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03-18-2005, 07:14 PM
As pissed off as I am about this Steroid crap and Congress getting involved.
Am I the only one that is disgusted at the fact that our tax dollars are going towards this crap.
This is not a goverment problem but that of the MLB.

03-18-2005, 07:18 PM
I think this is a worthy cause for Congress to be involved in, and I hope they don't take any crap from MLB on the matter. This issue has been let slide for too long, IMO.

03-18-2005, 07:21 PM
What was stupid was Mark McGuire's comment that he wanted to be the spokeperson for this and then when asked if taking Steroids was wrong, he gave that "It's not for me to determind that" crap. :down:

03-18-2005, 07:27 PM
I thought it was a waste, all thanking the players for showing up :rolleyes:

the only one with a decent question got cut off because of time restrictions. Was that baseball or wiffle ball?

The only thing I like was the thought of using the Olympic drug pollicy for ALL USA sports, even High School. That would be a huge wake up call and restor order. Get busted, 2 year banning, no exceptions. :thumbs:

This crap baseball has with "up to" 10 game suspension or "up to" $10,000 fine is B.S. so is the fact they have 3 unsupervised hours to submit a urine sample.

Get real! :down:

03-18-2005, 07:28 PM
I think this is a worthy cause for Congress to be involved in, and I hope they don't take any crap from MLB on the matter. This issue has been let slide for too long, IMO.

I can't disagree with you anymore. While the US borders are left unprotected with wide open holes in them Congress wates money on a sport.
I will say it again.

IT IS NOT THE GOVERMENTS PROBLEM!!!! It is a problem within MLB not theUS goverment. Explain how it is a worthy cause. Waste money on something that is ment to entertain us or protect our borders?

03-18-2005, 07:29 PM
The only thing I like was the thought of using the Olympic drug pollicy for ALL USA sports, even High School. That would be a huge wake up call and restor order. Get busted, 2 year banning, no exceptions. :thumbs:

This crap baseball has with "up to" 10 game suspension or "up to" $10,000 fine is B.S. so is the fact they have 3 unsupervised hours to submit a urine sample.

Get real! :down:[/QUOTE]

I agree with that. But that will happen when MLB places a salary cap on all teams.

03-18-2005, 07:36 PM
Take a look at it this way.
Kids that are baseball fans, or those who play the game, look up to the major stars and if those stars use steroid, the kids think that its cool and they find a way(because there is always a way) to obtain the drug.
Steroid can cause extreme agression, and these kids could be pushed to even commit suicide.
So the government should put a permanent ban on this drug so no one uses it.
PS all illegal drug users should be executed :P

03-18-2005, 07:40 PM
This crap baseball has with "up to" 10 game suspension or "up to" $10,000 fine is B.S. so is the fact they have 3 unsupervised hours to submit a urine sample.

Get real! :down:

what does a salary cap have to do with it? and I doubt you'll see one in baseball, there's no need for it.

I agree with that. But that will happen when MLB places a salary cap on all teams.[/QUOTE]

03-18-2005, 07:45 PM
Take a look at it this way.
Kids that are baseball fans, or those who play the game, look up to the major stars and if those stars use steroid, the kids think that its cool and they find a way(because there is always a way) to obtain the drug.
Steroid can cause extreme agression, and these kids could be pushed to even commit suicide.
So the government should put a permanent ban on this drug so no one uses it.
PS all illegal drug users should be executed :P

Again it is a problem with MLB not the US goverment. If kids choose to look up to these people so be it. Then it is MLB's job to take action against them not the goverment. MLB is a business and that is the bottom line it is a business.

03-18-2005, 07:46 PM
[QUOTE=Pure_Evil]what does a salary cap have to do with it? and I doubt you'll see one in baseball, there's no need for it.

Salary cap has nothing to do with it. Just using as an example as to why I feel nothing will be done.

Salary cap is a different discussion on its own.

03-18-2005, 08:28 PM
Yeah, MLB is a business, but since when are businesses allowed to operate without any government oversight, particularly when their practices pose a danger to social order and violate existing laws? Left to their own devices, MLB will not do anything about this problem. They will pay it lip service, and perhaps make cosmetic policy changes, but nothing will actually get done until they have someone's boot up their ass, and Congress can potentially have a very big foot.

I don't disagree that our borders need better protection, but you can't concentrate on just one problem to the exclusion of all others.

03-18-2005, 08:31 PM
Look at a pic of McGuire yesterday and compare it to when he was playing for the home run title. He's about half the size now. That answers the steroid question for me.

03-18-2005, 08:34 PM
Yeah, MLB is a business, but since when are businesses allowed to operate without any government oversight, particularly when their practices pose a danger to social order and violate existing laws? Left to their own devices, MLB will not do anything about this problem. They will pay it lip service, and perhaps make cosmetic policy changes, but nothing will actually get done until they have someone's boot up their ass, and Congress can potentially have a very big foot.

I don't disagree that our borders need better protection, but you can't concentrate on just one problem to the exclusion of all others.

Priority Fix a steroid problem or a possible Mass attack?

03-18-2005, 08:34 PM
Look at a pic of McGuire yesterday and compare it to when he was playing for the home run title. He's about half the size now. That answers the steroid question for me.

There is no dought in my mind that he shot up the juice.

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
03-18-2005, 09:08 PM
I am glad something is being done about steroids. I think that they have been too loosely regulated for too long. Hopefully simply raising the issue and putting a spotlight on steroid abuse will make more people think twice before using them. I also hope that not too much emphasis is placed on the issue because there are still very important ones facing the world today, as Whocares has mentioned.

A few years ago when I was in high school, steroids were very easy to find and use. Not only with local dealers, but with international ones over the internet. I'm glad that new legislation is being introduced to help moderate the steroid traffic, not only to level the playing field in sports but to protect teenagers who may not know what they are getting into.

Mad Fox
03-18-2005, 09:16 PM
It is the bussiness of the COngress. Baseball is a bussiness that is regulated by the U.S. Governmant and like any other bussiness it is subject to the laws. If any other bussiness was breaking the law or allowing people within their corporation to break their law "ON THE JOB" They would be shut down! SHUT DOWN BASEBALL UNTIL THIS IS RESOLVED!

03-19-2005, 12:05 AM
It is the bussiness of the COngress. Baseball is a bussiness that is regulated by the U.S. Governmant and like any other bussiness it is subject to the laws. If any other bussiness was breaking the law or allowing people within their corporation to break their law "ON THE JOB" They would be shut down! SHUT DOWN BASEBALL UNTIL THIS IS RESOLVED!

All this is based on a book.
I own several Business the only thing that the goverment regulats for me is the taxes I pay. Nothing else. If that is what you consider regualated then your right.

03-19-2005, 12:27 AM
Yeah, MLB is a business, but since when are businesses allowed to operate without any government oversight, particularly when their practices pose a danger to social order and violate existing laws? Left to their own devices, MLB will not do anything about this problem. They will pay it lip service, and perhaps make cosmetic policy changes, but nothing will actually get done until they have someone's boot up their ass, and Congress can potentially have a very big foot.

I don't disagree that our borders need better protection, but you can't concentrate on just one problem to the exclusion of all others.
The government usually only steps in when the person or persons doing a job that involves the safety of others if that employee is operating or in control of a group of the general public. For instance I when I obtained my Captains license I was required by the United States Coast Guard to get a physical examination, learn CPR and general first aid, and take a drug test in which it was a very controlled piss test. I basically had someone practically watching me. For them to step in on the private sector is absolutely ludicrous in this particular instance. The more the government controls, the worse off we are!

03-19-2005, 12:36 AM
It is the bussiness of the COngress. Baseball is a bussiness that is regulated by the U.S. Governmant and like any other bussiness it is subject to the laws. If any other bussiness was breaking the law or allowing people within their corporation to break their law "ON THE JOB" They would be shut down! SHUT DOWN BASEBALL UNTIL THIS IS RESOLVED!
So what you are basically saying is that all business owners need to give drug tests to everyone who works for them? I have a good idea, let's have a mandatory national drug testing law. While we are at it let's get rid of booze too. It is not the governments business, they are out of line. You give them an inch they take a yard.

03-19-2005, 05:39 AM
I will say this. The government should be involved in trying to keep drugs out of reach, especially in the case of minors...are those of you that are angry w/ this also upset because the government has implemented plans to keep kids away from pot, heroine, coccaine, etc? The government is trying to control a drug problem the same as any other drug. I mean, the government has these types of meetings w/ people from RJ Reynolds and stuff like that all the time, regarding advertising to minors, etc, - does that really get you guys angry too? The big difference here is that they're spending time trying to fix the rules of a sport, when that doesn't affect kids getting at the drug, at least not directly and not quickly. Instead of attacking the source of the drug, they're attacking the image of the drugs - your run of the mill baseball super-star. Just as the government has stopped cigarettes from being "cool" (see-ya Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man), the government is attempting to put a negative conotation on the drug by changing the message of the image (just a guess, but I'm betting "Joe Camel" wasn't willing to say "i changed my mind - cigs are bad!).

The argument about shutting a company down is bogus. If you work at McDonalds and show up to work stoned, the government does not shut mcdonalds down - you get fired. I guarentee that these players aren't juicing up in the locker room right before the game - this is happening in their homes, or whatever, prior to coming to the game. The government cannot say "you get shut down because your employee is stoned" and they cannot say "you get shut down because your employee is juicing". The employee is the problem and is at fault.

Now, do I think that MLB needs to implement a much tougher system? Absolutely. What they had before was a joke. I'm going to assume that the ability to pay 10,000 and walk away will not be in the final version (for goodness' sake - how stupid!), but the 5 strikes is still too much. I think that even with a 5 strike system, though, if the fines are removed and only suspensions are available, that the system will work well enough.

And finally...yes, Jose, over the course of 2 years, you can change your mind. You may have had different views on steroids when you started the book 2 years ago...But the book was only released 2 months ago! Are you saying you released a book full of ideas that you don't support?! Are you retarded, or do you think we are?! Talk about doin' it for the Benjamins...