View Full Version : WoW Hits 1.5 Million Subscribers

03-18-2005, 02:33 PM

That is insane. 1.5 million people * $15/month = $22.5 million a month or $270 million a year. That doesn't even include the cost of buying the game or the fact that Koreans are paying $24/month.

03-18-2005, 02:54 PM
omg...go blizzard!!!

Death Engineer
03-18-2005, 02:54 PM
Wow! ;)

Die Hard
03-18-2005, 03:32 PM
Nearly as many players as Sam....

03-18-2005, 08:54 PM
From a marketing standpoint, pay-to-play has huge advantages to the producer. However, for that kind of income-based play, I would expect alot more than what they are offering. At the very least, I would expect weekly updates to the gameworld, and bugfixes almost daily. For a million dollars a month, I think they can easily afford to dedicate a full team of programmers and developers to do nothing but enhance things.

Dangerous Dan
03-18-2005, 09:38 PM
from what i understand, they're having a hard enough time keeping up a sufficient number of servers, let alone updating the content...

my bro had to wait 1 hour to even entre his character's server once last week becuase it was "full" (he's level 58 now :D)

He Is Legend
03-18-2005, 11:49 PM
from what i understand, they're having a hard enough time keeping up a sufficient number of servers, let alone updating the content...

my bro had to wait 1 hour to even entre his character's server once last week becuase it was "full" (he's level 58 now :D)


i played the first beta it had out and i only got 40

its the most addictive stuff ever

03-19-2005, 01:43 AM
It's dangerously addictive. Dammit, I'm level 49 and the EU servers only appeared mid-February...

Herbus Maximus
03-19-2005, 10:48 AM
And only goes to show how much fun this game is!:thumbs:

Mad Fox
03-19-2005, 01:18 PM
That's amazing

03-21-2005, 06:46 AM
To whoever said they wanted weekly updates to the game world...too lazy to scroll up. I think it was A-Wal.

The reason they don't do that is because Blizzard is owned by Vivendi Universal...and they're French. Vivendi's Frenchness is the reason for everything they do wrong. That and weekly updates is a bit much. Monthly is way more feasible, and they kinda do that with patches. Weekly bug fixes are only if the game is terribly off, and it's really not. Beefy MMORPG servers are only so easy to get up and running. And it's not Blizzard's fault that people have to wait to get online...the most popular server has upwards of a ****ton of people on it at any given time. Whereas my server has less than a quarter of a handjobton. I'll post the exact numbers at some point.

04-18-2005, 03:02 PM
:( I sold out. I bought WoW this past weekend. It wasn't my fault though!! I was pressured into it! It's all Smack and OJ's fault. And GreyWolf too. :(

Anyways, I'm playing on Eldre'Thalas and Ner-zhul, and I'll probably be starting a character on Feathermoon as well.

04-18-2005, 04:25 PM
Horde - Dragonmaw !

04-19-2005, 06:42 PM
:( I sold out. I bought WoW this past weekend. It wasn't my fault though!! I was pressured into it! It's all Smack and OJ's fault. And GreyWolf too. :(

Anyways, I'm playing on Eldre'Thalas and Ner-zhul, and I'll probably be starting a character on Feathermoon as well.

welcome to crack warhead...welcome to crack...

Edit: oh yes...i hope you didnt have anything important to do in your lifetime...its gone now...muAHHAAAA

04-19-2005, 09:12 PM

Holy crap, PJ... 83 hours in 7 days... that tops my record by 11 hours!! That's like two full-time jobs, and then some! :eek:

04-19-2005, 09:47 PM

Holy crap, PJ... 83 hours in 7 days... that tops my record by 11 hours!! That's like two full-time jobs, and then some! :eek:

hahahaha...i know its great

come play on shadow concil and make a paladin...you can join my all pally guild

if you do so, whisper shownage <---me

04-19-2005, 10:03 PM
hahahaha...i know its great

come play on shadow concil and make a paladin...you can join my all pally guild

if you do so, whisper shownage <---me
I've already got 3 characters on 3 different servers, and I'm overwhelmed as is - sorry man. Maybe when I'm ready to make a new character I'll try that server.

04-19-2005, 10:16 PM
thats why you are supposed to delete all the others lol

Ms Dara
04-23-2005, 04:50 PM
so insane. i love the game!

04-25-2005, 05:40 PM

I post about PJ's 83 hours... then here I am with 78.

It really is like crack - you can play it forever and you don't get tired, literally. Dangerous.

04-28-2005, 02:52 AM

I post about PJ's 83 hours... then here I am with 78.

It really is like crack - you can play it forever and you don't get tired, literally. Dangerous.


warhead what server is your main on...

i was gonna make a horde character and im lookin for a server to stick him on

04-28-2005, 06:39 PM
warhead what server is your main on...

i was gonna make a horde character and im lookin for a server to stick him on
My characters, in the order of frequency of which I play them (and hence, their level ranking from highest to lowest) are:

Duhhuthutteh - Tauren Druid - Ner'zhul server
Demassumo - Dwarf Paladin - Feathermoon server
Shajjar - Night Elf Druid - Eldre'Thalas server
Crimsonaeus - Human Warlock - Shadow Council server