View Full Version : FE secrets in screenshots

02-26-2005, 10:05 PM
Okay, here's the scoop. At Aries' request, I shall be working on screenshots showing how to access all the secrets in both games. So for now I am taking a break from posting screenshots from my regular Coop and Fragmatch sessions, until I am done here. They are meant to only show where the secrets are and how to get them. Note that some of the secrets are not exactly center in the images. That was done deliberately, to show where the secrets are in relation to certain landmarks. I also drew arrows pointing to certain areas and boxes surrounding some places or items. You can use these in conjunction with my walkthroughs. Unfortunately, there is a problem. Since only five images can be attached to a post, I cannot upload these images to my walkthrough, so that's why I'm making two new threads. And please, no replies until I have gone through all levels in the game, thx. ;)


1) In the first screenshot that you see here, head to where the arrow is pointing and look behind the pillar for Secret #1.

2) The second shot directs you to the wall where you can jump and find Secret #2.

3) Follow the directions in the last shot for this shot and get Secret #3.

4) Walk up to the door that is boxed in this shot to open Secret #4.

5) In this shot, I fired a rocket at the door in the box. That's what you should do to get to Secret #5.

02-26-2005, 10:10 PM
Hatshepsut cont.

1) This shot has an oasis off in the distance boxed. Head there for Secret #6.

2) This is a shot of the oasis when you get there.

3) The final secret is shown in this shot. Walk up to the wall that the arrow points you to to register Secret #7.

02-26-2005, 10:30 PM
Sand Canyon

1) The first jump shows an arrow where you can jump onto the slope and get Secret #1.

2) This shot is the first secret shown a bit down the valley.

3) You must move up to the wall in this shot to open up Secret #2.

4) The wall in this shot will open up when you move up to it, and you can claim Secret #3.

5) The arrow in this shot is pointing up from a bounce pad on the floor that will take you to Secret #4.

02-26-2005, 10:37 PM
Sand Canyon cont.

1) The arrow directs you to the actual fourth secret.

2) The health cube in the box there, beneath the ramp, is Secret #5.

3) And the final shot directs you up the slope and then onto the roof of the building for Secret #6.

02-26-2005, 10:44 PM
Tomb of Ramses

1) Follow the arrow in this first shot out to a gap to jump.

2) Jump over the gap to get to Secret #1.

3) Follow the two arrows out to the rafters and claim Secret #2.

4) Head in the opposite direction of the last shot for Secret #3.

5) The box shows a sparkling teleporter which is Secret #4.

02-26-2005, 10:54 PM
Tomb of Ramses cont.

1) The Rocket Launcher in this shot is Secret #5.

2) Follow the arrow out to the alove and get Secret #6.

3) In this shot, follow the arrow into a hidden room which is Secret #7.

4) Continue from the room in the prior shot and register Secret #8.

02-26-2005, 11:01 PM
Valley of the Kings

1) You must destroy all statues in the level. There is one statue in the map that is not like the one shown in this shot, but you must destroy that one as well.

2) In the box is a bounce pad that you can use to get to Secret #1.

3) The arrow points you to the first secret.

4) And this shot shows what happens when you destroy all the statues. You've triggered Secret #2.

5) The pendulum in this shot is released when you destroy all the statues. This pendulum is Secret #3.

02-26-2005, 11:03 PM
Valley of the Kings cont.

1) Use the pendulum to get across the river and enter the passage here to access Secret #4, the secret exit.

02-26-2005, 11:12 PM
Moon Mountains

1) These Bullets on the right of the waterfalls will trigger Secret #1.

2) The red armor in this shot is the first secret. When you collect the Bullets, it will be propelled up and land on your hill.

3) Turn your back to the falls, and do a rocket jump to get behind it and register Secret #2.

4) Walk out to the health cube in the shot here for Secret #3.

5) Go around the pit here and go through the wall you pushed down and enter Secret #4.

02-26-2005, 11:17 PM
Moon Mountains cont.

1) Collect the health heart in this shot for Secret #5.

2) Note that I blasted the wall that blocks the tunnel near the end of the level when you come out of it. That's what you should do for Secret #6.

3) Head down the tunnel and find this teleporter, Secret #7.

02-27-2005, 11:36 PM

1) This shot shows the hidden area behind the waterfall in the starting area right behind you. Jump into this cave and get Secret #1.

2) The health tablets in the boxes are the key to triggering the second secret. Collect them both quickly for Secret #2. Note that I have destroyed the statue, because another secret is about to be triggered there.

3) Collect the armor shard in the box, which is in a room to the left of the statue room, and Secret #3 will be activated.

4) The third secret, a bounce pad, is in this shot. An arrow directs you to Secret #4, the Minigun.

5) Blast open the wall panel that I am firing at in this shot to open Secret #5.

02-27-2005, 11:38 PM
Oasis cont.

1) In this final shot, step into the fifth secret, and step out WITHOUT collecting anything to claim Secret #6.

02-27-2005, 11:44 PM

1) When you go over the hill, head to the left and collect the health potion here in this screenshot and get Secret #1.

2) Head to the opposite area of the first secret and take this health cube for Secret #2.

3) Head for that oasis off in the distance from the second secret to get Secret #3.

4) The oasis when you get to it.

5) You see that tree off in the distance to the left of the door? Head there for the next secret.

02-27-2005, 11:50 PM
Dunes cont.

1) Blow up the tree for Secret #4.

2) In the last area of this level, do a rocket jump onto the building to the left, as the arrow indicates, and get Secret #5.

3) Note two arrows in this shot. Rocket jump onto the building, then get right off it as it will collapse.

4) This health heart is what remains of the collapsed building. Collect it to claim Secret #6.

02-27-2005, 11:56 PM

1) As you skim the left wall you should come across this area which is Secret #1.

2) In the corner to the left, as shown in this shot, a tree is blocking the next secret. Shoot it and claim Secret #2.

3) In the second yard, skim the left wall again and find the area in this shot for Secret #3.

4) Look to the left of the building for this health potion, Secret #4.

5) Collect the armor shard in this screenshot to trigger Secret #5.

02-28-2005, 12:00 AM
Suburbs cont.

1) Pick up the Rockets in this shot to trigger Secret #6.

2) In this shot note how I am positioned at the end of the level. Get up to the pipe and face the houses.

3) Dive into the pipe and you should land on a ledge taking you into this area, Secret #7.

02-28-2005, 12:06 AM

I know this level is pretty dark, just work with me if you can. My walkthrough still directs you around the areas even with the lights shut off.

1) You can barely see the health heart in the box in this first shot. It is found down a tunnel which is Secret #1.

2) In the second pool in the level find this armor and collect it for Secret #2.

3) These arrows direct you to jump onto the beam and follow it to Secret #3.

4) See where I have fired my Rocket Launcher and where the arrow is pointing? That is a hole that takes you to Secret #4.

5) And you have to be fast in following the arrows here to get to the red armor which is Secret #5. To get out, use the button in the box.

02-28-2005, 12:08 AM

1) After you pass the area with the four Scarabs, turn to the right and blast that wall panel open and claim the only secret in the level, Secret #1.

03-06-2005, 12:46 AM
Alley of the Sphinxes

1) Head off to that tree in the distance in this shot, which holds Secret #1.

2) The secret up close and personal.

03-06-2005, 12:53 AM

1) As the level starts immediately walk backwards past the closing doors to get to this area, Secret #1.

2) Find these buttons on either side of this room. Push them both to lower an elevator that the arrow is pointing to.

3) Ride this elevator to Secret #2.

4) Dive into the water and collect the ammo in this box and Secret #3 will open up.

5) The wall panel in the box here can be opened to get Secret #4.

03-06-2005, 12:58 AM
Karnak cont.

1) Push both these buttons to open Secret #5 back in the pool area.

2) Return to the pool and swim down here to reach the secret.

3) In this room dive into the pool to the left.

4) Open this wall panel and enter Secret #6.

5) See where I am firing my Laser Gun? Crawl into there to register Secret #7.

03-06-2005, 01:00 AM
Karnak cont.

1) On the opposite side of the last shot, crawl into here and get Secret #8.

03-06-2005, 01:14 AM

1) Enter this building and collect the health, exit, and kill all the enemies spawned.

2) Reenter the building to claim Secret #1.

3) After you have collected the Feather of Truth, look to the right of it to this area. The ancient marking of the floor is a bounce pad that takes you to Secret #2.

4) From the second secret, use the ancient marking on the wall to get to a new ledge.

5) On the ledge, blast the wall panel in this shot to reveal Secret #3.

03-06-2005, 01:24 AM
Luxor cont.

1) One of these four pillars can be blasted to obtain Secret #4.

2) As you go to get the Feather of Truth, look to the left to this area. Use the bounce pad to get to Secret #5.

3) Make a jump following this arrow onto the ledge and get on the center square.

4) Shoot the floor and it will lower into Secret #6.

5) When you get to this spike trap, drop down into it and you will be teleported to Secret #7.

03-06-2005, 01:26 AM
Luxor cont.

1) At the end of the level, enter the doors and turn immediately to your left. Head here to reach Secret #8, the secret exit.

03-06-2005, 01:34 AM
Sacred Yards

1) Immediately as the level begins, turn right and take this health tablet to enable the first secret.

2) Without collecting anything, head into this area and blast the triangle to trigger Secret #1.

3) When you collect the first Gold Sphinx, blast this rising platform to register Secret #2.

4) Note the button under this raised platform. Push it to enable the third secret.

5) Follow both arrows for Secret #3.

03-06-2005, 01:42 AM
Sacred Yards cont.

1) Use the pressure plate to move the center platform so you can follow the arrows to Secret #4.

2) Do the same you did for the opposite side to claim Secret #5.

3) From the fifth secret, blast the block off in the distance to trigger Secret #6. The platform in the foreground will move under you.

4) Instead of getting on the platform, follow the arrows in this shot to register Secret #7.

5) When you get to the area with the pyramid, enter the alcove and push the button to uncover Secret #8.

03-06-2005, 01:48 AM
Sacred Yards cont.

1) Go around the pyramid and visit the two distant corners. This one is Secret #9.

2) The other one here is Secret #10.

There are no secrets for the Great Pyramid, so that's about it.

12-09-2009, 10:47 PM
Okay, I'd like to request that this thread along with the SE Secrets thread both be deleted. I'm gonna put the screenshots right in the walkthrough threads. I have the entire collection of FE screenies and will get the SE and 2 shots later. But since I'm doing that I don't think there should be more threads than necessary, that's why I'm asking a mod to delete these two. Be careful not to remove the actual Walkthrough threads. ;)

12-09-2009, 11:58 PM
sorry bud, I think you are the only one still posting here. if you view the cf groups and click on the mods for it, well.... last time any of them were on was oct, others from way longer than that. So keep them as a tribute to your hard work. Doesn't hurt anything. :)

12-10-2009, 03:20 AM
I don't even see the original images anymore Jim that's why I asked for a deletion lol. If I had mod access I'd take care of it myself but since I don't I'll have to wait for someone else to pick up on it, of course there's no telling how long that is.

And that's also partly why as you'll see, I've edited the walkthrough and incorporated shots into that thread now. Because again, I don't see them here. So this thread doesn't do a whole lot now. :D