View Full Version : Swat4 Demo

03-11-2005, 05:34 AM
Not too impressed with the demo anyone else try it? The idea is cool but the gameplay just plain sucks. I shot a guy 7 times with a shotgun point blank and he didn't go down. Then he pulls out a hand gun and one shot kills me. Now they do mention the shotgun being weak but I mean what have they loaded it with, rock salt? Graphics are average. This is the single player demo by the way.

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
03-11-2005, 01:57 PM
I tried it out and enjoyed it. It reminds me of a squad based Counter-Strike: Source, with much more specific missions and at a slower pace. I liked the different squad commands, the recoil on the weapons, and the accurate hitboxes. A few things I didn't like include the slow-moving "run" mode, and the inability to jump (similar to Goldeneye). I thought the game did a nice job of making the player feel like a SWAT officer (such as the ability to shout and make enemies drop to the ground, and the ability to handcuff rather than kill).

Howver, I do think (and agree with Slice) that the game has some ways to go to be a contender in the 2005 market. By the way, Slice, when I was reading the weapon descriptions the shotgun was listed using bean-bag ammo, maybe that is why you couldn't kill anyone with it. I was having no trouble killing the suspects with the M4 rifle who fought back and didn't surrender.

For those who want to try it out, here is a direct link to it: SWAT 4 Demo (ftp://ftp.sierra.com/pub/sierra/swat4/demos/swat4_spdemo_en.exe)

03-11-2005, 02:37 PM
I tried it out and enjoyed it. It reminds me of a squad based Counter-Strike: Source, with much more specific missions and at a slower pace. I liked the different squad commands, the recoil on the weapons, and the accurate hitboxes. A few things I didn't like include the slow-moving "run" mode, and the inability to jump (similar to Goldeneye). I thought the game did a nice job of making the player feel like a SWAT officer (such as the ability to shout and make enemies drop to the ground, and the ability to handcuff rather than kill).

Howver, I do think (and agree with Slice) that the game has some ways to go to be a contender in the 2005 market. By the way, Slice, when I was reading the weapon descriptions the shotgun was listed using bean-bag ammo, maybe that is why you couldn't kill anyone with it. I was having no trouble killing the suspects with the M4 rifle who fought back and didn't surrender.

For those who want to try it out, here is a direct link to it: SWAT 4 Demo (ftp://ftp.sierra.com/pub/sierra/swat4/demos/swat4_spdemo_en.exe)
Holy crap I didn't even read what it fired. Any game that the ammo for its shotgun is a bean bag I would never pay money for!!!! In fact you couldn't give it to me free to waste my hard drive space.

He Is Legend
03-11-2005, 10:11 PM
holy crap

this game sucks

03-11-2005, 10:45 PM
Uhh yeah thats why the shotty is weak, its a beanbag. I thought the demo was ok. Definately need ssome improvements and has some bugs, but thats why its still in development. I might buy it.

solid snake295
03-16-2005, 09:56 AM
By the way, Slice, when I was reading the weapon descriptions the shotgun was listed using bean-bag ammo, maybe that is why you couldn't kill anyone with it.



i havent played the demo, i just thought that was really funny :D ... sorry hehe

Free Styler
03-16-2005, 01:00 PM
bacon and eggs with a bean bag anyone.

I must admit shotgun = im not trying the game.

03-24-2005, 07:38 PM
bacon and eggs with a bean bag anyone.

I must admit shotgun = im not trying the game.

I was debating downloading it since I got the Xfire notice, but after reading this.. thanks for saving my time guys! :thumbs:

Red Dragon
03-24-2005, 09:10 PM
I tried it out and enjoyed it. It reminds me of a squad based Counter-Strike: Source, with much more specific missions and at a slower pace. I liked the different squad commands, the recoil on the weapons, and the accurate hitboxes. A few things I didn't like include the slow-moving "run" mode, and the inability to jump (similar to Goldeneye). I thought the game did a nice job of making the player feel like a SWAT officer (such as the ability to shout and make enemies drop to the ground, and the ability to handcuff rather than kill).

Howver, I do think (and agree with Slice) that the game has some ways to go to be a contender in the 2005 market. By the way, Slice, when I was reading the weapon descriptions the shotgun was listed using bean-bag ammo, maybe that is why you couldn't kill anyone with it. I was having no trouble killing the suspects with the M4 rifle who fought back and didn't surrender.

For those who want to try it out, here is a direct link to it: SWAT 4 Demo (ftp://ftp.sierra.com/pub/sierra/swat4/demos/swat4_spdemo_en.exe)
You have got to be kiding me it sucks like hell.