View Full Version : Anheuser-Busch

02-07-2005, 09:06 PM
i would like to give this company 2x:thumbs: for their commercial during the superbowl. i found it touching and well worth the respect they gave to the troops. it wasnt an ad for their beer but 2.4 million dollars spent to say thank you to those serving our country and fighting for freedom. i voted it the best commercial ever for the superbowl.

p.s. of course i gave godaddy.com the second vote:D

02-07-2005, 10:07 PM
That was a good, heart-warming commercial, BIGG... I'm not sure it was brand new, it seemed like I'd seen it before at some point.... :)

02-07-2005, 11:14 PM
Yes, that was a nice tribute to the troops...nice to see that in there when airtime is such a coveted item. :)

Next best was the one where the cat dumps over the tomato sauce and the guys wife walks in !! :D :funny:

02-07-2005, 11:25 PM
Yes, that was a nice tribute to the troops...nice to see that in there when airtime is such a coveted item. :)

Next best was the one where the cat dumps over the tomato sauce and the guys wife walks in !! :D :funny:

That cat one was great too, I'd forgotten that one! :thumbs:

Mad Fox
02-08-2005, 01:40 AM
Yes BIGGS It was a very thoughful tribute!

Mr Clean
02-08-2005, 06:54 PM
i would like to give this company 2x:thumbs: for their commercial during the superbowl. i found it touching and well worth the respect they gave to the troops. it wasnt an ad for their beer but 2.4 million dollars spent to say thank you to those serving our country and fighting for freedom. i voted it the best commercial ever for the superbowl.

p.s. of course i gave godaddy.com the second vote:D

They had several made like that (they called them "hero" spots) and that one had the best response by peer groups. It was well done.