View Full Version : Check it out New Gaming Mice from Logitech!!!

03-10-2005, 04:22 AM
Hi guys check this out. I can wait to get my hands on this baby.
My current mice MX 510 is over 1 year old and it needs a replacement.
Check out the new High Sensitvity Corded Mouse from Logitech for GAMERS MX518. 1600 DPI

I love the feel of the 510 and the 518 is simmilar but with more precision and on the fly DPI Resolution Changing. This is logitecs answer to the razor dimonand back mouse. I never like the dimondback becuase it does not feel as good as the MX510 and has less buttons.

ETA: April.

For you fraggers out there mice is more powerful than the sword. Price 50 bucks.

Check it out.

My Tag should read {DS} now but do not know how to change it in Game Mecca.

03-10-2005, 04:35 AM
Ah, a new mouse would be nice, I wouldn't mind it of course...

...but I need a new friggin system first! Argh! :eek: :mad:

Or to be more specific, I need a better processor...weeeeeeeeeeee

03-10-2005, 04:54 AM
Oh, sweetness... will definitely be getting this when it comes out. 1337

03-10-2005, 04:59 AM
the hardware is good, but the logitech software is total garbage. you can't map the side buttons to other keys and having them work properly in games. i also couldn't go back to a corded...

03-10-2005, 05:51 AM
the hardware is good, but the logitech software is total garbage. you can't map the side buttons to other keys and having them work properly in games. i also couldn't go back to a corded...
I have my side buttons on my MX510 mapped and working fine in UT2004. I also haven't found a cordless that doesn't lag. In fairness, the only cordless I have is an MX1000, but it's too laggy for UT2004, IMO.

03-10-2005, 11:57 AM
I also have all 5 buttons on my Logitech mapped to different weapons in UT and am loving it.
Jim's post brings up a problem I have always wondered about. What happens when several people bring wireless mice to a lan party??????

Oh yeah back to the original post.....might just have to buy that sweet looking mouse. Does it come with Skilz??

03-10-2005, 01:18 PM
That Mouse looks sweet!

I also have all 5 keys bound for UT, no issues with my MX500 :D

no of course, for that broken junky SSSE, I only have 3 bound :rolleyes:

03-10-2005, 01:21 PM
I play with my cordless mx1000, and do fine with it. That said, I suck so it doesn't matter if my mouse lags a few nanoseconds.

Die Hard
03-10-2005, 02:34 PM
I had the MX1000 (beofre the fire button stopped working) and I liked it. The trouble was that it did lag and although it wasn't severe, since I've changed back to a corded mouse I'm playing a lot better because there is zero lag and I can tell the difference.

So, I'll definately take a look at this new one. thanks for the heads up. :thumbs:

03-10-2005, 03:02 PM
If you use an older version of Logitech MouseWare, and run it with an older version of UT2K4.. then yes.. you can't map them. That was fixed long ago tho.

Second.. I NEVER game without MouseWare. It allows me to turn off things like mouse acceleration with is essintial if you want to have good aim. The regular Windows drivers don't allow you to do that. You have to do a Registry Hack.. no thx.

Third.. while the MX518 does look pretty sweet, the whole "changing of the dpi on the fly" thing doesn't really impress me I guess. It sounds cool and all.. but I dont want to have to press buttons for different weapons and stuff. For years I have played with the same on all weapons, and personally, I think it would be more of just another thing to have to get used to, or remember to do in game, etc than a feature that will make you better.

Now.. that being said. It MIGHT be good for a game like BF or CoD where action is slower and you are basically using one weapon. I STILL would have to use it and be convinced of it.. but for UT2K4, where Im switching weapons about every 3-5 sec.. it's really more trouble than its worth imo.

03-10-2005, 03:04 PM
also.. I'd like to say that WarHead is playing with me on my GGL team, and we owned the other night ^_^. It's nice to have a consistant 4th player we can count on that can actually time items and shoot guns :D

03-10-2005, 03:19 PM
Sorry my bad :rolleyes: I will have one of the admins fix it for ya Snip

Thanks for the linky :thumbs:

My Tag should read {DS} now but do not know how to change it in Game Mecca.[/QUOTE]

03-10-2005, 04:22 PM
']also.. I'd like to say that WarHead is playing with me on my GGL team, and we owned the other night ^_^. It's nice to have a consistant 4th player we can count on that can actually time items and shoot guns :D
Aw, schucks... can I have a sheep? :D

03-10-2005, 04:29 PM
i think i will pass on this one...to much of a hassle!

03-10-2005, 04:45 PM
Aw, schucks... can I have a sheep? :D

have to join {DS} for sheep :D

Saints also shear a few ;)

Die Hard
03-10-2005, 08:23 PM
Villains are also quite partial to the odd Ewe or two. :D

03-11-2005, 12:37 AM
Y'all stay the hell away from my sheep dag nab it!!

Still wondering about the wireless mice near each other at a lan party!

03-11-2005, 01:15 AM
Y'all stay the hell away from my sheep dag nab it!!

Still wondering about the wireless mice near each other at a lan party!
Each mouse is programmed to use a different frequency at the factory. This is why my wireless logitech mouse and keyboard can't use the same reciever. I'm using a keyboard my mother bought, but decided the mouse that came with it sucks. So, I have two recievers plugged into my comp, each running off a different frequency. However, there is a 1-1,000,000,000 chance that there are two with the same frequency, which should prove rather interesting in a lan party. :)