View Full Version : Thi is making BIG NEWS

Mad Fox
02-21-2005, 01:05 PM
Take a look http://www.cnn.com/2005/ALLPOLITICS/02/20/bush.tapes.ap/index.html

02-21-2005, 02:27 PM
Wow! A Polititian lied or "misdirected" a answer to a question! What's this world coming too?? :eek:

Frankly, I could care less, I'm sure GWB lied about far more important things than smoking weed ;)

although, I'm passing up about 10 easy pot shots I could take on Bush :rolleyes: frankly, he bores me :D

02-21-2005, 03:00 PM
IMHO he lied about so many things I don't even have time to list them lol.

President Clinton did the same thing during his run for President, and the GOP were really after him for it. Now we have these tapes that say Bush was doing it during his campaign. :hmmm:

02-21-2005, 03:27 PM
just more of the same. any politician that tries to be honest is going to get nailed. just the republicans were not stupid enough to make that mistake.

02-21-2005, 05:20 PM
What is the big deal? I don't get it. I mean, i realize that we don't want someone ruling our nation that has a history of immorality/law-breaking, etc, but for God's sake, he's human. He was - what - 20? He was young,he made a mistake. Granted, lying about it wasn't kewl, but it shouldn't be made into anything in the first place. Just because someone isn't 100% perfect doesn't mean he's totally worthless. I hated Bill Clinton, but that was because of the way he ran his office. The fact that he tried pot, or whatever, didn't mean jack to me. It wasn't a current event - it was something he did 20 or 30 odd years ago, and he really shouldn't be condemned for the mistakes of his youth - we've all been in those shoes before.

I just think that if you're gonna make a big deal outta something, find something current. Stop trying to drag up the mistakes of his youth that really don't indicate jack about who he is today.

I mean, honestly, if you were applying for a job, and you were 40 or 50, wouldn't you be just a little bit angry if you got turned down b/c you got busted for trying pot when you were 16? Wouldn't that be just a little bit stupid?

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-21-2005, 06:46 PM
I'd be out of a job right now if people looked at my juvenile record. :)

02-21-2005, 08:53 PM
I'd be out of a job right now if people looked at my juvenile record. :)public nudity?! :P

02-22-2005, 12:08 AM
Saw Thi in the thread title and got hungry, come to find out y'all are talking about Bush and now i'm ...

02-22-2005, 01:10 AM
Shogun I'm quite sure he meant "This is making BIG NEWS." ;D