View Full Version : Choppy playing Sam

02-20-2005, 03:33 PM
A friend tries to play sam online but the gameplay is choppy and freeses now and then.
Playing in a screen (640x480), we checked CPU usage(taskmon), and that is 100%.
System is P4/2.4 on a gygabyte p4 titan 667 bord, only 256mb memory in there.
Videocard ati9600pro
??????? :thumbs:

02-20-2005, 04:43 PM
Go back to Task Manager and click on the processes tab. Check and see what process is using up his cpu. You can post it here.

I had a problem there myself a couple weeks ago. I forget what process was running but with a little tinkering I got it removed and now my cpu usage is under 5% when not playing. Whatever it was I just found it and deleted it and all was well afterwards.

02-20-2005, 05:16 PM
Go back to Task Manager and click on the processes tab. Check and see what process is using up his cpu. You can post it here.

I had a problem there myself a couple weeks ago. I forget what process was running but with a little tinkering I got it removed and now my cpu usage is under 5% when not playing. Whatever it was I just found it and deleted it and all was well afterwards.
clean his machine is running between 0-1%, but playing sam its 100%