View Full Version : just curious

02-13-2005, 10:41 PM
why do so many of you use aliases? i have noticed that even talented players are using them now and regardless of how i feel about it, i am just curious to know what the reasoning is?

02-13-2005, 11:07 PM
a) Avoid offensive trash directed at your real tags. (ex: You suck, blah blah)
b) Avoiding people thinking your cheap or lame.
c) Avoid the screenie bs. *that's a big one!
d) To play with complete freedom.
e) To be able to play without being concerned about winning. *ties in with letter d.
f) Because 90% of everyone who plays is an alias.
More to come. :/

02-13-2005, 11:07 PM
because the game is chock full of assholes? :dunno:

02-13-2005, 11:08 PM
because the game is chock full of assholes? :dunno:Opps, I forgot that one. Thanks Pure! :cool:

02-13-2005, 11:14 PM
because the game is chock full of assholes? :dunno:
:funny: :doh:

02-13-2005, 11:18 PM
egos, spammers, hoes, pups, other aliases, whiners, lag, blah blah blah.
I play very little sam any more. I would like to play more ut2k4, but
for some reason directx 9.0c + amd 3500 + msi k8n + 5900 = BSOD upon exit.... (open gl games are fine though)

02-13-2005, 11:28 PM
jim that is a know problem in the nvidia drivers. do you get the bsod after signing off the game? try these drivers--http://www.3dchipset.com/drivers/nvidia/beta/nt5/7180.php

02-13-2005, 11:29 PM
because the game is chock full of assholes? :dunno:

when i read that, i laughed my ass off. their are still some good people playing though but your post does have some truth.

02-13-2005, 11:38 PM
a) Avoid offensive trash directed at your real tags. (ex: You suck, blah blah)
you get trash from only the idiots who are using aliases and are hiding. whats the difference anyway because if you are good, they are mad about that.

b) Avoiding people thinking your cheap or lame.
doesnt make sense because i feel that way against the aliases
c) Avoid the screenie bs. *that's a big one!
that means you cant take losing? whats worst is when someone posts wins while they are using an alias. that i feel is just gay and weak.
d) To play with complete freedom.
sounds freaky
e) To be able to play without being concerned about winning. *ties in with letter d.
when i play, i am always concerned about winning. i hate losing and expect others to feel the same way. i thought the goal was to play to win.
f) Because 90% of everyone who plays is an alias.
it seems that way now and is the reason i made this thread

no offense but from all the answers that you provided, i can only say that they add up to that you do not want to lose with your tags on. and you also play better without your tags on or if no one else knows it's you. is that correct? i would probably play better also under alias because if i lost no one can get the true win of beating me. they can only win not knowing who they beat. doesnt that defeat the reason of being in a clan or winning with a name?

02-13-2005, 11:56 PM
c) Avoid the screenie bs. *that's a big one!
that means you cant take losing? whats worst is when someone posts wins while they are using an alias. that i feel is just gay and weak.
lol, click here for an example of screenie abuse.... http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/member.php?u=1144

not that anyone is complaining, but it makes me laugh to play in a game where someone has a good game and then a screenshot is posted moments later.... It just seems like all the fun is gone. people play for blood and not for the fun of the game and companionship any more.

02-14-2005, 12:07 AM
lol, click here for an example of screenie abuse.... http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/member.php?u=1144

not that anyone is complaining, but it makes me laugh to play in a game where someone has a good game and then a screenshot is posted moments later.... It just seems like all the fun is gone. people play for blood and not for the fun of the game and companionship any more.Exactly!

Btw, BIGG thanks for tearing down my post. I won't do the same for yours, but it could be easily done. Was this thread intended to become a flame war? Because that's the only thing that can come out of it.

There's a huge difference between me and most aliases.. I never post screenies or brag,(I would if I were pushed to however).. I agree that aliases who claim to be the best, but never use their tags are annoying, but I do no such thing.

02-14-2005, 12:10 AM
lol, click here for an example of screenie abuse.... http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/member.php?u=1144

thats good...

but u gotta hand it to me, my alias is the best. :thumbs:

02-14-2005, 12:24 AM

Btw, BIGG thanks for tearing down my post. I won't do the same for yours, but it could be easily done. Was this thread intended to become a flame war? Because that's the only thing that can come out of it.

There's a huge difference between me and most aliases.. I never post screenies or brag,(I would if I were pushed to however).. I agree that aliases who claim to be the best, but never use their tags are annoying, but I do no such thing.

merk, wasnt meant to attack you of all people or anyone actually. if it seemed like that i apologize. you were just the only one who gave some reason behind alias use

as for the reason for this thread, i am just trying to understand the point of people constantly using aliases as simple as that. i guess i just miss the old days of people playing and knowing who we were playing. it seemed more fun then, i understand many don't play this game anymore but there are still alot of good players playing but choose to use aliases which is what i am tring to figure out why or get a reason behind it. maybe, just maybe those who do use aliases will start to wear their tags or name once again out of it.

02-14-2005, 12:30 AM
when i read that, i laughed my ass off. their are still some good people playing though but your post does have some truth.
:D watch, in 3 days, this thread will have proved my point ;)

02-14-2005, 12:32 AM
lol, click here for an example of screenie abuse.... http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/member.php?u=1144

not that anyone is complaining, but it makes me laugh to play in a game where someone has a good game and then a screenshot is posted moments later.... It just seems like all the fun is gone. people play for blood and not for the fun of the game and companionship any more.
jim, i kind of disagree with the play for blood part. i have played a few games recently with dd, tik, chico, and another old school player strider. we wer3e playing and we were having a great game with full respect. we all played fair and no one used any pups or bashed each other. i have actually played a few games like this with some good players and we all respect each other because we know no matter what it's a game and we are all trying to win the game. we also know that the game has flaws but the competition was still their and we played like we use to play and still the respect from all of us was there. i really enjoyed those games and all those kinds of games where i recognize the players as they do me and we play to win fairly without any bs. i think the game still has the potoential but the alias use is so common today that even the respected players forget. i know myself if i win a game against the best player i can not claim to be the bestter player. that's my point when i talk about respect because no matter what, if you are a fair player and play well, you get respect from the other players that do the same.

02-14-2005, 12:37 AM
merk, wasnt meant to attack you of all people or anyone actually. if it seemed like that i apologize. you were just the only one who gave some reason behind alias use

as for the reason for this thread, i am just trying to understand the point of people constantly using aliases as simple as that. i guess i just miss the old days of people playing and knowing who we were playing. it seemed more fun then, i understand many don't play this game anymore but there are still alot of good players playing but choose to use aliases which is what i am tring to figure out why or get a reason behind it. maybe, just maybe those who do use aliases will start to wear their tags or name once again out of it.Thanks man.. I'm very glad you said that. :) I was worried when I came back to this thread it would have become a blood bath. Sorry if I mistook your post for an attack. I can be a bit over-sensitive at times!

02-14-2005, 01:03 AM
i guess i just miss the old days of people playing and knowing who we were playing.

That was always one of the best parts of Sam. Yeah the game is laggy and lacked CTF, team deathmatch and all that, but it was fast and fun and had a group of regular players that you could get to know.

After a straight week of me playing against nothing but aliases I posted my retirement...which I haven't kept to absolutely. :P

But I still barely play anymore. If I pop into a server and don't recognize anyone by tags or someone doesn't say hello...I just leave and play UT2k4 instead.

02-14-2005, 01:11 AM
Its also not fair to call people cheaters just because you are losing, you play to win but that doesnt mean u can win all the time.
If i get a bad score i still stay, just for the sake of playing, i stopped making ssam movies so i dont really play for shots, i play ssam because i basicall suck at every other game.
Aliasing is not a big problem for me cuz i can recognize a skilled player by how they frag me and by how they move around the map.
and ut2004, imo is not a very good substitute for ssam, its just not as fast and the movement and weapons are really different.

02-14-2005, 01:15 AM
jim that is a know problem in the nvidia drivers. do you get the bsod after signing off the game? try these drivers--http://www.3dchipset.com/drivers/nvidia/beta/nt5/7180.php

thanks biggs, that fixed the problem that was occuring in a couple of games. you are a genius... :thumbs:

02-14-2005, 02:44 AM
thanks biggs, that fixed the problem that was occuring in a couple of games. you are a genius... :thumbs:
actually not a genius but had the same problem which was frustrating.

02-14-2005, 03:12 AM
Try playing for fun, it's a lot less stressful!

02-14-2005, 03:26 AM
my retirement...which I haven't kept to absolutely. :P

But I still barely play anymore. If I pop into a server and don't recognize anyone by tags or someone doesn't say hello...I just leave and play UT2k4 instead.
:wootrock: :wootrock: I'll look for you in UT-land !! :thumbs:

02-14-2005, 09:28 PM
lol, click here for an example of screenie abuse.... http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/member.php?u=1144

not that anyone is complaining, but it makes me laugh to play in a game where someone has a good game and then a screenshot is posted moments later.... It just seems like all the fun is gone. people play for blood and not for the fun of the game and companionship any more.
Its so easy to say thats you, that is an example of someone whos afraid to lose, but find out its going to be a win.
OMG the wrong name: well its me .

ME WHO? :down:

02-14-2005, 10:15 PM
Number one:
You can turn the message in the top left corner off.
end of abuse


Number two:
If you are a Noob, some times it looks if players are cheating (welcome to sam)
Its easy to call someone a cheater but.... see number one

Number three:
Speaking for my self, i think its nice to know who you are dealing with. Sometime an alias will reviel himself, but i think its a shame. I am more a "for fun player" , stealing a win now and then. So what, its about having fun.
Its "the old guys" complaining and using aliases, what for.....?

I am thrilled playing against GM members, seeing a list in the righthand corner with familiar names and getting my A$$ kicked. So what...

Respect each other and having fun. We all now how Sams works, in misterious ways.

Dangerous Dan
02-15-2005, 01:55 AM
well, my name's been "the dangeorus dan shotgun experience" for a month now, anyone think that's an alias? lol

02-15-2005, 03:38 AM
well, my name's been "the dangeorus dan shotgun experience" for a month now, anyone think that's an alias? lolI did... :rolleyes:

BTW, I want a rematch Mr. Shotgun Experience.. I was just having a really bad game with you last night. Nothing went right.. Lyzosome would have fragged you more times than I did last night!

Dangerous Dan
02-15-2005, 06:25 AM
haha, you're on!

we were right in the middle of a few today, but then i got booted and ten next game you had to leave, lol

02-15-2005, 08:33 PM
bottom line imo is that if you are using an alias, you are most likely ahsamed of losing which is why you are choosing to change your name. the other reason could only be that you want to cause some sort of problem for people so you have to hide.

so what do i add out of this---alias use is for people that may be good but needs to hide because if they lose they are afraid if someone posts the win with there name on it. if they use there name they can not except the pressure of losing and usually play bad.

02-15-2005, 09:53 PM
:bawling: ....it makes me cry when i lose.... :bawling:

02-15-2005, 10:08 PM
bottom line imo is that if you are using an alias, you are most likely ahsamed of losing which is why you are choosing to change your name. the other reason could only be that you want to cause some sort of problem for people so you have to hide.

so what do i add out of this---alias use is for people that may be good but needs to hide because if they lose they are afraid if someone posts the win with there name on it. if they use there name they can not except the pressure of losing and usually play bad.
why should you be ashamed about losing......... you can always blame the game :D

02-21-2005, 01:13 AM
well biggs,, i played a couple earlier, and never even got the chance to own a weapon, let alone own peeps.....lol..... ill wear my clan tags proud win or lose. I honestly couldnt give a crap about the **** in this game anymore, i play for a laugh and thats it....

Just wish more people would play less seriously, you know the attitude i mean..... "i own", "i rock". you know the the stuff........ Its a game at the end of the day, you dont win mega bucks by playing......

02-21-2005, 01:46 AM
well biggs,, i played a couple earlier, and never even got the chance to own a weapon, let alone own peeps.....lol..... ill wear my clan tags proud win or lose. I honestly couldnt give a crap about the **** in this game anymore, i play for a laugh and thats it....

Just wish more people would play less seriously, you know the attitude i mean..... "i own", "i rock". you know the the stuff........ Its a game at the end of the day, you dont win mega bucks by playing......
You are 100% right dude

Free Styler
02-21-2005, 02:08 AM
When i use to play on a regular basis i'd use my name.(that was a long time ago) hehe

Not having played for ages maybe 2 months now.I realize todayThere is only a few players that i like playing.

If id play 4 days in a row using a alias everybody would know it's me.IT's seems not a lot of people use the sniper a lot.

To anwser your question about aliases i think people just like to have a mystery going on.

I know for a fact that i started using em because of screenie abuse.

I've said this before but i would not accept being posted as a looser when i had beaten them all day and all week.That was my reason for using em.

80 wins versus 1 win and people seem to forget they ever lost posting that screenie 1 win screenie.

What i'll remember from this game is the name yodeller.I knew it all to well.hehe

02-21-2005, 09:59 AM
Yodeller? How long ago was that? Two years?! :P

I've never seen that name and I would suspect you mention it because you were playing well.. Which would suggest that it was years ago when you played a lot and were super duper!

Free Styler
02-22-2005, 12:26 AM
Yodeller? How long ago was that? Two years?! :P

I've never seen that name and I would suspect you mention it because you were playing well.. Which would suggest that it was years ago when you played a lot and were super duper!

Actully i was just refering to the level yodeller hehe.And nope i never used yodeller has a name but looking at my post i see the confusion.

02-22-2005, 12:45 AM
Actully i was just refering to the level yodeller hehe.And nope i never used yodeller has a name but looking at my post i see the confusion.Oh ok.. Ya, yodeller is one of the scarier levels to play you on!@

Free Styler
02-22-2005, 01:18 AM
Well for me it was just my all time favorite level of any game.I dont think any level will achieve the the good times i had on that level.I just felt free playing in that level.Goes with the name.

I think that if i were to have done a movie i would of called it yodeller vs free styler.lolhehe

ahhhhhh......anyways that's what i had to say about that.

You know what else...thinking about it just right now.The last game i played in sam was with you(merk) in forteress where i asked you for a 1 on 1.

Abnd thinking about it....This is drifting apart from the original post that big started.

I'll go open my newbish dish account.

02-22-2005, 04:47 AM
Well for me it was just my all time favorite level of any game.I dont think any level will achieve the the good times i had on that level.I just felt free playing in that level.Goes with the name.

I think that if i were to have done a movie i would of called it yodeller vs free styler.lolhehe

ahhhhhh......anyways that's what i had to say about that.

You know what else...thinking about it just right now.The last game i played in sam was with you(merk) in forteress where i asked you for a 1 on 1.

Abnd thinking about it....This is drifting apart from the original post that big started.

I'll go open my newbish dish account.

I feel the same wAy about Yodeller dude. That level has so many fond memories and will always have a special meaning deep down in here [points to heart]