View Full Version : People are bizarre...

03-23-2005, 06:18 PM

Kathleen Wilson lay on the kitchen floor of her Fairfield, California, home for nearly two years after she died, her son and husband stepping around the remains as they prepared meals and went on with daily life.

Fairfield police discovered the corpse and arrested her son, Jack Wilson, 48, Friday afternoon on suspicion of elder abuse. A concerned neighbour had reported not seeing the elderly woman in about a year.

Jack Wilson told police his mother had fallen in the kitchen sometime in mid-2003 and she had remained there ever since, said Fairfield police Sergeant Mike Johnstone.

"He says he left her in the kitchen and tried to feed her and take care of her for a couple weeks before she died," Johnstone said.

03-23-2005, 06:46 PM
Oh crap they are sickos!!! :eek:

Alexis SC430
03-23-2005, 06:47 PM
Ah, well, I guess this really begs the question from each of us: Would I do the same thing in that situation? :confused:

Truth be told if my mother collapsed on the floor like that I probably would call the paramedics or police or something (depending on the circumstance).

However, if I decided not to, then yeah, I probably would just leave her on the floor and walk around her and stuff. See, if I drug her out to the backyard or the woods and burried her, then if her body was ever discovered it would just make me look all guilty of killing her even if I didn't.

Whereas, if I just left her lying on the kitchen floor and she was ever discovered I could just plead insanity later.

On the other hand, since the kitchen is a pretty public room and one I would end up frequenting and stuff I would probably drag her to a back bedroom or something and lay her down on the bed. That way I would have the advantage of being able to plead insanity effectively but not have some annoying corpse lying in the middle of the kitchen.

Still, having a dead body lying in the bedroom isn't quite the same quality insanity defense material that a dead body lying in the kitchen is.

Of course, this is all just hypothetically speaking. :P

03-23-2005, 07:05 PM
Hey Alexis, How would you do with the stench, ants and flies in your kitchen?

watching her body bloat, then settle in would be dsturbing too ;)

Mad Fox
03-23-2005, 08:00 PM
Wouldn't the smell send someone over the edge

Alexis SC430
03-23-2005, 08:05 PM
I could handle the bloating of the body and watching it rot. As for the smell of decay, I suppose I could cover her body with cat litter for a while; it would soak up and noxious fluids coming from the spongy skin and also most of the resulting smell too.

Alexis SC430
03-23-2005, 08:06 PM
Depending on the area ants and flies would be an ongoing problem, but not one that couldn't be handled.

03-23-2005, 08:22 PM
At least he tried to feed her for a couple days.

03-23-2005, 08:24 PM
I like the cat litter idea, but lime would be better and cheaper.

Flies swarm quite badly though, the buzzing would anoy me, kind of reminds me of when my Ex used to talk, you know, after a few minutes, all you here is a buz while you blankly stare ;)

oh wait, you're a woman, you may not know :P

Alexis SC430
03-23-2005, 08:32 PM
Ha ha ha ha ha ha... SHUT UP! If you had listened to her more often maybe you'd still be together. I never understood why guys assume they're perfect, and how, therefore, any and all complaints directed toward them are just senseless babbles. :tounge:

Yeah, anyway, as long as I was careful to keep the doors and windows closed there shouldn't be too much of a problem with flies. Ants would be a bigger problem, especially during the summer months. I supposed I could mix a large amount of ant poison in the with cat litter as well as leave a circle of it surrounding the corpse itself. That should really keep them down to acceptable levels.

On the plus side, with all the ants heading to the corpse it could possibly decrease their numbers in other parts of the house, and keep them away from the food and trash and stuff.

03-23-2005, 08:35 PM
That would depend on how sweet your mom was, and if there's any good food in your kitchen. I kind of fgure you for the type who needs a sugar fix from time to time ;)

also, Lime much better because it speeds decay as well as knocks the smell down. And if you have a cat, do you want it pissing on Mom?

Alexis SC430
03-23-2005, 08:38 PM
As amusing as I might find my cat doing its thing on my mom I suppose that would be kind of wrong.

Isn't lime that white stuff they used to pour over the mass graves in Vietnam and stuff? It seems like it would be toxic, hard to come by, and have a harsh chemical smell of its own.

03-23-2005, 08:43 PM
nah, people use it on their lawn, it's safe and about $5 for a 5lb bag :thumbs:

It's the best thing to use if you bury a body though, it breaks the body down, also masks the scent of death so dogs can't find it ;)

not that I've looked into it or anything :D


Alexis SC430
03-23-2005, 08:48 PM
Wow... thanks... that is really cool stuff! Though I don't see what possible lawn application it would have.

Actually, if I remember corrected some of the Manson family sprinkled lime on Sharon Tate's corpse after they killed her and the others and cut out her unborn baby.

Supposedly that's where those Marilyn Manson lyrics from that one song come from:

Run ya down without a twitch
Your car's just not as big as mine
Tear the son out of your bitch
And sprinkle the remains with lime

So yeah, I think we can all see here just how easy and hassle free it would be to just leave our dead mothers in the middle of the kitchen.

Die Hard
03-23-2005, 09:10 PM
You guys are nucking futs!

Oh, and men are always right. :P

03-23-2005, 09:34 PM
I think really you guys have the wrong take on it. It isn't about leaving her, but about the trouble to pick her up and toss her outside.... Its kind of like when you are sitting on the couch and the remote is on the OTHER couch.... then you decide that watching reruns of "lavern and shirley" is not all that bad.... He would have eventually gotten around to it.

Also remember the mother/son relationship factor. Now sonny can confide in mom without worrying about her rejection or disapproval. It must have done wonders for their relationship. Moms would have become much easier to take care of. No need to spend any money on food for her. And if you ever ran out of cat food, heck, just smear some honey on a part of mom, and the kitchen is open. Now of course the smell is bad, but given enough cat urine and feces, you probably are not going to be smelling much anyway. The whole bloating corpse thingy, well, that can be hard to look at, but eventually the body will go down....

03-23-2005, 09:48 PM
I dont ever think I'm perfect...perfectly insane perhaps, but not perfect...

03-24-2005, 12:14 AM
Ha ha ha ha ha ha... SHUT UP! If you had listened to her more often maybe you'd still be together. I never understood why guys assume they're perfect, and how, therefore, any and all complaints directed toward them are just senseless babbles. :tounge:

Yeah, anyway, as long as I was careful to keep the doors and windows closed there shouldn't be too much of a problem with flies. Ants would be a bigger problem, especially during the summer months. I supposed I could mix a large amount of ant poison in the with cat litter as well as leave a circle of it surrounding the corpse itself. That should really keep them down to acceptable levels.

On the plus side, with all the ants heading to the corpse it could possibly decrease their numbers in other parts of the house, and keep them away from the food and trash and stuff.
Penises have more control over boobs, it's been proven. :P

Alexis SC430
03-24-2005, 07:33 PM
Oh... my... God... Slice...

What the... why would you... how could you... what makes you... AGH!!

Just be thankful you're out of groin kicking range! :tounge:

03-24-2005, 08:01 PM
Man Slice, she hates it when you're right! :D

Alexis SC430
03-24-2005, 08:08 PM
OMG, he is SO not right! And how the hell has this been proven? What study is this from?

Death Engineer
03-24-2005, 10:03 PM
You guys are sick!

03-25-2005, 01:00 AM
OMG, he is SO not right! And how the hell has this been proven? What study is this from?
Sigmund Freud. :P http://psychology.about.com/library/weekly/aa111500b.htm

Alexis SC430
03-25-2005, 06:29 PM
Oh, screw Sigmund Freud!

You can't trust a cocaine addict anyway.

And before anyone makes a stupid joke NO I was never addicted to cocaine. :tounge:

03-25-2005, 06:47 PM
but crack is a form of cocaine....

not that I would believe anything a crack addict has to say...


Alexis SC430
03-25-2005, 07:01 PM
I know crack is a form of cocaine, but I'VE NEVER BEEN ADDICTED TO CRACK EITHER!

Alexis SC430
03-25-2005, 07:03 PM
Not really, anyway... :o