View Full Version : can someone do this for me plz...

01-30-2003, 11:35 PM
i have to interview someone thats older than me and not in my family so i was wondering if someone older on the forums could let me interview them... i have to do it 2nite cuz its due 2morrow. i just need to ask you some questions about what kind of english classes you had when you were in school, where you are from, soem basic background info, what kind of expectatinos you had for yourself, just stuff like that. would anyone be nice enough to help me out and let me interview them? it wont take long.. its like 15 questions.. could someone help me and let me interview you plz?

01-30-2003, 11:46 PM
List the questions and you may get several responses to choose from. :thumbs:

01-30-2003, 11:50 PM
well i dont want everyone to answer them, i just need 1 person to let me interview them.. heres a few of the ?s/stuff i need to know

-basic info
-describe environment
-where you grew up
-what was your school like
-how much did you have to read and write
-what kind of classes did they offer then
-did you read on your own
-did people use slang or talk proper with each other

01-30-2003, 11:54 PM
only americans allowed to answer?

01-30-2003, 11:56 PM
no, anyone is fine. it would actually be cool probably if i coudl get someone not american, that would make things interesting... i think that sac might do it, if not would you liek to sauron? or someone else... ?

01-30-2003, 11:57 PM
PM me all questions u have and i try to answer them

01-31-2003, 12:01 AM
ok i PMed you ;)

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-31-2003, 01:27 AM
Tips for interviewing:
1. Introduce yourself, then put the person in the room where the interview is to take place, and leave them there for a short time. This allows them to get comfortable in the new enviroment.
2. Offer them something to drink, ie coffee or water. Nervouse interviewees get "dry mouth".
3. Put yourself in their shoes, (in other words show some compassion/respect when applicable).
4. Don't be afraid to use humor while asking questions. It will ease the situation, and likely make the person open up to you.
5. Give the person time to respond to your questions. If there seems to be too long of a pause, rephrase the question.

What? You want more advice!

Those are pearls of wisdom young man!

Just kidding, PM if you've got any questions.