View Full Version : My new favorite mob to farm

03-13-2005, 05:15 AM
Name:Mordom (Approx. L50)
Location: 2500, 2500 Notos.
Related:from the Ring of Unyielding Will encounter.

Rewards: Mordom's Will, Mordom's Heart, Mordom's Soul Cloak. (and the Mordom's Necklace to return for the RoUW artifact)

Yes, the rewards have really terrible utility and are L40 items. But they have 10/10 charges of 20% Power, 20% heal, 20% end heal respectively. Charges do cost 10g each to recharge, and may get expensive at times. The upside to this? Mordom is yellow con to a L50, so he's fairly solable by alts that you can log at his location. His respawn timer is only about 1 hour in duration. As well, you can have multiple alts logged at each server location if you're insanely lazy and farm dozens when you're bored. It's like getting free 10 stacked alchemy potions. Never have to clutter your house vault and inventory with piles of potions again. Hawt.

03-13-2005, 04:16 PM
I had been thinking about farming that mob also. I was in the HD looking for some cheap items to increase the hit points cap on my BG toons and the heart gives +20 to cap w/40 hits. Not too bad for an easy farmed mob, but of course someone had it overpriced. Those power charges would be nice for a Necro to have since they can't use potions in shade form.

03-13-2005, 05:33 PM
dunno if those charges are usable in shade form cause charges are denied to us in shade form too mostly (like Tartaros powerregen charge)

03-13-2005, 06:23 PM
Ya necros are just pure boned in that department. Can only use breathing pots. I'd get on your necro TL's backside about that. There's no reason at this point of the game that they should be denied that. Just put a tether on pots like they did seige.

03-13-2005, 06:44 PM
He mostly gets "Design decicion" as answer to such requests :(

03-13-2005, 06:48 PM
Ya necros are just pure boned in that department. Can only use breathing pots. I'd get on your necro TL's backside about that. There's no reason at this point of the game that they should be denied that. Just put a tether on pots like they did seige.

Our TL is one of the best if not THE best TL that is out there. He has the pots/charges/... in every TL report and in the last (commented one) it was tabled iirc cause he threw all of those things together due to the limitation of Issues he can bring up in the TL reports. So we hope they fic it with this one since he brought it up again and continuously brings it up in the priveate TL forum.

All Necros just came to the conclusion that mythic has no intention to fix that class :(

03-13-2005, 09:53 PM
Redh does a great job for the Necro class, just wish Mythic would throw us a bone every once in a while. I doubt it will happen though. :mad:

Here's the kind of TL that Redh is.

03-13-2005, 10:05 PM
I was just told about Mordom yesterday in hib and was gonna go check it out sometime soon. Nice to have as backups.

03-14-2005, 06:51 AM
PLzor me a heebie imoz.

03-14-2005, 01:47 PM
Find me a PF and I will unless you dont mind au natura'l medding.

03-14-2005, 05:00 PM
Hmm sounds like I need to start farming him for charges for my Melee Ranger on Merlin.

03-15-2005, 04:39 AM
melee ranger? how sexy

Sure seppy, au natural is great. Make me a bard, and i can run ya some pwoer regen. hawt

03-15-2005, 08:51 PM
Yeah melee ranger ftw I hit for 300+ damage with only auto trained pts into bow aside from that I am pure blades and celtic duel spec 36 blades 50 cd 35 stealth 28 pf for self buffs...etc I have been camping this darn spot for this mob and not once have I see either of the mobs spawn. It's getting pretty lame waiting here running to both spots and seeing nothing for over a day.

03-16-2005, 12:58 PM

Need some company?