View Full Version : SLICE - and others like him...

Alexis SC430
02-06-2005, 08:44 PM
I was just reading that post by WhoCares...

SLICE -- you have a "Chemical Guy"???? :confused:

According to your profile you were born in 1974 making you like only seven years older than me making you 30 I think or pretty close to there since it isn't July or August yet.

Now, as far as I can tell, you also own a server or servers or domains or something internet related like that. I forget what exactly, but aside from that Gods Clan server thing you just announced if I'm not mistaken you own a bunch of that stuff.

And maybe I just imagined this part, but don't you own or have something to do with a law-firm? Or maybe like some kind of degree in law or something?

Plus you give business and economic advise and stuff like that; same thing consultants do and they get paid A LOT.

Now, even if I am wrong about the legal thing, you seem to have like a lot of education or businesses you own or whatever (FYI, I'm willing to overlook supporting Kerry, because we all get stupid infatuations at time). In otherwords, you appear to be like very very successful at only 30!

MY POINT IS ON TOP OF ALL THAT STUFF YOU HAVE A "CHEMICAL GUY"! I don't know exactly what that means, but I would assume it's someone who works in the chemical developement or testing or whatever division of YOUR company! And since you said "chemical guy" istead of "one of my guys" or something like that it would imply you needed to be specific about the position held by the guy because there are various different divisions that are very different that work for you.

I mean, that's very impressive!! :) How did you pull that off?? Even if I'm offbase on the lawfirm or multi-divisioned business ownership you still seem to be pretty well off and stuff. At the very least you never seem depressed to me (not to say you never feel sad or convey all your feelings at a forum) which is kinda rare because I've noticed there are a large amount of depressed or socially distraught people online (including many GM members), but you always manage to project a postive image. I mean, even if you don't own half that stuff you still are good at making people believe you're happy.

See, right now I'm in need of some helpful advice I think since life sucks.

So, I am asking Slice or anyone like him, if they have any tips or techniques regarding how to project an upbeat image to people (especially strangers or the general public) -- ESPECIALLY how to hide any feelings of dislike/disgust/rage or maybe hostile/violent impulses someone might have against someone or a general group of people and just kinda let it pass and be polite -- would be especially helpful since I am pretty sure I lack in that area and it's most likely a major handicap.

And it's like totally okay if noone can post that stuff or doesn't want to, because (though I'm not sure yet) maybe you're not supposed to be TOLD this stuff (or maybe you are; to be honest I'm really not sure). :confused:

02-06-2005, 09:14 PM
I will answer your questions when I have some more time, but I am about to deep fry chicken wings and get ready for the super bowl. :) Yes I am fortunate to be a millionaire at only age 30. If I give away all my secrets then everyone would be millionaires and what fun would that be? :P GO EAGLES!

02-06-2005, 09:33 PM
Alexis, please listne to me, becaause IT WORKS.
everything i told you this week..IT WORKS
how do u think i got where i am today?
you have nothing to lose should be your motto ;)

02-06-2005, 10:25 PM
I will answer your questions when I have some more time, but I am about to deep fry chicken wings and get ready for the super bowl. :) Yes I am fortunate to be a millionaire at only age 30. If I give away all my secrets then everyone would be millionaires and what fun would that be? :P GO EAGLES!

Ahh Slice, a person who shares my kind of thinking. I too, will be a millionaire by the time i reach my mid thirties. :thumbs:

02-06-2005, 10:35 PM
Well, since I already have $20 in quarters saved up in my room, I imagine this thread was made partially for me.

I guess having a positive attitude is how I found my riches! Three hundred years ago, I would be the richest man in America and own half of the world.. I hope I didn't brag too much.. Not many people get to see 80 quarters in their life time.. God was kind to me, and I'm thankful every day. Well, every other day.

02-06-2005, 10:48 PM
Slice I admire you.... Could just eat some hot n spicey chicken wings myself.....lol

Wannabee.... You should distribute your fortune among your good friends at gm....lol

02-06-2005, 10:53 PM
Alexis....... The first step, as somneone once told me here on GM when i was having a bad patch........

Blank out negativities and think positive, be who you are not who you think you are.

02-07-2005, 12:02 AM
Wannabee.... You should distribute your fortune among your good friends at gm....lolNEVER!

Click the image to see the text!

02-07-2005, 12:30 AM

Click the image to see the text!

Lol, never mind trying to immitate mr duck....... We want your money! lol

02-07-2005, 01:35 AM
alexis, there is no tricks to become rich or no tricks on how to become happy. i am sure even slice has his moments regardless of showing them on a forum. i am sure anyone here can say that saying life sucks is probably the biggest problem you have. that statement is negative and maybe because that is you state of mind it seems there is no end to your misery. i would suggest to you to make a list of the goods and bads in your life and take one step at a time to start clearing your bad list. now i will also suggest that the thought of being rich or becoming rich would make you happy. it might clear up some issues you are currently having or make things seem easy but it is not going o make you a positve person.

so what am i saying? simply do things that are positve regardless of how big or small they are. completing something that will establish an accomplishment and it will also establish a life of confidence which will establish to being positive.

no matter what, i you want to make something of yourself, you have to really want it:thumbs:

02-07-2005, 01:47 AM
Just go out and try things, and eventually you will become happy, through good and bad experiences.

02-07-2005, 01:57 AM
slice, et al.... two words. don't bite. you will regret it. :thumbs:

Mr Clean
02-07-2005, 04:53 AM
Despite what a lot of successful people like to say (and I am in no means taking anything away from the hard work that they put in), timing is everything....

02-07-2005, 05:57 AM
I just thought I might giggle at this thread a bit. You can't just be told how to be rich. I think a person becomes rich because of their personality, intelligence, street smarts, and timing..

You gotta work hard too, but if you don't put your eggs in the right basket it can all be a waste. AHHHH I can't believe I'm trying to explain how to be successful.. I'm broke and have no future. wee lol!

Dangerous Dan
02-07-2005, 07:03 AM
Well, since I already have $20 in quarters saved up in my room, I imagine this thread was made partially for me.
In grade 9 and 10 i picked up every penny on the floor at my highschool, the result (other than a sad sad habbit), $22.00, it's still rolled to this day :D

Die Hard
02-07-2005, 11:09 AM
A fool and his money are easlily parted......


Mr Clean
02-07-2005, 02:02 PM
In grade 9 and 10 i picked up every penny on the floor at my highschool, the result (other than a sad sad habbit), $22.00, it's still rolled to this day :D

Unfortunately, Dan began to roll other things after that....which also became a habit :P

02-07-2005, 02:42 PM
The internets gets you chicks.

02-07-2005, 03:28 PM
but for some of them, you are better off unplugging the internet... :thumbs:

The Crimson Centurion
02-07-2005, 04:39 PM
The internets gets you chicks.

actually it really does...I met a girl from UT2004 who lives 200 miles from me and we met in real life twice... :D great sax !!

you have to realize something.. we live in extraordinary times... if you have a car, nice appartement or house, heating, air-conditioning, walmart etc
you are already 100 times better off than anyone who lived before 1900
where half your family would die from benign deseases and all you would ever know was 5 miles around your house.

we are lucky enough to witness the technological age as it progresses..
many of us have known computers since they came out.

I am in no way rich but I eat, drink and do what I want when I want...

in a 1000 years I am sure that this time period will be viewed among the most interesting times to live in...EVER.. happiness is a mental state...

but people are right in this thread...you either have to be born into money or be very lucky and determined.

02-07-2005, 04:49 PM
In grade 9 and 10 i picked up every penny on the floor at my highschool, the result (other than a sad sad habbit), $22.00, it's still rolled to this day :Dlol.. Sounds time consuming!

Mad Fox
02-07-2005, 08:00 PM
Success is just how you yourself define it!

02-08-2005, 01:11 AM
In grade 9 and 10 i picked up every penny on the floor at my highschool, the result (other than a sad sad habbit), $22.00, it's still rolled to this day :D
wow someone has major ADD lol

02-08-2005, 02:39 AM
wow someone has major ADD lol
Actually ADD would not be the correct diagnosis. Hell there is nothing wrong with picking up change on the floor. I do it all the time. If someone is careless enough to drop their money it's finders keepers in my book.

He Is Legend
02-08-2005, 02:45 AM
Actually ADD would not be the correct diagnosis. Hell there is nothing wrong with picking up change on the floor. I do it all the time. If someone is careless enough to drop their money it's finders keepers in my book.

I second that :thumbs:

02-08-2005, 03:54 AM
Alexis, I'll toss this in there as well, for what it's worth.

I'll try my best to be really brief, honest.

I was lucky enough to be born into a fairly well off family. Pop was the classic American Dream story from the 50's. Born poor, started out working in a garage, and worked his way up until he was senior management with General Motors. Rather the same with my Mom as well.

When I finally went off to college, I went nuts. Having been brought up with those fairly strict, hardwork-all-the-time parents, I wasn't prepared.
I got heavily into partying - did it all. I ended up flunking out of college.

The rule had always been, they'd pay for college but then I was on my own.
So when I flunked out - that was it. I was on my own.

I wound up back in the town I'd gone to college in, but with only about 5 bucks to my name, no car, no job, no home...absolutely nothing.

I hated my parents for abandoning me, I hated everything. I found a crap job in a restaurant, and got even more into drugs and drinking. Found a cheap hole in the wall apartment that I could walk to from my place. I would stay up 'till 4,5, 6 am every night. Sleep till noon or one. Get up, get high, go to work. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I started getting envious of some of the friends I had who had decent stuff. I mean, remember, I had NOTHING. Slept on a mattress on the floor someone gave me. Had a few ratty clothes. Still no car. So I started saving up some for a car, figuring if I was ever gonna get a decent job I hadda get a car.

Finally saved up enough to buy a crap car.

I started getting more and more pissed off about not having anything.

I realized that I wanted to be able to come home at the end of the day being PROUD of what I'd done that day. Even if it was a crap job, I wanted to bust my butt at it and be better than anyone else doing it. So freakin what if someone looked at me thinking I was a loser for working in a restaurant - *I* knew I was doing it better than anyone else there.

About that time, we had a fire at my apartment. I pretty much lost everything that I had at that point. What wasn't burned, was ruined from smoke damage. I still had my crappy car though!

Upshot, I ended up looking around until I got a decent job. Kept going from there.

At one point, I wound up sharing a fairly nice house with a friend of mine. He came from a rather wealthy family. His folks owned that house along with several others in the town. At first, I was really jealous of him - he had all sorts of great stuff. Nice car, nice place to live, lots of spending cash.

Then I started to realize though - none of it was really HIS. It all came from his parents.
It ended up that he asked me to move out. He said I didn't have the kind of class that HE wanted in a roommate. I still had my mattress and box spring on the floor, for example. No bed frame. Well, I didn't have the money yet for a bedframe - but I had bought that mattress and box spring (used - but I bought 'em myself!)

I realized how sad it was that he had been GIVEN all this great stuff, but couldn't appreciate any of it. I felt like I had actually accomplished a LOT more than he ever had - because I had friggin earned every last bit of it.

I kept looking for opportunities wherever I could. When I'd find a good one, I'd go for it. Sometimes it scared the crap out of me to take those risks, but I did my homework and figured out which ones I really could go for.

I certainly would not say I'm rich by ANY stretch of the imagination. However, I'm friggin proud as hell of the fact that I'm currently a manager for one of the largest Homecare companies in the country, and that I have a decent house, a decent car, and enough crap/stuff to keep myself occupied.

More than that though, what I'm most proud of: I can look back and know I earned every single last damn BIT of it.

I can appreciate how fantastic it is to have food in the fridge - even if it's not a fridge in a dream kitchen - because I know all too well what it's like to not be able to sleep at night for being so hungry.

I also have the confidence to know I can do anything, because I came from more or less nothing - twice now.

I know I rambled - but I hope some of this made sense to you. Don't be afraid to try, the worst that can happen is you wind up back where you started. BE PROUD of what you do, no matter what it is. No one but you can ever take your accomplishments away.

I apologize for such a long, rambling post. I just felt I hadda share some of it. I've been where you are. I've looked out those windows.

Good luck to ya -


02-08-2005, 04:06 AM
Actually ADD would not be the correct diagnosis. Hell there is nothing wrong with picking up change on the floor. I do it all the time. If someone is careless enough to drop their money it's finders keepers in my book.I think Nitro was referring to how Dan went off topic! (just as I had done)... Then again, maybe he meant that a person who is always picking up pennies lacks concentration skills.. (in which case, you'd be correct with what you just posted!)

Oh and Slice, I am always losing money! :bawling: Once I make it, I can become careless about where I put it.

02-08-2005, 04:12 AM
masterpieceWow.. I'm very impressed! Congrats on accomplishing all of that.

Are you still friends with that guy who let you live at his house?

02-08-2005, 04:26 AM
I have a gallon containrer filled with pennies back when I was a little child with no life
now what to do with all those pennies!!

02-08-2005, 04:35 AM
I have a gallon containrer filled with pennies back when I was a little child with no life
now what to do with all those pennies!!buy a car? :cool:

02-08-2005, 05:10 AM
Wow.. I'm very impressed! Congrats on accomplishing all of that.

Are you still friends with that guy who let you live at his house?

No, I'm not. After I moved out, we drifted farther and farther apart. I found myself just not enjoying his company.

Last time I saw him was a few years back when he was desperately trying to impress anyone who would listen about a car he had bought. It was really sad.

Poor guy.


02-08-2005, 05:37 AM
Bingo, I must commend you, very impressive! :thumbs:

02-08-2005, 06:54 AM
bingo that was a great post that i hope will not just enlighten alexis but the other younger people here. you are 100% right about atleast trying and you are 100% right about no one can take your accomplishemnts away from you.

2x:thumbs: 2u

02-08-2005, 07:02 AM
2x:thumbs: 2uso 2.. I mean true. *dag nabit peanut butter!

I think Bingo made the best post possible, so Alexis you betta read it!!! lol

Dangerous Dan
02-08-2005, 07:07 AM
hmm... i think i shall invest some time reading Bingo's post now...

02-08-2005, 07:09 AM
Just had to add a :thumbs: for Bingo's post.

02-08-2005, 07:17 AM
B to the I to the NGO!!!!:jammin:
Thnx for sharing that!!:thumbs:

Die Hard
02-08-2005, 09:17 AM
I love you Bingo :wub:

Mr Clean
02-08-2005, 06:57 PM
I think Nitro was referring to how Dan went off topic! (just as I had done)... Then again, maybe he meant that a person who is always picking up pennies lacks concentration skills.. (in which case, you'd be correct with what you just posted!)

Oh and Slice, I am always losing money! :bawling: Once I make it, I can become careless about where I put it.

Actually someone who went about looking for pennies on the floor all day every day would probably be diagnosed with an obsessive/compulsive disorder. Someone with ADD would never stick with such a plan....

02-08-2005, 08:22 PM
Actually someone who went about looking for pennies on the floor all day every day would probably be diagnosed with an obsessive/compulsive disorder. Someone with ADD would never stick with such a plan....
ahh, then he has ob/com ;)

02-09-2005, 12:36 AM
Actually someone who went about looking for pennies on the floor all day every day would probably be diagnosed with an obsessive/compulsive disorder. Someone with ADD would never stick with such a plan....I would disagree. Money, to the brain is an opportunity, therefore I would say it's normal. Obsessive/compulsive is usually redundancy with out justification. (I mean unless he literally just did it with out the purpose of gaining money) IE, washing your hands 100 times per day. Unless you're a surgeon or handle sh1t all day long then you have a problem. Of course Psych wasn't my major so I am a bit rusty. :P

02-09-2005, 12:56 AM
I realized that I wanted to be able to come home at the end of the day being PROUD of what I'd done that day. Even if it was a crap job, I wanted to bust my butt at it and be better than anyone else doing it. So freakin what if someone looked at me thinking I was a loser for working in a restaurant - *I* knew I was doing it better than anyone else there.

This would be the number one and most important rule of work ethics in my book. I don't care if you are flipping burgers or have your own law firm. Take pride in everything you do and realize that you are making a difference by working above and beyond everyone else. Find a way to do it better then the rest.

02-09-2005, 01:25 AM
This would be the number one and most important rule of work ethics in my book. I don't care if you are flipping burgers or have your own law firm. Take pride in everything you do and realize that you are making a difference by working above and beyond everyone else. Find a way to do it better then the rest.I agree! BUT that's soooo hard.... :bawling:

02-09-2005, 09:48 AM
This would be the number one and most important rule of work ethics in my book. I don't care if you are flipping burgers or have your own law firm. Take pride in everything you do and realize that you are making a difference by working above and beyond everyone else. Find a way to do it better then the rest.

Well said Slice. :thumbs:

Mr Clean
02-09-2005, 02:18 PM
I would disagree. Money, to the brain is an opportunity, therefore I would say it's normal. Obsessive/compulsive is usually redundancy with out justification. (I mean unless he literally just did it with out the purpose of gaining money) IE, washing your hands 100 times per day. Unless you're a surgeon or handle sh1t all day long then you have a problem. Of course Psych wasn't my major so I am a bit rusty. :P

Money is a form of conducting trade and setting a common value on goods and services, nothing more. Looking for pennies on the floor of your high school for four years, if not com/ob, is at least a really lousy way of making money :)

02-09-2005, 03:09 PM
Money is a form of conducting trade and setting a common value on goods and services, nothing more. Looking for pennies on the floor of your high school for four years, if not com/ob, is at least a really lousy way of making money :)
True there are definitions and conceptions. I highly doubt that he was thinking to himself what the definition of money was while looking for it, only what he could buy or save. Anyhow what the heck was this topic about? :P

Die Hard
02-09-2005, 03:15 PM
Anyhow what the heck was this topic about? :P
Alexis wanting to bunk down at your place for a while :P

Alexis SC430
02-10-2005, 10:13 PM
HA! :P

Yeah, you married Slice? I'm very young! :D

Alexis SC430
02-10-2005, 10:14 PM
Read my original post if you wanna find out, Slice... :P

02-10-2005, 10:19 PM
yes, that's a great goal, find somebody to "fix you" :thumbs:

Die Hard
02-10-2005, 10:30 PM
HA! :P

Yeah, you married Slice? I'm very young! :D
Lets see some pics :D

02-10-2005, 11:08 PM
Lets see some pics :DOf Slice! :eek:

02-11-2005, 12:29 AM
HA! :P

Yeah, you married Slice? I'm very young! :D
I am currently single. Never been married but have been stalked. What is young? ;)

02-11-2005, 12:46 AM
I am currently single.Praise the lord!!!

02-11-2005, 01:30 AM
Disney Sucks!

Free Styler
02-11-2005, 03:12 AM

bingo i have the outmost respect for what you have posted AND it just goes to show that some parents do the right things.

They let you make your own life.

Anybody who was given everything since a earlie age and have things paid for
all their lives is in my mind a big spoiled kid.

If seomeone brags about that cash on top of that.Well,that's even more sad.

Alexis good luck with your future.Actully good luck to everybody's future.
Money related stuff is currently my only worries in life(rent bills)Thinking about it that's a lot of people worries hehe.BUT i hope to change that in the future.I'm still young :)

I'm not really the kinda guy to say this to people but what the heck.

I started taking drugs at a very young age also.12 of 13 until the age of 18 where it went very much downhill from there.I'm 22 today nearly 23 hehe and all i have to say is this alexis.

The brain can recuparate from anything ,trust me on this one.I saw both sides of hapiness one being the absolute best thing you could imagine and the other being the complete opposite.

Anyways today in my life things are going well.I'm happy i'm not poor tho not rich but i'm gaining experience in life and i'm quite happy.I'd say when things are not going my way i'm usally neutral.That the worst i get today.But i know where your comming from alexis.

All and all money is not what makes seomeone happy.
Tho i will say materialisticly speaking it does not hurt having it.
BUT that is not what's going to make you happy trust me.
Being comfortable in your own skin is what will make you happy.

Anyways stay strong in life and try to make the best out of it.:)

02-11-2005, 04:54 AM
I definitely want to answer this, but can I send it to e-mail. Let me know if you read your msn mail and I will send it there! See ya!

===D A N _ I _ A M===

02-11-2005, 04:59 AM
Disney Sucks!Please ban Execution. He doesn't like Disney for Christ's sake. I just don't feel safe posting on the same board as him. Perhaps the council should be reinstated just until we solve this nuisance! lol

Just Kidders. I like Exe. (as long as we aren't playing Sam together!) :devil:

02-11-2005, 05:03 AM
FreeStyler is only 22!? All this time I thought he was in his upper 20s. So you're only 3 years older than me FS.. THIS changes everything! We could be going to school together for all I know! Mama Mia!

Mr Clean
02-11-2005, 06:05 AM
Gratz Free Styler for turning your life around. Not everyone can do that. :thumbs:

02-11-2005, 07:14 AM
I am currently single. Never been married but have been stalked. What is young? ;)

Prolly younger than she says.......from the way she acts. :P

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-11-2005, 10:50 AM

bingo i have the outmost respect for what you have posted AND it just goes to show that some parents do the right things.

They let you make your own life.

Anybody who was given everything since a earlie age and have things paid for
all their lives is in my mind a big spoiled kid.

If seomeone brags about that cash on top of that.Well,that's even more sad.

Alexis good luck with your future.Actully good luck to everybody's future.
Money related stuff is currently my only worries in life(rent bills)Thinking about it that's a lot of people worries hehe.BUT i hope to change that in the future.I'm still young :)

I'm not really the kinda guy to say this to people but what the heck.

I started taking drugs at a very young age also.12 of 13 until the age of 18 where it went very much downhill from there.I'm 22 today nearly 23 hehe and all i have to say is this alexis.

The brain can recuparate from anything ,trust me on this one.I saw both sides of hapiness one being the absolute best thing you could imagine and the other being the complete opposite.

Anyways today in my life things are going well.I'm happy i'm not poor tho not rich but i'm gaining experience in life and i'm quite happy.I'd say when things are not going my way i'm usally neutral.That the worst i get today.But i know where your comming from alexis.

All and all money is not what makes seomeone happy.
Tho i will say materialisticly speaking it does not hurt having it.
BUT that is not what's going to make you happy trust me.
Being comfortable in your own skin is what will make you happy.

Anyways stay strong in life and try to make the best out of it.:)

Well said. You're a good man Mr. Styler.