the scripts or INI files. The same goes for UT which I have learn a few things and can make a differents if you are a good player.

It's like giving someone 5% more of everything when playing and that can make a differents for a good player.

(Please do not ask me for the script ty)
thx for sharing.

so you actually say that Bigg's a TWEAKER

02-01-2005, 11:56 AM
thx for sharing.

so you actually say that Bigg's a TWEAKER

02-01-2005, 12:05 PM
I thought you said you were done posting here because it wasn't what it used to be?? :rolleyes: granted, this is a old school SSSE thread, but I just couldn't pass up a chance to say:

I told you so!

I told you so!

I told you so! People needed to know that is why I posted. . .

just trying to help out people and to clear this up for those who do not know.

I didn't know you cared. . . . :eek:

02-01-2005, 12:06 PM
thx for sharing.

so you actually say that Bigg's a TWEAKER

I saw him Tweak LaSH's nipples at Lanwar :eek:

02-01-2005, 12:07 PM
People needed to know that is why I posted. . .

just trying to help out people and to clear this up for those who do not know.

I didn't know you cared. . . . :eek:

I don't, I'm just bored :D

Die Hard
02-01-2005, 12:08 PM
Some one start a fire for crying out loud.....

02-01-2005, 12:16 PM
Some one start a fire for crying out loud.....

Never ask that when a Fire fighters in da house! :D

Die Hard
02-01-2005, 12:18 PM
joo is hot :D

02-01-2005, 12:20 PM
:wub: been hearing that a lot lately :wub:

Thanks a lot babe :babe:

02-01-2005, 02:10 PM
I don't, I'm just bored :D

Pure you at work now?

02-01-2005, 02:21 PM
Pure you at work now?
90% of the time, when I'm @ GM, I'm also at work :rolleyes:

work's slow

02-01-2005, 02:39 PM
It was a honest question btw.

It's been slow for me too and I am taking the day off today.

02-01-2005, 03:10 PM
It was a honest question btw.

It's been slow for me too and I am taking the day off today.

I know it was, so was my answer, I hardly touch GM when I'm home unless there's a scrim or match set up with {DS}

02-01-2005, 04:29 PM
haha bigg tweaks and i dont so im leeter

02-01-2005, 04:44 PM
whats a "leeter" :confused:

02-01-2005, 04:48 PM
more elite!

02-01-2005, 05:05 PM
whats a "leeter" :confused:
it's one of the metric conversion units that americans refuse to use... also can be the size of someones brain... :thumbs:

02-01-2005, 05:06 PM
it's one of the metric conversion units that americans refuse to use... also can be the size of someones brain... :thumbs:
its equal to 1000 centimeneters cubed for u euros with the SI system :confused:

02-01-2005, 11:45 PM
an aimbot.. hahahah Pathetic! *goes to Sas forums! :P

I've never seen anyone good enough to be using an aimbot that I can think of.
who do you think your talking about ?
what give you any idea we at SAS are aim bots?
im not here to cause trouble but our aim bot section in our forums is there to talk about aimbot users nothing else ,so merk you pathetic idiot who cant be arsed to look inside a post or is it you cant read? its a empty section on sas forums,WALK B4 YOU RUN U PRICK>..

this is what our aim bot says
After encountering many bot users we decided to name and shame them here.Theres three sections here Suspected bot users,Known bot users.And Discussion.Please make sure you post in the right section as not to offend the suspects that may not be bot users

As for who ever is admin here i would check out these post b4 you get dumb arse teenagers posting **** about decent people :thumbs:
thats all i want to say ,ps merk your not a prick your just plain boreing old stupid

02-02-2005, 12:09 AM
who do you think your talking about ?
what give you any idea we at SAS are aim bots?First off, I'd like to thank you for an excellent job done in flaming me. And secondly, I'd like to say that my post was based off some else's post: http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showpost.php?p=577937&postcount=9

And secondly, I was making a joke.. "Runs to SAS forums," implies that I'm going to your forums to see if there is indeed this cheat and if so, use it.. :)

Thanks again!

02-02-2005, 12:11 AM
Chill out Mr. Saslance

First of all it was an Outlaw that that first mentioned the Sas Forum and all she did was say that there was a section in your forum mentioning Aimbots.

Second - All Mercwannabe said was that he was heading over to your forums to check it out...
If you would at least read the posts you would see that NO ONE! said anything about the SAS bunch using Aimbots......

02-02-2005, 12:22 AM
or is it you cant read? :rolleyes:

02-02-2005, 12:24 AM
Chill out Mr. Saslance

First of all it was an Outlaw that that first mentioned the Sas Forum and all she did was say that there was a section in your forum mentioning Aimbots.

Second - All Mercwannabe said was that he was heading over to your forums to check it out...
If you would at least read the posts you would see that NO ONE! said anything about the SAS bunch using Aimbots......Thanks Goober! I knew someone would understand what I was trying to say.

Edit: I didn't mean to point the finger at Black Rose either.. I just meant that I got the idea from that post, which never stated SAS members cheat, but rather that people who use that forum talk about it,(suggesting that there is indeed an aimbot for Sam!)..

02-02-2005, 01:33 AM
aimbots. i hope you (SAS) are talking about UT, because I have never seen any aimbots implemented for sam. if you are getting owned by someone on a regular basis, then i suspect it is your skills that are lacking....

02-02-2005, 01:56 AM
wow this thread is just filled with whining about sam. is it possible to see a future of a non-whining gaming community in ANY game? happens is every damn game and for what purpose? to vent anger? why dopnt y'all vent by beating the crap out of someone or something
now, for all of y'all that thinks cheats dont exists, they do. Sorry to burst your bubble.
yes, ini's and scripts are cheats .

wallhack (which our mod so discretely uses [why u think he crouchse so much? cuz the plrbreathingstrength command wallhack allows you to see everyone 1 second while in crouch)

the temporary invincibility (which lasts for about a minute until the cheater gets the inevitable f9 because sam is too unstable [not a surpise isnt it?])

flare (sam gets a nice glow, allowing for him to be seen across any map, dark or bright [most probably used by 1st person players only])

some other less sever hacks exist such as simple scripts like the fake observer, the knife autoflip script, server crasher, hyperteleporting resulting in f9s for everyone in the server or just you if you are in someone else's server, and the fake chatting hack (so you heatr the annoying sound and no writing), flying/swimming in 80% of the levels using either save game feature or using what a person has or his surrounding to go outside a level) and finally connection optimizers that come in ini's or other files that can be put in the addon section of sam.

now there's no reason so y'all to get all pissy about people that cheat or hack in sam becauze they make up a small percentage of players and its a good challenge playing agfainst them anyways. you will not get rid of cheaters, cuz they enjoy cheating because it is very fun to them so forget about converting them. people play games ot have fun and not everyone is a generic version of YOU, so live with it.
SAS doesnt use aimbots, they actually have the forum for people to post aliases of people that USE aimbots. sure they may KNOW how to use the primitive aimbot creative in the SSFE days but they in no way, shape or form use it.

rmember that its just a game and no reason to get THIS bummed out over it ok? lets all be happy and frag.

02-02-2005, 02:08 AM
lol.. I was thinking we should have a secret's revealed thread when SS:SE is completley over.. It's just about there latley! *I kidd.. :shifty:

ex: I used to be Dark Time! (obviously not true) I used to have the wallhack on! (again, not true in my case!) I don't have a brother.. I'm an alien..

Die Hard
02-02-2005, 09:11 AM
Hot heads from the SAS forums should learn that us GMians stick together.

Also, we tend to articulate our posts better. [On the phone to Pathos pleading for ideas]

He Is Legend
02-02-2005, 09:16 AM

if people cheat, and I kill them

thats sad...

if you have to cheat to play, your a disgrace to all of gaming

He Is Legend
02-02-2005, 09:19 AM
And also..

Nitro..Mod does not hack, I sneak up on him so many times when hes crouching, mod would be 1000x better if he used a wallhack, lol..i dont care what you say he isnt hacking

02-02-2005, 10:00 AM
I am backing up my Fellow reaper and friend here. Mod does not cheat. It's just the way he playes and his his unique style. Don't get mad cos he can own you Nitro. :D

02-02-2005, 12:16 PM
Again you can not cheat in sam only improve and run it smoother.

Mod doesn't cheat and he never has he just plays.

I don't ever recall hearing Mod complain in the games he just plays for fun.


02-02-2005, 12:42 PM
who do you think your talking about ?
what give you any idea we at SAS are aim bots?
im not here to cause trouble but our aim bot section in our forums is there to talk about aimbot users nothing else ,so merk you pathetic idiot who cant be arsed to look inside a post or is it you cant read? its a empty section on sas forums,WALK B4 YOU RUN U PRICK>..

this is what our aim bot says
After encountering many bot users we decided to name and shame them here.Theres three sections here Suspected bot users,Known bot users.And Discussion.Please make sure you post in the right section as not to offend the suspects that may not be bot users

As for who ever is admin here i would check out these post b4 you get dumb arse teenagers posting **** about decent people :thumbs:
thats all i want to say ,ps merk your not a prick your just plain boreing old stupid
:eek: sorry man, overkill in this reply of yours. Reading merkwannabe's reaction i can not find annything bad refering to the SAS community.
so chill out :D :D :thumbs:

Asian Invasian
02-02-2005, 02:21 PM
This thread is sad, good thing i moved on from serious sam :P. Can someone pm the sas thread thing so i can see this "list" of "aimbot" "hackers"

02-02-2005, 03:17 PM
Thanks GMians! LoL.. It's like a family, we bicker among ourselves, but as soon as an outsider comes along we stick together again.. :)

I'm almost positive Mod doesn't cheat. He crouches all the time.. What would be the point of seeing through the walls in the middle of a shotty battle in the open field? I believe him about crouching because he does it a lot in other games.

Oh and AI, I don't know where it is.

*ty Die Hard and Di

02-02-2005, 07:59 PM
well, it was worth a shot accusing him but its pretty freaky that he crouches so damn much. The wallhack doesnt help thatr much if someone were to use it because you cant see throguh walls continuosly, you only see throguh the walls for 1 second, every 1 second, plus the crouch button.
no offense about accusing you mod, i just was hoping i would catch a cheater red handed for once heh

02-02-2005, 08:39 PM
well nitro now that you have made a complete a** of yourself how does it feel .?
hmm mod* hmm cant use aliases
plays every game the same way
drinks way to much during gameplay
laughs way to much while playing



Free Styler
02-02-2005, 08:54 PM
You know what's funny.

It's that i had discovored the wall hack way back and it WORKs btw.

it was in 2002.Saquash had talked about hacks in the game and i went in the help file of the croteam folder in programs file to see if I could see something fishy.

Well i did.

I was able to see thru walls and thru everything.

I played only 2 games and i swear on my life that is the thruth with the cheat.

Unistalled the game and reinstalled and never bothered to look again.

Well...during those 2 games i had never felt so cheap in my life.

I mean so god damn cheap.

I had to meditate for a few weeks to get rid of the nightmares i had.I was seeing invisible walls everywhere.LOL

nah but seriously i said to myself how could seomeone actully use it and feel proud about it.

It's impossible i said to myself.Then i said ohhh...wait some people have no cousiousness about these things or should i say have no regret and tell themselves on a subcousious level ahhh everybody MUST be using it so... so will I.

Thing is one time or the other the cheat will catch you and you will internaly know you were a cheap aass cheater.

And that's where i feel sad for you all using cheats.

Even if it takes 10 years for you to get it in your head you will still know you were a succkker.

For some people they may just realize it at the complete end of their lifes at there last breath of air being old .And the last thought in your head WILL be i was a cheater.

I'm truly sorry for all of you who are not able to comprehend that basic yet simple fact.

02-02-2005, 09:26 PM
I cheat, and I win every single game I ever play, and I thoroughly enjoy it,
and when I go to bed, I think "He should have won, but I owned his ass!" :devil: ... :thumbs:

ok, the above is all lies, no good cheat for sam, hell, don't play much any more really...

02-02-2005, 09:51 PM
crouching just makes the shotty spread more grounded so the player gets more shells in him if he's floored

02-02-2005, 10:55 PM
well nitro now that you have made a complete a** of yourself how does it feel .?
hmm mod* hmm cant use aliases
plays every game the same way
drinks way to much during gameplay
laughs way to much while playing


haha u are one funny guy
u wanna 1 vs 1 or something cuz it looks like i got to ya but w/e if you cheat or not i frankly dont give a **** cuz im not an ass that says cheaters should die bla bla
if u wanna cheat, cheat, w/e , makes it all the more competitive for me and changes the pace of the boredom of playing noobs who cant frag

02-03-2005, 12:16 AM
haha u are one funny guy
u wanna 1 vs 1 or something cuz it looks like i got to ya but w/e if you cheat or not i frankly dont give a **** cuz im not an ass that says cheaters should die bla bla
if u wanna cheat, cheat, w/e , makes it all the more competitive for me and changes the pace of the boredom of playing noobs who cant frag
ur retired/retarded so no 1v1 for u :eek: :P

02-03-2005, 02:08 AM
ur retired/retarded so no 1v1 for u :eek: :P
damn right, u thought i was serious on a 1 vs 1 didnt u
remmber, do not trust anyone ;)

Free Styler
02-03-2005, 02:21 AM
hey nitro i dont want to get in a theorical fight about if cheating is right or wrong.

But competive game play comes with good none cheating players.

Not newb asss cheaters.

just a thought of mine.

If you think it's ok in your little head of yours that some do.Well....good for you.

Btw when i inplie cheating i inplie someone cheating in a actual multiplayer game whaterver game that may be.

If seomeone cheats on a single player game well....i dont consinder that a problem....cause i'm not in it top be the ginnypig subject of the cheat.

The actual problem i have with multiplayer cheats is that.Some people put hard work to become the player they are.And then you have little kiddies actully i just think of em i little doggys or puppie or plane all retarted.

And brake someone skills justifiying themselves with lame exuses.

The only satisfaction i get when playing em is owning there sorry asses.

Actully that's the only time i feel this way...when playing cheaters.I just like crushing em to pieces and giving there little scripts there money worth.:)

02-03-2005, 02:32 AM
there is no way pf proving anyone is cheating but most people know when the other is cheating. at this point who cares?????

its always good to give credit to those who play fair and always play with some sort of honor. i think it would be more positive to mention people who anyone plays that plays fair and clean. so to everyone, rather then mention anyone who they think cheats, you should mention people that play fair and is a standup person from what you have noticed while playing them on several occasions.:thumbs:

Free Styler
02-03-2005, 03:00 AM
there is no way pf proving anyone is cheating but most people know when the other is cheating. at this point who cares?????

its always good to give credit to those who play fair and always play with some sort of honor. i think it would be more positive to mention people who anyone plays that plays fair and clean. so to everyone, rather then mention anyone who they think cheats, you should mention people that play fair and is a standup person from what you have noticed while playing them on several occasions.:thumbs:

about the cheating ...I'm not really talking about sam bigg.I'm talking in general.
i havent played sam in ages and never accused anybody appart from a few times when i was drunked and pissed but...anyways hehe.thats' that's

Hey btw bigg i know this is not the place to ask this of you.

But would you mind pointing out in the sofware section how to host or own server.Anyways if ever you have time to just do a quick overview on how to do it.Id appreciate it.I dont think it ever has been posted before.

Like more of a server where seomeone could upload from ones computer files music or things like that.Win xp if possible hehe

Anyways thanks if you do and thanks anyways if you dont.

02-03-2005, 03:27 AM
about the cheating ...I'm not really talking about sam bigg.I'm talking in general.
i havent played sam in ages and never accused anybody appart from a few times when i was drunked and pissed but...anyways hehe.thats' that's

Hey btw bigg i know this is not the place to ask this of you.

But would you mind pointing out in the sofware section how to host or own server.Anyways if ever you have time to just do a quick overview on how to do it.Id appreciate it.I dont think it ever has been posted before.

Like more of a server where seomeone could upload from ones computer files music or things like that.Win xp if possible hehe

Anyways thanks if you do and thanks anyways if you dont.
fs, i am sorry if you thought i was directing my post toward you. i agree 100% on everything you said. i can not understand why anyone would cheat because it defeats the pirpose of playing. the only thing i can think of is they are immature no life and will never earn anything in life. these kinds of people just do it to ruin it for others because agian it makes no sense. the main thing to remember for everyone is that no matter what people who play good and show great sportsmanship will always earn respect.

as far as server goes, are you referring to a sam server? if so i use to use serious runner when i ran mine and i had no problems at all. if not, you can pm what ya got in mind and hopefully i can help.

02-03-2005, 04:53 AM
hey nitro i dont want to get in a theorical fight about if cheating is right or wrong.

But competive game play comes with good none cheating players.

Not newb asss cheaters.

just a thought of mine.

If you think it's ok in your little head of yours that some do.Well....good for you.

Btw when i inplie cheating i inplie someone cheating in a actual multiplayer game whaterver game that may be.

If seomeone cheats on a single player game well....i dont consinder that a problem....cause i'm not in it top be the ginnypig subject of the cheat.

The actual problem i have with multiplayer cheats is that.Some people put hard work to become the player they are.And then you have little kiddies actully i just think of em i little doggys or puppie or plane all retarted.

And brake someone skills justifiying themselves with lame exuses.

The only satisfaction i get when playing em is owning there sorry asses.

Actully that's the only time i feel this way...when playing cheaters.I just like crushing em to pieces and giving there little scripts there money worth.:)

hey man i know where u are ocming from but my point exactly is that there is a LACK of "good none cheating players"
therefore, how else are u suppsoed ot have competition other than with cheaters? hell, if i was bad at some game like CS, id be pissed off at cheaters cuz they would pwn me like there was no tomorrow but in a game like sam, i really dont care about the occasional script kiddie cuz those cheats arent hardcore enough to not allow me to be able to frag them before they frag me.

02-03-2005, 05:44 AM
haha u are one funny guy
u wanna 1 vs 1 or something cuz it looks like i got to ya but w/e if you cheat or not i frankly dont give a **** cuz im not an ass that says cheaters should die bla bla
if u wanna cheat, cheat, w/e , makes it all the more competitive for me and changes the pace of the boredom of playing noobs who cant frag

1on 1 hmmm
what name are u gonna use there nitro ?????????


Die Hard
02-03-2005, 09:21 AM
there is a LACK of "good none cheating players"
No there isn't. ;)

Black Rose
02-03-2005, 09:31 AM
<--- plays fair and donīt cheat...and donīt like aliasses, cause always loves to know who gets some spanking by goodīolīRosie :D

He Is Legend
02-03-2005, 09:54 AM
<-- thinks its funny when he kills cheaters and they leave games :]

02-03-2005, 11:31 AM
if mod was to use the wall hack i think he would have the brains to use the one thats there 24/7 and no need to crouch :rolleyes: that hack is only good for campers anyway and campers never win the game :thumbs:
I thought Leon was a legendary camper who won a lot of games? :hmmm: :dunno:

02-03-2005, 11:33 AM
<-- thinks its funny when he kills cheaters and they leave games :]

I think it's funny that the few times I play, there's always someone bitching in-game about how I'm playing, like I'm some kind of threat! :loser:

02-03-2005, 12:05 PM
<--- plays fair and donīt cheat...and donīt like aliasses, cause always loves to know who gets some spanking by goodīolīRosie :D
<-------Loves to be spanked by Rosey.

02-03-2005, 12:49 PM
The seeing through walls is not much really, if you play third veiw then it's just the same.

If anyone uses the seeing through walls against me go right ahead I will still get your as*.

It's an old script trick in which FS and I found out when we were playing this game or pretty much when we started playing. I found one where you stay longer under water and at the lava but it keeps you jumping around and it is a combo code scrpt in order to work and there is more but nothing I know that will make you win games.

Most of these thing I don't have anymore and I am not about to figure it out. lol

Again if you tweak your system for the game and the Sam game you can tell the differents when playing especailly a good player.

02-03-2005, 01:02 PM
You know what's funny.

I'm truly sorry for all of you who are not able to comprehend that basic yet simple fact.

More then you think FS trust me.:)


To All:

Face the facts guys some people have true talent and some don't like myself lol.

When FS first started one thing I did know that oneday he will be a great player. The results as you can tell and not to forget his brother too.

I can tell who will be a good player as the game goes on now because I use to watch so many games. I feel like a yankee scout at times lol

The two most deadly guys I know of when you come in a game and expect a blood bath is when you see LaSH and Biggs playing in the same server. Expect a blood bath war when you see these two come in a server. They kill fast and I don't think anyone can kill any faster then these two guys. LOL

He Is Legend
02-03-2005, 02:47 PM

they always forget marz,dd and me : )

02-03-2005, 08:31 PM
damn right, u thought i was serious on a 1 vs 1 didnt u
remmber, do not trust anyone ;)
i wasnt trusting u to do anything u noob :mad:
and doesnt anyone remember that vid (i think it was posted here) when during the MML the cheater guy got pc destroyed and he was carried out b this big pwner guy!
thats what all cheaters eventually get, ill admit tha i used aimbot once in a game of q3 for fun, that was just once, the guy i played againts said i was too strong and left. Kinda felt ridiculous after that, so i turned it off, and now i'm still sucking badly at q3! :thumbs:

02-03-2005, 11:15 PM
i wasnt trusting u to do anything u noob :mad:
and doesnt anyone remember that vid (i think it was posted here) when during the MML the cheater guy got pc destroyed and he was carried out b this big pwner guy!
thats what all cheaters eventually get, ill admit tha i used aimbot once in a game of q3 for fun, that was just once, the guy i played againts said i was too strong and left. Kinda felt ridiculous after that, so i turned it off, and now i'm still sucking badly at q3! :thumbs:
hah i posted a link to that movie. that retard was soo stupid to cheat at a LAN lool
anyway, final point: sam is one big joke...face it, its DEAD, dont expect anyone with tags or playing "fair"

02-04-2005, 12:56 AM
:ugh: What a frustrating thread.. Makes me not want to even bother for the next installment. *someone catch me before I fall!

Die Hard
02-04-2005, 09:50 AM
sam is one big joke...face it, its DEAD, dont expect anyone with tags or playing "fair"
Are we in a time loop?

02-04-2005, 04:19 PM

He Is Legend
02-04-2005, 05:25 PM
I play with my tags and I play fair

Wanna talk some more?

02-04-2005, 07:33 PM
Wanna talk some more?sure.. :cool:

02-04-2005, 08:43 PM
sure.. :cool:

Alexis SC430
02-04-2005, 09:58 PM
Let me just take a brief moment here to reiterate just how much I hate you all and hope you all die. :banghead:

02-04-2005, 10:31 PM
Let me just take a brief moment here to reiterate just how much I hate you all and hope you all die. :banghead:

02-04-2005, 11:30 PM
Let me just take a brief moment here to reiterate just how much I hate you all and hope you all die. :banghead:
good post alexis

02-04-2005, 11:55 PM
Whats gonna happen whe sam 2 is finally released????

Are people gonna ruin that like they have ruined sam?

If you dont like certain aspects, then tough ****, croteam made the game not you!

Either play or dont.... If you choose to play, then dont bitch.............

Biggs you around for a game m8????? Or any of the none BITCHES??????

All I see is pupboy, cannon boy, blue boy, knifer, rocket whore, for **** sake man.....Its a damn game.... You dont win anything for coming first.......

Its about time certain peeps realised that online gaming should be about a group of friends having a laugh.....

02-05-2005, 03:39 AM
:thumbs: ROFL

02-05-2005, 04:08 AM
Let me just take a brief moment here to reiterate just how much I hate you all and hope you all die. :banghead:sorry you feel that way.

02-05-2005, 04:29 AM
Let me just take a brief moment here to reiterate just how much I hate you all and hope you all die. :banghead:

:( Does that mean I'm not getting my Caffč Americano anytime soon ? :confused:

02-05-2005, 04:30 AM
Let me just take a brief moment here to reiterate just how much I hate you all and hope you all die. :banghead:
Hows the drug thingy coming along? I find it good to have a rock when I get nervous and upset... You should try one... :thumbs:

02-05-2005, 04:38 AM
Hows the drug thingy coming along? I find it good to have a rock when I get nervous and upset... You should try one... :thumbs:
or a potato!

02-05-2005, 04:40 AM
Let me just take a brief moment here to reiterate just how much I hate you all and hope you all die. :banghead:



02-05-2005, 05:02 AM
Whats gonna happen whe sam 2 is finally released????

Are people gonna ruin that like they have ruined sam?

If you dont like certain aspects, then tough ****, croteam made the game not you!

Either play or dont.... If you choose to play, then dont bitch.............

Biggs you around for a game m8????? Or any of the none BITCHES??????

All I see is pupboy, cannon boy, blue boy, knifer, rocket whore, for **** sake man.....Its a damn game.... You dont win anything for coming first.......

Its about time certain peeps realised that online gaming should be about a group of friends having a laugh.....

sadly, no, people wil never realize the true meaning of online gaming. cheats? they be funny as hell (look at the head in ass cheat, its just hilarious if you really look at it) :)

Asian Invasian
02-05-2005, 05:03 AM
Hows the drug thingy coming along? I find it good to have a rock when I get nervous and upset... You should try one... :thumbs:
LOL, nice avatar man :P

02-06-2005, 08:36 AM
Look people, it's not that I actually want to see you all die PER SE; it's just that you all can be very very frustrating and stupid at times, and during those times it'd just be simpler to have you dead. BUT, this does not neccessarily mean that I truly want you all dead dead for ever and for always all the time.

Just like... shut up sometimes... especially when my headaches are really bad. :(

Alexis SC430
02-06-2005, 09:23 AM
Okay, changed my mind... logged in to make sure our signature fonts were the same and stuff.

(Shut up... just shut up...)

Alexis SC430
02-06-2005, 09:26 AM
Oh, and Danny -- love your signature!

It's kinda like that other one:
"Wise man say, schoolboy who fool around with schoolgirl during wrong period get caught red handed." :D

02-06-2005, 09:31 AM
Goddamnit... my last posts are on a new page from where I replied with Julia's name so I couldn't compare our two signatures.


(This once again is Alexis using Julia's account just to compare our signatures.)

Alexis SC430
02-06-2005, 09:43 AM
Okay, I know both our names (the "-)GGaM..." part) in our signatures are Size 4 and in Bold, but is it just me or do the letters in my signature somehow look bigger than in her's????

I'm pretty sure they are... wtf... :dunno:

Asian Invasian
02-06-2005, 09:45 AM
Are you done yet?

02-06-2005, 01:19 PM
"Wise man say, schoolboy who fool around with schoolgirl during wrong period get caught red handed." :D
thats freaking gross!
go play halo 2 ai! :bawling:

02-06-2005, 09:37 PM
my head hurts soo muc htoday...too much e

02-06-2005, 10:02 PM
my head hurts soo muc htoday...too much e

02-07-2005, 03:02 AM
I think you two need to get a room.:wub:

02-07-2005, 03:43 AM
Oh man.. This is not only the thread to recieve the most views in this forum section, but it's the thread with the most replies in it. This is very sad. After Sam's long run, a thread about cheaters gets the most posts...

What's sadder, I just added another post to it! heh

Oh well, viva la drama!

02-07-2005, 03:52 AM
:watchmovi Did someone say drama?

02-07-2005, 04:16 AM
pff. drama is what keeps this game alive ;)

02-07-2005, 04:43 AM
pff. drama is what keeps this game alive ;)if it's good enough for TNT, it's good enough for Sam!
Sometimes Sam drama is really lame, but most of the time it's just interesting. lol

Die Hard
02-07-2005, 10:49 AM
Are we in a time loop?

02-07-2005, 06:26 PM
it's just that you all can be very very frustrating and stupid at times, and during those times it'd just be simpler to have you dead.

Just like... shut up sometimes... especially when my headaches are really bad. :(

Errrm, hello Pot, meet the Kettle... :rolleyes:

02-07-2005, 06:33 PM
Look people, it's not that I actually want to see you all die PER SE; it's just that you all can be very very frustrating and stupid at times, and during those times it'd just be simpler to have you dead. BUT, this does not neccessarily mean that I truly want you all dead dead for ever and for always all the time.

Just like... shut up sometimes... especially when my headaches are really bad. :(

dont read those posts then...lol...its not that hard

02-07-2005, 07:13 PM
shhh ur hurting her head!

Alexis SC430
02-12-2005, 01:25 AM
See? This is why I love EXE as a person and, also why I refuse to play Sam with him -- because he's SO sweet and I shouldn't let his dirty, spammy, pupping, underhanding gameplay undermind those feelings. :D

Love you, hon!

Alexis SC430
02-12-2005, 01:28 AM
Though maybe you should alias a bit more. ;)

02-12-2005, 04:01 AM
I do... ;)

Alexis SC430
02-12-2005, 05:46 AM
Then do it MORE... ;)

Asian Invasian
02-12-2005, 07:47 AM
Lexi dont hit on exe hes not attracted to females, only male animals.

Die Hard
02-12-2005, 12:33 PM
Lexi dont hit on exe hes not attracted to females, only male animals.
I'd better go into hiding :o

02-12-2005, 03:05 PM
Lexi dont hit on exe hes not attracted to females, only male animals.
:thumbs: i like the big animals

Die Hard
02-12-2005, 04:32 PM
I definately need to go into hiding :D

02-12-2005, 04:50 PM
Lexi dont hit on exe hes not attracted to females, only male animals.
Lexi has a strap-on..... :thumbs:

Asian Invasian
02-12-2005, 06:55 PM
Lexi has a strap-on..... :thumbs:in that case i guess she can hit on him :P

Die Hard
02-12-2005, 09:16 PM
Or me [whistle]

02-15-2005, 03:20 PM
Rofl Lmfao