View Full Version : Serious Runner SE Question

02-26-2005, 12:56 PM
I am running a server, and have some questions i hope you guys can help me with. :)

In Serious Runner SE is there a bandwith pr. client. (3500 default).

What is the maximum bandwith pr. client, and what influence have it for running the game.?????

Default is 3500 BPS, is it byte or bit.??????

I use compression 1, what influence have the compression for the game.????

Last question, if i set the observer and vip to blank, i will not get the level time out ( 20 seconds), it just go on for the next map, why.??????

I have a 512kbps/512kbps connection and the server is set to 7 players.

In forehand, thanks for the help. :)

02-26-2005, 04:54 PM
I think the max is 10000, but your connection Upload cannot handle that.

it is bits, with your connection thats almost the max
if you change compresion its harder for your cpu to do the work.

why no observer or vip, you set a password so you can observe and with a vip place always enter. no problem i think.

is this correct in your file: ded_tmTimeout = 20;

hope it helped a little