View Full Version : anyone know

He Is Legend
02-22-2005, 12:56 AM
what's wrong with me?

Like a couple of weeks ago, my heart made 2 hard thumps and stopped..and nothing else happened..so i thought nothing of it

so now..my heart thumps 2 times sometimes every 10 minutes or so..i went to the doctor and my pulse was 120...then it went down to 100..and its 100 right now, and has been since i went to a doctor, he said 100 was average for my size..anyway..he says its possible anxiety attacks..but it really bugs and scares me when it thumps..cause i really dont know what it is...

anyone know what this could be..and if you do..do you have any solutions on what to do about it?

it really bugs me..

Mad Fox
02-22-2005, 01:47 AM
Are you feeling guilty about anything?

02-22-2005, 01:52 AM
if you are concerned, go back and insist on an ekg, your doc may have to refer you to a hospital to get one. they can read it and diagnose any irregularities. if you have more questions, you should probably look up and ask in a health oriented forum...

02-22-2005, 02:06 AM
120 beats a minute can be normal I guess. I am at around 98 or so. I would tell your doctor to recommend you to a cardiologist.

02-22-2005, 12:43 PM
Chaotic, I had exactly the same problem a few years ago, i went to the hospital and they told me it was because of stress and anxiety, not enough sleep too. If i remember, they said because of it, there is some cell created around my heart filled with air (im not sure about it, it happened many years ago). They asked me to sleep well, stop dark liquor like pepsi and coke, exercice and eat low fat food. Since, thats what im doing and my heart beat perfectly and i feel pretty good, im in good shape. I was very fat before, around 300 pounds. I did lot of training and now, ssk Pure, when he saw my pic last year he said I was looking now like a body builder hehe

So, i say, just take care of your body for awhile and everything will be back to normal. :thumbs:

He Is Legend
02-22-2005, 03:53 PM
Chaotic, I had exactly the same problem a few years ago, i went to the hospital and they told me it was because of stress and anxiety, not enough sleep too. If i remember, they said because of it, there is some cell created around my heart filled with air (im not sure about it, it happened many years ago). They asked me to sleep well, stop dark liquor like pepsi and coke, exercice and eat low fat food. Since, thats what im doing and my heart beat perfectly and i feel pretty good, im in good shape. I was very fat before, around 300 pounds. I did lot of training and now, ssk Pure, when he saw my pic last year he said I was looking now like a body builder hehe

So, i say, just take care of your body for awhile and everything will be back to normal. :thumbs:

thanks for the advice..i'll try that ;D

Alexis SC430
02-24-2005, 09:31 PM
Do you do any drugs?

When I was tweaking a lot (aka the past few years up until a few weeks ago) my heart would suddenly thump really hard two or three times, and I would feel these really hard rushes of blood. This, of course, would be accompanied by an extremely accelerated heartbeat.

::: DARK PSI :::
02-24-2005, 09:55 PM
Sounds like you have a heart murmor. This is usually brought on by drinking excessive amounts of caffine. You may want to get a halter monitor from your Internist to check your heart rhythms throughout the day.

what's wrong with me?

Like a couple of weeks ago, my heart made 2 hard thumps and stopped..and nothing else happened..so i thought nothing of it

so now..my heart thumps 2 times sometimes every 10 minutes or so..i went to the doctor and my pulse was 120...then it went down to 100..and its 100 right now, and has been since i went to a doctor, he said 100 was average for my size..anyway..he says its possible anxiety attacks..but it really bugs and scares me when it thumps..cause i really dont know what it is...

anyone know what this could be..and if you do..do you have any solutions on what to do about it?

it really bugs me..

Alexis SC430
02-25-2005, 04:08 AM
It goes away if you stop doing drugs too.

Alexis SC430
02-25-2005, 04:11 AM
Hey Slice, I bet you could recommend a good cardiologist, couldn't you? :D

02-25-2005, 04:58 AM
Hey Slice, I bet you could recommend a good cardiologist, couldn't you? :D Why do you speak like you know me? Also, to answer your question no. :P

02-25-2005, 05:09 AM
Why do you speak like you know me? Also, to answer your question no. :PBecause you are a Gamemecca celebrity!

02-25-2005, 06:11 AM
Because you are a Gamemecca celebrity!
you only say that becuz u want him to be your sugardaddy :D

02-25-2005, 06:21 AM
yah i'd go with the drug and alcohol thing cody. I had that same thing but only for a couple days but that was like two weeks ago. It started the day after my turnabout dance. I drank a ****load that night and along with a hangover the next day i had that wierd heart problem too. Try taking a break from that bad stuff for a week or two and see how your body reacts.

The feeling was almost like when you get scared, my heat would thud and i would kinda stop breathing for a second. Kinda scary. :/
Lay off the gonja and alky for a couple weeks and see what happens for sure.

Free Styler
02-25-2005, 11:55 AM
you only say that becuz u want him to be your sugardaddy :D