View Full Version : warcraft 3: frozen throne ending

03-07-2005, 04:48 AM
Well i play WoW and i would like to know the story of warcraft.. But i DONT want to play those command on conquer games.. so could someone just tell me what happens at the end of warcraft 3? Does arthras die? How does everyone stand up again the undead?

03-07-2005, 07:12 AM
Well i play WoW and i would like to know the story of warcraft.. But i DONT want to play those command on conquer games.. so could someone just tell me what happens at the end of warcraft 3? Does arthras die? How does everyone stand up again the undead?

Ummm..let's see if I remember this correctly...at the end of WC3: FT, arthas makes it to the Frozen Throne, and sits down on it, and becomes one w/ The Lich King, essentially, as I recall, but it's been like 2 years, so I promise nothing.

And it's left wide open...

03-07-2005, 08:38 PM
wait who is the lich king? and wut exactly is frostmourne? who created the frostmourne?