View Full Version : Whats Next

02-18-2005, 01:56 PM
What class should i roll next, yes I'm kinda bummed getting stealth zergged at prime time so need a groupable toon at night, and play my stealthers when I get a chance to play early morning.

02-18-2005, 02:15 PM

02-18-2005, 08:05 PM
More casters ftl but out of those, I'd prolly say theurg. I still think this theurg vid is impressive. Linky (http://www.rpgfilms.net/nuke/modules.php?name=Downloads&op=getit&lid=152) Nothing like disabling every stinking support.

No more sorcs. We have sorcs coming out of our asses.....

02-18-2005, 08:15 PM
not mind sorc's like Sep :) we always need one of them Red mezz = win

But in my option a thurg is nice for them caster/healer types but man a good Cab would just rock. They have a ton of group utility IMO and still R a nice solo class you dont gimp yourself

02-19-2005, 03:32 PM
Theurg is sweet to play. Air theurgs for the stunning pet surely is fine and what Sep said.

Cabby is nice with the nearsight, might be useful against the archer zerg.

02-20-2005, 06:05 PM
well i decided to take all 3 toons and go to 50 and decide from there. I started sorc first last night, she is now 37. Next up will be finishing up the theurg, then the cabby.

02-20-2005, 07:28 PM
rofl you sick, sick man :P

03-09-2005, 08:15 AM
Sorc's got the most solo utility, followed by theurg, then cabby. More than anything the speed and mez really kick butt, leaving the cabby to hoof it and rely on nearsight.

Sorc wins the solo and group utility racket. Most versatile if ya wanna just hop on, and find some stuff to mow down. Played one for a long time on Merlin, morning rvr with this class was some of the most fun I'd ever had. After ya get the basics down you can start doing entertaining things like catching a group of opponents near a patch of mobs and tossing streams of pets at them, or dropping a fat met on a purgeless group and tossing down a seige weapon for an entertaining outcome, etc.

Never really played through a theurgist. Got one to realm rank 2 back in the day before realm abilities and fancy items. Pretty cool that they can craft an army at will, nuke like a pure caster, and get fun toys such as self speed and mez. Their pets can be the most stressful to support classes of other realms during group combat (uncc'able.. forcing the caster of the group to take these apart... usually the only weakness in a tank heavy group is their lack of ability to destroy these fast enough that they lose healers or druids). Soloing can be fun and interesting, though I'd never gotten to far with it. And still yet to be determined is, "How would a Half-Ogre Therugist do in the hands of a capable player?" Though I have seen them, I haven't seen anyone good playing one yet.

Cabby's got them beat on damage, it debuffs its own damage... pretty much making it the badass of nukers because you don't have to rely on others... and later a tri spec cabby can mow down about anything. Plus I just love nearsight and BaOD. Due to their debuff, racial casting speed, and casting timer of nukes... i think these guys have to be the highest output casters that albion has. This class can easily make a good addition to an rvr group. Solo it's a bit of a slow poke, but if ya get good keep defense situation you virtually have infinite power to mow down anything in the CY.

If I had to do it all again(excluding clerics... always a first pick), I'd probably have picked a cabby as my first alb. The sheer entertaining utility in this class made it a fun toon to play. Toss a base line stun on it, and I'd call it a hib;) Mows down pve mobs fast as heck too, easily outdoing a sight necro. Duo'd a bunch with a sorc, was a nice combo seeing as I could debuff/ns for us both and she'd run speed & cc.

In whatever you endup picking, I hope everyone you vaporize makes hilarious noises to entertain you. And that you don't break you number keys mashing the nuke buttons ~eg~

03-10-2005, 09:11 AM
For a groupable caster I would go with sorc atm. As crazy as it sounds we seem to be missing sorc and cleric most. With the tank heavy groups we are running you will have a big target on your head. The R5 will give you a fighting chance to survive and contribute when things go wrong. Even if its stopping the assist train for a few precious seconds untill they give up. Theurg and cabby are both great toons as secondary nuker for group, but another sorc would also work and provide more flexability.


03-10-2005, 02:26 PM
a good theurg can contribute a lot to a group...cabbys are fun too, and an ML9 cabby pet can rock some poor druids world :(

The stealth zerg lately is just aweful!! Went to beno bridge with 3 people and got jumped by a fg of scouts/infs. (Killed them though :D) It's just as bad with hib stealthers too >< Cant get anywhere close to DC w/o getting pegged by about 10 rangers.

03-10-2005, 10:08 PM
WTF? Missing a sorc copi? What class are you playing then:P