View Full Version : Dukes of Hazzard is back....YAAAHHHH!!!

03-04-2005, 05:01 PM
I love this show......im glad CMT picked it up and started airing it twice a day....

As for the new Movie comeing out....im not so sure about it....i think their will be alot of dissappointed people out their.....

03-04-2005, 06:27 PM
Can't wait to see Jessica Simpson in them daisy dukes!!! ;)

03-04-2005, 06:48 PM
As for the new Movie comeing out....im not so sure about it....i think their will be alot of dissappointed people out their.....

Here's the thing, Lash...the new rash of movies like this coming out, the re-dos of old TV shows (Starsky & Hutch is a classic example...) are not aimed at the generation that actually watched the show. They're aimed at the 20-somethings like myself. Sure, they're hoping to get some cash outta the folks from that generation that are *hoping* for a good representation of their old shows, but they're mostly aiming at us yougin's...I loved the starsky and hutch movie...but I've never seen the show, just the movie. Those are the tickets they're trying to sell.

And in that regard, there will probably be relatively few disappointed people...we don't know what we're actually missing anyways...sigh...I'm sure 30 years from now I'll be pissed b/c someone is making a movie out of one of "that 70's show" or something like that.

And frankly, in general I like the 80's better, anyways.shows from the 70's and 80's better anyways...Simpsons and Family Guy are good, but I'll take M*A*S*H and Barney Miller anyday! :thumbs:

Caged Anger
03-06-2005, 03:28 PM
cool, always liked watchin that show. They blew stuff up for fun...LOL