View Full Version : jury fees....

02-17-2005, 11:55 PM
filling out the taxes today, doing the whole income bit, and there is a section for jury fees. I don't know if it is just me, but in many places when you get on a jury you are like an involuntary slave for a day or more. then as a reward they pay you some $5 a day. and then to add a slap in the face, the government wants to tax that $5. Like is our government nuts or what...

02-18-2005, 12:04 AM
not nuts...just greedy

02-18-2005, 12:28 AM
It is crazy but if I remember correctly you are able to write off any hardships it may have cost you to attend.

02-18-2005, 02:28 AM
i have never done any jury duty and have thrown the paper away everytime. unril i get served, i refuse.

02-18-2005, 03:34 AM
i have never done any jury duty and have thrown the paper away everytime. unril i get served, i refuse.

I recently had to go. I got fined 200 bucks for not knowing how to shut my mouth. During the selection process the Lawyer asked everyone in the room if the guy looked guilty. I said Hell ta he is. Just look at him (insert a racist remark) Judge slamed his hammer down. Fined my sorry self and had me escorted out. Cost me 2 beans but was well worth it. Next time I just won't go and will let them put a warrent out for me.

02-18-2005, 04:01 AM
I recently had to go. I got fined 200 bucks for not knowing how to shut my mouth. During the selection process the Lawyer asked everyone in the room if the guy looked guilty. I said Hell ta he is. Just look at him (insert a racist remark) Judge slamed his hammer down. Fined my sorry self and had me escorted out. Cost me 2 beans but was well worth it. Next time I just won't go and will let them put a warrent out for me.
LMAO, sorry but I find that so you. Would like to see that, but not the 2 bill fine.

02-18-2005, 04:40 AM
I always throw mine away. If they don't send it certified then they can't prove that I ever received it. :P

02-18-2005, 05:00 AM
I've had to go about 4 times. Never got picked for a jury and spent the day in the courthouse. The first two times I went across the street for a couple beers for lunch. Unfortunately the last two the restaurant had closed.
They sent me a check afterwards for $17/day.

Last one I threw in the trash and never got called.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-18-2005, 12:19 PM
Our HR Manager wrote a letter and got me out of it. :)

Mr Clean
02-19-2005, 05:56 AM
Well, you all are the most impressive collection of suck-ass citizens I have ever seen. I hope you never get stuck with a charge that goes to trial and have to let your fate be decided by a bunch of senior citizens and bored housewives...

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-19-2005, 12:28 PM
I like a$$. :)

02-19-2005, 02:34 PM
Well, you all are the most impressive collection of suck-ass citizens I have ever seen. I hope you never get stuck with a charge that goes to trial and have to let your fate be decided by a bunch of senior citizens and bored housewives...

How many times have you been called?
I figure I lost about $400 from lost work. Sat in the courthouse 4 days and never was picked to serve on a jury. I think I have done my part and it time for others to spend a few days in the courthouse.