View Full Version : Disturbing Poll Results

02-03-2005, 03:21 AM
The last thing I want to do is spark off a political debate, because this really has little to do with the Bush administration, and certainly has nothing to do with Iraq, so please let us not go down that road again, but perhaps highlights a problem that has been brewing for a longer time; has anyone seen this:


02-03-2005, 04:58 AM
that is VERY disturbing that there are people who belive that the 1st amendment goes too far to give us freedom. It makes me extrmely disapointed to hear this communistic bullcrap from kids who dont know that the answers they gave were exactly what happened in europe like in countries such as Poland up until the late 80s/early 90s
I fear that socialism and communism are slowly devouring today's youth and tomorrow's adults--very scary thought indeed

02-03-2005, 05:14 AM
What does it even matter these days. People in this Country are turning in to plastic legos and accept what ever the government shoves down their throat. I will be thinking of you all in a couple years while sitting on my island in Costa Rica retired under the age 35. I blame the media.....

02-03-2005, 05:18 AM
Pffff let them get their butts out from under mommy and daddys roof and spend some time out in the "REAL WORLD" before asking them those kind of questions. They are after all still in high school and still learning ... hopefully. ;)

02-03-2005, 05:54 AM
i take all of that with a grain of salt. i would put money on it that over 50 % of the kids graduating don't even know what's really going on. is it the kids fault? i would say no because our society has pushed the american household into chaos. now i dont mean every household is f'd up but you have to admit more then enough is. look at how many single parents there are raising kids due to divorce. when i say single parent i mean both parents parenting seperately because of divorce just to make things clear. then look at the normal household in america where both parents have to work fulltime jobs just so they can pay the bills. minus those long hours daily from proper parenting. it seems that the usual household has everyone running around without really being a family. also lets look at the school systems. the education sucks in this country because the schools just push the kids out. their is not enough focus on education in this country and i think this country will suffer from it more then anything in the future. in other countries, kids are focused while we here have our kids thinking about rap music, tattoos, peircings etc etc which has nothing to do with their future other then probably ruining it. when i go to the mall and see these young kids dressed with purple hair and see tattoos on their backs and peircings all over their face and tounge i just want to spit on their parents for not paying attention to their kids. it seems that parents do not push their kids today enough and with everything going on around the youth it is hard for them to concentrate. the world is going to get very competitive in the future and these kids don't understand that they need to be really smart to be able to compete with other countries when it comes to getting a job. without smarter people ready for the future, america will not be ahead of anything. when i was growing up it wasnt as bad but when my parents were growing up they really didnt have to worry about getting that great education to find a decent job. now if you don't have any college you are sure to be making very little money to enjoy life. this country needs to fix these issues and start making things right for the future. it sickens me that we can give billions of dollars to countries that dont appreciatte it and not give it back to the country for the better. yet taxes continue to go up with nothing giving back to the country.

all of these groups have different agenda that takes these surveys. why not put the money they used for this dumb survey toward education? its all a crock of **** if you ask me. you never see these people fighting for anything that can actually help this country.

solid snake295
02-03-2005, 06:02 AM
Pffff let them get their butts out from under mommy and daddys roof and spend some time out in the "REAL WORLD" before asking them those kind of questions. They are after all still in high school and still learning ... hopefully. ;)
thats so true, these kids think they know what life is all about, they really have no idea.

02-03-2005, 11:03 AM
Well I know the fault falls on more than one place !!

First you got the US Govt. eating away at pps Basic Human Rights and the American Civil Liberties, bit by bit by bit !!....... Till your left with a shell and nothing inside !! It has more and more reminded me (fortunatly or unfortunatly)of what I learned in school about Govt's that were Dictatorships, or Countrys ruled for and as Police States !! (How's that go now ?......."Ignorance is bliss") Ha !!

Early Americans and our Forefathers clear upto the American GreatGeneration cherished those hard won freedoms !!! Lived, fought and died for those Ideals and freedoms!! You might deny it, but I can't, I see the Govt now just basicly ruled by Corps, and special interest groups !! This is no longer a "Govt. Of the People, By the People And For The People " !!! Its a Govt of Corps and dumbass lawyers, aka lawmakers serving first and primarily unto themselves !!!

What once was American values its Laws and Justice has sold out to the allmighty dollar!!! Its all gone to the highest bidder !! Not to mention selling out the entire American Public and the USA/Country and what it once stood for, all at the same time!!!

And I find it impossible to believe that it would be that much Utter BS from American School Kids if their Parents and Teachers were doing their job like they should !!! Teaching of and about Civil Libertys and Freedom of Speech, Press ,Religion and the peoples ability to petition the Govt.!!

But homes and schools used to be much better managed or maybe disiplined then, than they are today !! Even the Govt. the lawyers and the Schools have F***ed that up! Disipline to the extent of reinforcing and enforcing, even with common sense has been derailed and askewed, and is now labeled as "Abuse" !! :mad:

And then you have those Parents (and I mean that lightly) that seem to actually want it that way !! With their misconceptions, that freedom and civil liberties means that little He or She can do what ever he or she wants or doesnt want, or they will sue the Schools !!

And yes, I do find it all, very, very, disturbing !!

And the Quote of the Day is : "If Common Sense were Common, wouldn't there be more of it ?" (unknown)

Die Hard
02-03-2005, 11:09 AM
I know a place where the Sun does shine, doo dah, doo dah....

02-03-2005, 11:16 AM
Day !! :rolleyes:

02-03-2005, 11:43 AM
Pffff let them get their butts out from under mommy and daddys roof and spend some time out in the "REAL WORLD" before asking them those kind of questions. They are after all still in high school and still learning ... hopefully. ;)

****ing A right!!!! :thumbs:

this country is breading weak ass pussies ! not men and women with strong work ethics and morral responsabilities! These days, the majority want everything done for them, no sense of responsability!

* Just let the government do everything, then if they **** up, we can point a finger at them*

02-03-2005, 11:52 AM
i take all of that with a grain of salt. i would put money on it that over 50 % of the kids graduating don't even know what's really going on. is it the kids fault? i would say no because our society has pushed the american household into chaos. now i dont mean every household is f'd up but you have to admit more then enough is. look at how many single parents there are raising kids due to divorce. when i say single parent i mean both parents parenting seperately because of divorce just to make things clear. then look at the normal household in america where both parents have to work fulltime jobs just so they can pay the bills. minus those long hours daily from proper parenting. it seems that the usual household has everyone running around without really being a family. also lets look at the school systems. the education sucks in this country because the schools just push the kids out. their is not enough focus on education in this country and i think this country will suffer from it more then anything in the future. in other countries, kids are focused while we here have our kids thinking about rap music, tattoos, peircings etc etc which has nothing to do with their future other then probably ruining it. when i go to the mall and see these young kids dressed with purple hair and see tattoos on their backs and peircings all over their face and tounge i just want to spit on their parents for not paying attention to their kids. it seems that parents do not push their kids today enough and with everything going on around the youth it is hard for them to concentrate. the world is going to get very competitive in the future and these kids don't understand that they need to be really smart to be able to compete with other countries when it comes to getting a job. without smarter people ready for the future, america will not be ahead of anything. when i was growing up it wasnt as bad but when my parents were growing up they really didnt have to worry about getting that great education to find a decent job. now if you don't have any college you are sure to be making very little money to enjoy life. this country needs to fix these issues and start making things right for the future. it sickens me that we can give billions of dollars to countries that dont appreciatte it and not give it back to the country for the better. yet taxes continue to go up with nothing giving back to the country.

all of these groups have different agenda that takes these surveys. why not put the money they used for this dumb survey toward education? its all a crock of **** if you ask me. you never see these people fighting for anything that can actually help this country.

Yeah, 2 posts in a row, deal!

BIGG's, I hear you man! your first paragraph hits home hard.

My son lives this way, and his future isn't bright. He gets dumped off at day care at 7 am, half the time still in his Pj's and eats his breafast there :down: 4 days a week, he goes to school from 8:30 to 3:00, then is back at daycare until his Mom picks him up at 5:15. Now Monday, I couldn't reach him ( Mom not answering her cell phone) Tuesday, I call at 5:55 and he's with a baby sitter, wed, I call at 6:45, and guess what, he's with a baby sitter agian! Who's raising Paul? Not his Mom? I've already spent more waking hours with him this week than her! Yet Familly Servies sees her doing a good job as a mom, so there's nothing I can do. The government setting the standards :down: Our society is ****ed up, morrals and values blow!

BIGG's, you know why they listen to rap? Because they relate to it. Most rap I hear, at least the decent stuff is about the struggles of society and how life just sucks. Hell, I listen to Enimen and can relate. Sh!tty huh?

He Is Legend
02-03-2005, 12:11 PM
kids are focused while we here have our kids thinking about rap music, tattoos, peircings etc etc which has nothing to do with their future other then probably ruining it. when i go to the mall and see these young kids dressed with purple hair and see tattoos on their backs and peircings all over their face and tounge i just want to spit on their parents for not paying attention to their kids


I think kids should be able to express themselves, if they want to dress like that its their decision

I have gotten these peircings and my parents told me they didnt want me to have it, but I like the way peircings look, I really dont care what people think of my appearance, if I have a job interview you can just take them out and put them back in when you get hired, it works..for most jobs.

people that dye there hair..you'd understand alot better if you was our age, its just really fun to make your hair different colors, in a couple of days mines going to be redish brownish with black streaks..Then after a couple months with that im dying it black and putting dreds in it, i've bought the kits for everything already

just expressing yourself makes you feel 1000x better in my honest opinion, some people can pose and just do it cause its 'in', but i do it cause i think it looks good on me/makes me feel good about myself

Your only young once.

Die Hard
02-03-2005, 12:42 PM
BIGG's, I hear you man! your first paragraph....
Was too big!

Sorry couldn't resist it. As you were.....

02-03-2005, 12:49 PM
people that dye there hair..you'd understand alot better if you was our age, its just really fun to make your hair different colors, in a couple of days mines going to be redish brownish with black streaks..Then after a couple months with that im dying it black and putting dreds in it, i've bought the kits for everything already

just expressing yourself makes you feel 1000x better in my honest opinion, some people can pose and just do it cause its 'in', but i do it cause i think it looks good on me/makes me feel good about myself

Your only young once.

was should be were if you want to state your case better ( sorry, too much time spent with Aries)

I see your point, one of the things I hate about the fire dept. is I must be clean shaven for my Scott Pack. If I could, I would've been sporting some righteous lamb chop sideburns and long hair for the last Lanwar, but noo, I have to be the responsable adult :bawling:

Enjoy being a kid Chao.

02-03-2005, 01:24 PM

I think kids should be able to express themselves, if they want to dress like that its their decision

I have gotten these peircings and my parents told me they didnt want me to have it, but I like the way peircings look, I really dont care what people think of my appearance, if I have a job interview you can just take them out and put them back in when you get hired, it works..for most jobs.

people that dye there hair..you'd understand alot better if you was our age, its just really fun to make your hair different colors, in a couple of days mines going to be redish brownish with black streaks..Then after a couple months with that im dying it black and putting dreds in it, i've bought the kits for everything already

just expressing yourself makes you feel 1000x better in my honest opinion, some people can pose and just do it cause its 'in', but i do it cause i think it looks good on me/makes me feel good about myself

Your only young once.

Ultimately, you may be right. I'm 19 now and I've never had piercings or felt the need to dye my hair, because all that is just material. Expressing yourself by dying your hair purple is only going to say "look, I dye my hair purple".

If people have a problem with that, it's their problem. But what are you actually expressing by changing your hair color and getting piercings? You have to clarify that.

The only way to truly express your opinion is to open your mouth.

It worries me that most democratic states original aim was supposed to be to protect the citizens, where as now it seems the main aim of the state is to protect itself. I don't think theres any evil masterplan behind this, I just thing it's something that has evolved.

02-03-2005, 01:31 PM
The only way to truly express your opinion is to open your mouth.

wrong my friend, I find this method of expression works quite well! http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/ruinkai/flipa.gif


Die Hard
02-03-2005, 02:24 PM
The only way to truly express your opinion is to open your mouth.
In this case I think the peircings are a better option. :P

Mad Fox
02-03-2005, 08:19 PM
I fear that socialism and communism are slowly devouring today's youth and tomorrow's adults--very scary thought indeed
First of all there is nothing wrong with socialism as a whole. The ideas behind it are very sensible and pratical although it doesnt work that way. Socialism in most western countries that are "democratic" works well and provides for the needs of all people.

I've never been to a public school so i Cant relate to the problems of education. But all I can say is that young people today are often pushed harder to be well rounded. They are also pushed to excell. So whoever said young people want things handed to them should spend a day in the shoes of a high school student who trys to excell.

02-03-2005, 08:50 PM
i dont think these kids reall care about the first amendments and such because they don't know how to use these right yet ,you cant reall speak out against a teacher, or your boss, but when you see something that is WRONG you have a say about it and you CAN make a stand. kids/ teenagers including myself, dont really have to worry about these things, cuz life is pretty easy for us.

when we are adults, we presumably stand up for what is right, thats why the constitution was written in the first place, because the Brits had no right to control us like they did.

i have yet to meet a high school student who goes out of their way to excell, i mean reall out of their way, most of the students enroll in programs the school offers, nothing that is really outside of the schools.

Die Hard
02-03-2005, 09:03 PM
the Brits had no right to control us like they did.
Yes we did, it was written into OUR constitution. You just wouldn't listen. Now look at the mess you're in! :D

02-03-2005, 09:39 PM
Yes we did, it was written into OUR constitution. You just wouldn't listen. Now look at the mess you're in! :D
oh well it was worth it when we pwned ur tea!!!111

02-03-2005, 11:08 PM
Yes we did, it was written into OUR constitution. You just wouldn't listen. Now look at the mess you're in! :D

:hmmm: :ha: :ha:

02-03-2005, 11:12 PM
you are right pure evil, tomorrow's adults are going to be nothing more than scared pussies that will take in everything the media (jews) with lie to them about.
and to think these same people will be voting for the president. who knows? they will probably vote for a woman to run the country.
MTV is making being "gay" the new fad and the cool thing to be. Most people that act gay arent gay but act it because of MTv's inlfuence on them. This in return, will make boys, into sissies that will not act like real me and definitely will not want to fight and risk dying for their country.
This country will most probably get taken over in the next 50 years if things dont change

Mr Clean
02-03-2005, 11:38 PM
Where to start....

Let's remember that the BBC is a liberal group that is sometimes anti-American and is very anti-Bush. I haven't seen many articles from them touting anything good about America...

The article says that 1/3 of the students "felt the First Amendment went "too far" in guaranteeing freedom of speech, press, worship and assembly." They don't tell you what the question or questions were, a common practice among American journalists...

And lets look at the John S and James L Knight Foundation. which funded the study. After browsing their website, I came across this in a mission statement: "The long-term goal of the National Venture Fund is to deepen Knight Foundation’s impact by providing models, leveraging resources and influencing decisions that create systemic change across our areas of funding interest, at the community level and ultimately across the nation."

What interests? Among others, they run various journalism programs to "increase news and newsroom diversity in the United States". They also are involved in journalism development at the high school level, etc.

What was the conclusion of the study, according to the BBC? "The survey concluded that better teaching and a bigger emphasis on student journalism could raise awareness of the First Amendment in American classrooms."

:eek: No kidding? Wow that falls right in line with what they are trying to do...I wonder how many studies they did about the First Amendment or journalism that didn't get released....probably just the ones that would not advance their cause.

I am not saying their cause is worthy or unworthy, but this whole thing reeks of self-serving interests to me....

In typical internet fashion, I also noticed no author listed at the end of the article...which is not new for the BBC website anyways...

In summary: This is why I am always careful to believe what I read from the press, ESPECIALLY when it is posted on the internet.

02-03-2005, 11:40 PM
Nitro just how much did you pay for your white hood?

Mad Fox
02-03-2005, 11:46 PM
you are right pure evil, tomorrow's adults are going to be nothing more than scared pussies that will take in everything the media (jews) with lie to them about.
and to think these same people will be voting for the president. who knows? they will probably vote for a woman to run the country.
MTV is making being "gay" the new fad and the cool thing to be. Most people that act gay arent gay but act it because of MTv's inlfuence on them. This in return, will make boys, into sissies that will not act like real me and definitely will not want to fight and risk dying for their country.
This country will most probably get taken over in the next 50 years if things dont change

Whats wrong with Jews?
Abraham is there ancestor too?

02-03-2005, 11:49 PM
Whats wrong with Jews?
Abraham is there ancestor too?
when u try to say something intelligent :rolleyes: spell it right please

Mr Clean
02-03-2005, 11:50 PM
then look at the normal household in america where both parents have to work fulltime jobs just so they can pay the bills. minus those long hours daily from proper parenting.

Wanted to make a general comment about this. I think there are a fair number of families in this country that don't HAVE to have two incomes to survive. They most certainly need two incomes to live the lifestyle they want to lead. There is a big difference between the two. Of course there are families that need both incomes in order to have the basics. I am talking about the people who's "basics" include satellite TV, a SUV for each parent, multiple plasma widescreen TVs, a computer for everyone, etc etc.

There are a lot of unhappy households because people are becoming increasingly worried about "ME" as opposed to the "WE" of their family. Their career comes first, so they let total strangers watch their children all day long when they could afford to stay home and raise them. And then as BIGG said they want to blame video games, or the educational system, or the government....America is becoming increasingly full of crap parents. That is a big problem....

02-03-2005, 11:52 PM
Exe correcting someone on their spelling, now if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black. :P

BTW Exe, this is the correct way to spell "Really", not "Reall". Your "Y" button must be broken. :P

02-03-2005, 11:55 PM
Nitro just how much did you pay for your white hood?
Shogun, you must be very ignorant. Look at what I wrote, maybe put on your glasses because your cheeky comment was very idiotic. I said media (jews) I didnt say anything derogatory against Jews, whatever my beleifs about them are. Next time, think before you post something this absurd.

Mr Clean
02-03-2005, 11:56 PM
First of all there is nothing wrong with socialism as a whole. The ideas behind it are very sensible and pratical although it doesnt work that way. Socialism in most western countries that are "democratic" works well and provides for the needs of all people.

The theory behind socialism is great, except that it takes humans to run it, and humans are not about equality (no animal on this planet is). Capitalism is the best system, period, because it is most in line with the nature within all of us.

02-03-2005, 11:57 PM
Exe correcting someone on their spelling, now if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black. :P

BTW Exe, this is the correct way to spell "Really", not "Reall". Your "Y" button must be broken. :P
this isn't about me, its about him... :rolleyes:

Mr Clean
02-04-2005, 12:00 AM
Shogun, you must be very ignorant. Look at what I wrote, maybe put on your glasses because your cheeky comment was very idiotic. I said media (jews) I didnt say anything derogatory against Jews, whatever my beleifs about them are. Next time, think before you post something this absurd.

The Pulitzer family, which just sold the St Louis Post-Dispatch (the first paper they founded in their newspaper empire back in the day) is not Jewish. The Pulitzer Prize is named after them (obviously). They are Christian, although what type I don't know for sure. Not all people in the media or that own media companies are Jewish. Now the precious gems trade, I think you could basically say that....

I don't think Ted Turner is Jewish either for that matter....an SOB yes, but not Jewish....

02-04-2005, 12:55 AM
The Pulitzer family, which just sold the St Louis Post-Dispatch (the first paper they founded in their newspaper empire back in the day) is not Jewish. The Pulitzer Prize is named after them (obviously). They are Christian, although what type I don't know for sure. Not all people in the media or that own media companies are Jewish. Now the precious gems trade, I think you could basically say that....

I don't think Ted Turner is Jewish either for that matter....an SOB yes, but not Jewish....
Perhaps this might explain:
MTV is opwned by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein), who is a Jewish obviously.
We live in a strange era where "homosexuality" has devolved from being a sexual preference to becoming a Fashion statement. That's really what most of the *** population of today is built upon--Fashion. Very few of them are actually gay, while the rest just think they're gay because the mass-media (especially MTV) tells them that its "Hip to be gay!". The Youth are the main audience of MTV, and that's exactly what their Gay network is going to be aimed at!
An article from gay.com:
Cable subscribers who have been anticipating the launch of the new gay Logo channel next month are now going to have to wait until the summer, according to an announcement Thursday from MTV Networks.

Brian Graden, president of Logo and of entertainment for MTV and VH1, said the launch of the channel has been moved from Feb. 17 to June 30.

Graden said that major reasons for the delay were to expand diversity in the programming and to make sure the channel gets a wider distribution.

"We can't launch without having something for everyone," he told the PlanetOut Network. "I wanted to make sure ... everyone could see themselves reflected in the channel."

Once the channel launches, MTV Networks expects it will be available in 10 million homes, up from a possible two million in February.

Three major advertisers for the channel have already signed on -- Subaru, Orbitz and Paramount Pictures -- and several original programs are in development. The offerings on deck include the scripted series "Noah's Arc," a comedy-drama about black gay men in Los Angeles, reality shows about gay weddings and gay cruises, new documentaries and previously released films, such as "Far from Heaven" and "Angels in America."

Logo's new documentary franchise, Momentum, has given the green light to several new documentaries, including "Beautiful Daughters," about the casting and performance of a transgender production of "The Vagina Monologues." Other documentaries focus on gay fraternities and sororities, the LGBT Hispanic experience, gay rugby and the gay rodeo circuit.

MTV officially unveiled the project last May, saying that Logo, with a slogan of "different together," would become the television "home" for LGBT viewers. The channel will be a basic cable offering, so subscribers will not have to pay an additional fee.

As Logo prepares to launch, other companies are capitalizing on the LGBT television market. Last month here! TV launched a gay channel available on DIRECTV for 12 hours a day. In addition, the Q Television Network, which is available in select cities, announced last week it will launch a live morning show next month titled "Good Morning Gay America."

02-04-2005, 01:27 AM
Nitro the way you talk about Jews and Homosexuals, it's sounds like you are of the opinion that they are bad things to be and your comments would make most people feel that you are a racist.

02-04-2005, 01:27 AM
mr clean, i was going to mention the things you did about the bbc but chose not to because i didnt want to stir up the liberal bush saga again;) but you are 100% correct. also i would like to comment on what you said about the average household having both parents to work and i will say that you are right again that there doesnt have to be both parents working along with the rest of the stuff you said. i will say that you brought up some very important things that really is people do not look at yet they end up the same way many times trying to keep up with the jones's. i wonder how many families would stick together today not keeping up with the jones's. i recall not having much and wearing hand me downs as a kid but holy crap times have changed and as much as i hated it then i am sure glad i learned the difference. one thing about not having both parents bringing in an income, i find it to be a pretty hard on living in a nice neighbothood where your children are safe and have the chance to get an education without worry of gang members killing them. unless one family member can make enough money to support their mortgage, insurance'sssss, car payment, prescriptions/doctors (co-pay) and food along with their average utility bills and still have enough to fill up the tank of the car, it seems pretty tough. i live in ny and i find it extremely hard regardless of paying over 12,000 a year just for daycare (minorities get it for free here in ny or pay half the price):( (in a few more years i hope i get these benefits:D ). i guess from where i live, it doesnt seem possible for many to have only one person working in a household. you can bet that i have already started saving for my daughter's college.

anyway as i ramble, you brought up some great points in your posts:thumbs: .

Mad Fox
02-04-2005, 01:35 AM
this isn't about me, its about him... :rolleyes:

Ok so i was in a hurry! If you want to play this game i can be the grammar, punctuation, and spelling police!

02-04-2005, 01:35 AM
OH pure, i just want to say that since you recognize it, you will no doubt show your son that you care very much and love him with all your heart. that along with your visitations will be enough to understand he has a dad (not just father) to count on. just keep it up brother:thumbs: the laws do suck when it comes to this but they are better the 15 years ago.

oh if you people ever feel like correcting me, you're wasting your time because reallllllly, it would take all day:D

Mad Fox
02-04-2005, 01:40 AM
OH pure, i just want to say that since you recognize it, you will no doubt show your son that you care very much and love him with all your heart. that along with your visitations will be enough to understand he has a dad (not just father) to count on. just keep it up brother:thumbs: the laws do suck when it comes to this but they are better the 15 years ago.

oh if you people ever feel like correcting me, you're wasting your time because reallllllly, it would take all day:D

Don't worry Biggs I'm not after you! Exe is my prey! :cool: :jammin: :D

02-04-2005, 03:31 AM
Nitro the way you talk about Jews and Homosexuals, it's sounds like you are of the opinion that they are bad things to be and your comments would make most people feel that you are a racist.
im just posting facts which is something you CANT fight so quite trying
call me whatever u want, names dont hurt me, but it wont reflect your character well

Caged Anger
02-04-2005, 04:01 AM
hmmm, sure am glad i grew up with metal ears on the TV and not a cable, lol. 5 stations are all I've ever known and frankly, I've watched MTV on 2 occasions. Both of which quickly ended before they got too long in length.

Long Live Bunny Ears!!!

02-04-2005, 07:00 AM
Perhaps this might explain:
MTV is opwned by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein), who is a Jewish obviously.
We live in a strange era where "homosexuality" has devolved from being a sexual preference to becoming a Fashion statement. That's really what most of the *** population of today is built upon--Fashion. Very few of them are actually gay, while the rest just think they're gay because the mass-media (especially MTV)
Before I say anything. Is this a copy/paste or your words?

02-04-2005, 07:06 AM
damn i have seen some of the stupidest crap ever posted to be posted in this thread. It doesn't matter to me whose words they are, the fact that someone is cut & pasting it means that they believe it enough to post it. :down:

He Is Legend
02-04-2005, 08:57 AM

Die Hard
02-04-2005, 11:28 AM
This is what freedom of speech is all about. Some people, without naming anyone [but begins Nitro and ends Static] just go to prove how blinkered some sections of society are. :down:

Mr Clean
02-04-2005, 06:08 PM
damn i have seen some of the stupidest crap ever posted to be posted in this thread. It doesn't matter to me whose words they are, the fact that someone is cut & pasting it means that they believe it enough to post it. :down:

So what is your excuse then? :P

02-04-2005, 08:10 PM
This is what freedom of speech is all about. Some people, without naming anyone [but begins Nitro and ends Static] just go to prove how blinkered some sections of society are. :down:
come over here and you will see what crap this country has coming through the tv
come to my house and ill show u what right to bear arms is all about :P

02-04-2005, 08:28 PM
Don't worry Biggs I'm not after you! Exe is my prey! :cool: :jammin: :D
haws abuut wee pley sum sam, and u dunt tulk to straingurs on msn....right :rolleyes:

Mad Fox
02-04-2005, 10:10 PM
haws abuut wee pley sum sam, and u dunt tulk to straingurs on msn....right :rolleyes:
That was my sister on MSN. I had the stupid thing on auto login. LOL And yes I do talk to strangers! :jammin:

Caged Anger
02-04-2005, 10:35 PM
how else would one meet all the gamemeccians on this board? always fun to randomly pick an msn name and sayt hello, lol