View Full Version : UT or Red Faction?

01-31-2003, 04:31 PM
ok im going to wal mart today with 20 dollers and red faction and UTis there for 20...Red Faction i love for ps2 and i cant get ut2003 to work so i wqas kinda thinking for unreal tournament but its game of the year edition is it any diff from the orig ut can i still play ut ppl on the game of the year edition?..Ok guys i need your help :WTF:

01-31-2003, 04:36 PM

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-31-2003, 08:46 PM
Man that is a hard call. Red Faction is great in single and multiplayer. We love that game at LAN parties. It has a destructable environment where you can blow holes in walls and stuff. Really cool on multiplayer DM levels. there are secret rooms and stuff. UT is good aldo but the singlr player gets old fast and you would die a horible death online because those players have been playing that for years.

Intense Fury
01-31-2003, 08:49 PM
yo cody get me SS2 ill pay ya back :shifty:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-31-2003, 09:29 PM
I take it you already own Q3? If not I'd get Q3.
If you do have Q3, get UT.

01-31-2003, 10:04 PM
The stakes are even :blink:

01-31-2003, 11:29 PM
Neither get Quake3.

High pingers got it

02-01-2003, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Jan 31 2003, 03:46 PM
Man that is a hard call. Red Faction is great in single and multiplayer. We love that game at LAN parties. It has a destructable environment where you can blow holes in walls and stuff. Really cool on multiplayer DM levels. there are secret rooms and stuff. UT is good aldo but the singlr player gets old fast and you would die a horible death online because those players have been playing that for years.
Have a linky to a demo of Red Faction please. Thanks :cool: