View Full Version : Hey from down under

02-21-2005, 02:39 AM
Hey all,

FIRSTLY-My machine crashed and I have had to re-install everything. I have been lucky enough to have been loaned Dave/Cleris alt bot account. I know the password but I can not remember the log in name, can anyone help? My email is craigm_hnpres@optusnet.com.au THERE IS AN UNDERSCORE AFTER CRAIGM_HNPRES

SECONDLY- Has anyone heard from Dave? I miss him ;(

THIRDLY- I was on TS the other night and someone said they had a decent Template for my Thueg and that they would email it to me. My email address craigm_hnpres@optusnet.com.au UNDERSCORE AFTER CRAIGM_HNPRES

FORTHLY- I am having a blast with you guys ;) I really want to be more usefull to the guild, so now i am taking every opportunity (POS CLUSTERING) to get on ML raids and upgrade myself from being a wood summoning gimp ;) I have about 5-6 guy's playing in AUs who really want to do the same, so if you are on at similar times and can help let me know, I AM A NOOB!!! so we need someone to hold our hand's. Sooo I will be missing a bit more from RvR until I de-gimpify myself!!



Black Rose
02-21-2005, 08:12 AM
Woot Hi Iam :wub:
we had some fun killing those dumbhibbies at bolg 3, hehe :wootrock:

02-21-2005, 02:44 PM
well I'm gonna probably finish up with molvik tonight then ding 50 sometime this week and get artied out and all. I think I may try to get ml's for this lil ol sorc as well. So, I'm not sure what ML you are, but we could probably do all of Ml1 no problem, most of ML2 if not all, and hopefully catch some raids. Maybe We can do ML1 and get a group one night and just go and do all the group steps for all the ML's there is no prerequisite to get into to knock them out.

02-22-2005, 01:41 AM
Cheers Ozzy ;)
I am lready ML1, but I am more than happy to come along and help you do ML1 and then go on and do ML2 etc ;)