View Full Version : Until it is fixed......i quit

03-24-2005, 03:18 AM
Tonight was the last game...i will remove myself from the ladders aswell....until i can figure out why my i keep getting butted from servers for anti-cheats.....my cache is clean...i dont understand it.....it really pisses me off to the point to where playing isnt injoyable eneymore....so until the problem is solved and fixed...........i will not play....sorry guys...

Red Dragon
03-24-2005, 03:20 AM
Ouch thats bad. But I'm new in this forum!!
Do you mean ssse? And check out my sig :)

03-24-2005, 03:25 AM

Red Dragon
03-24-2005, 03:33 AM
Oooo ok sorry. But cheer up there's nothing to worry about.

Red Dragon
03-24-2005, 03:35 AM
Hey. How do you write {DS} Director under your name?

03-24-2005, 04:04 AM
Lash that bites :(

Try this copy all folders in your UT2004 folder but the system folder to your desktop. and your user.ini files in your system folder (all of them) after that delete your ut2004
folder and re-install the game. after you install the game copy all your folders back. then run the 3355 patch. I think you may have a file in there some were that is causing your problem. I hope that works in the mean time I will do some DD on it. what exactly does it say/ I will pm Wombo he will know :)

03-24-2005, 12:56 PM
Lash that bites :(

Try this copy all folders in your UT2004 folder but the system folder to your desktop. and your user.ini files in your system folder (all of them) after that delete your ut2004
folder and re-install the game. after you install the game copy all your folders back. then run the 3355 patch. I think you may have a file in there some were that is causing your problem. I hope that works in the mean time I will do some DD on it. what exactly does it say/ I will pm Wombo he will know :)

i wouldnt do this...do a clean install, dont use ANY old files(no *.inis either) that should fix it

Die Hard
03-24-2005, 01:36 PM
Hey. How do you write {DS} Director under your name?
He typed it, just like you typed never fear. :thumbs:

03-24-2005, 01:48 PM
@ LEAST SAVE YOUR MAPS $ TEXTURES $ STATICMESH FOLDERS :confused: This has worked for me in the past :cool:

i wouldnt do this...do a clean install, dont use ANY old files(no *.inis either) that should fix it

03-24-2005, 01:51 PM
Hey. How do you write {DS} Director under your name?


do u want to be a {DS}Director also ? :D

03-24-2005, 04:15 PM
If you were to reinstall the game using no previous files (basically rebuild you ini's from scratch), then you should be fine. It's a hassle, but it's really all I can tell ya :(

03-24-2005, 04:27 PM
']If you were to reinstall the game using no previous files (basically rebuild you ini's from scratch), then you should be fine. It's a hassle, but it's really all I can tell ya :(

I have already done that.......twice...and it keeps doing the same thing....sometimes it will tell me a certain skin is the cause....then sometimes it will give out a code and i will search my comp for it and it is not their.....like last night....my cache folder was complety clean...the only server i went into was our server........so the only downloads i reciaved were from it......the first and second game went fine...then all of a suddent in the third game it boots me for the skin issue.....it dont make sense to me...

03-24-2005, 04:33 PM
all this start happening when Goober cleaned that spyware out of your system?

also, when you did a clean install, did you manually remove old files?

03-24-2005, 05:01 PM
Hey Lash I had the same prob a month ago, i emailed Frag about this, i just removed completely my UT and make a full install with new files downloaded from the net, didnt use my old patch3355 or my old utcomp file, I deleted everything and started a complete new installation. well, been lucky it worked and it should for you too, then i cant see whats the problem :confused:

03-24-2005, 05:16 PM
[FAQ] Known problems and workarounds for Anti TCC

This thread is only informational, Anti TCC is not being continued anymore.

Anti TCC kicked me, but why?
If you're kicked by Anti TCC and you don't know why, post the exact kick message or include a screenshot of it.
If you're the server admin or contacted the server admin, please also include the Anti TCC log message - it might contain very useful information.

Unknown Class
With all versions currently available there's a problem with third-party voice packs, so try using a standard voice pack.

Modified Character Entry Detected
Some custom or self-made skins use the same names as existing UT2004 characters. If you have once of these you need to edit the UPL file so the DefaultName doesn't match one of the 179 default character names. Do a search in xPlayersL1.upl and xPlayersL2.upl - if you can't find the name it's save to use. Multiple custom skins with identical names isn't a problem for Anti TCC, it's only nitpicky about the default ones.

Failed to check the Anti TCC package
In this case you should try deleting everything in your cache directory and reconnect to the server.

Modified Package Detected
Another thing I've noticed quite often is a mixture of U files belonging to different UT2004 version. In that case Anti TCC often kicks for modified classes. This can easily be fixed by reinstalling any of the official patches.
A little more difficult are client brightskin packs. These often replace UPL and/or UTX files. The files xPlayerL1/2.upl can easily be restored from the UT2004 DVD's CD1\System directory. UTX (and possibly other package files like UKX, USX or UAX) need to be decompressed after copying them to the correct directory. To do that, delete or rename the modified package and copy the original version to the correct directory. Then open a command prompt by selecting start menu -> "Run..." and type "cmd" for Win2k/XP or "command" for Win9x/ME, then press Enter or click Run.
The command prompt window opens and you need to switch to your UT2004\System directory, then run UCC Decompress.
To the left of the blinking cursor you can see where you currently are. Start by switching to the drive you installed UT2004 on by entering "d:" and pressing Enter. (replace "d" with the correct drive letter) Then switch to the UT2004\System directory using the "CD" (change directory) command:
cd \Stuff\Games\UT2004\System

Now you should see "D:\Stuff\Games\UT2004\System>" and the blicking cursor behind it. You can now start decompressing the files you previously copied:
UCC Decompress ..\Textures\PlayerSkins.utx

UCC Decompress now starts decompressing the file, this should be done within a couple of seconds. If you have more files to decompress, just enter the command again for the next file after UCC is done anmd the command prompt shows again.
Last edited by Wormbo : 22nd September, 2004 at 12:02 PM.


03-24-2005, 07:19 PM
Tonight was the last game...i will remove myself from the ladders aswell....until i can figure out why my i keep getting butted from servers for anti-cheats.....my cache is clean...i dont understand it.....it really pisses me off to the point to where playing isnt injoyable eneymore....so until the problem is solved and fixed...........i will not play....sorry guys...

That sux LaSH, I was looking forward to our 1v1 :(

03-25-2005, 04:07 AM
its still on bro....

Red Dragon
03-25-2005, 04:09 AM
No i got it.

03-25-2005, 11:23 AM
Sorry bro :mad:

I would turn if off and when I restart it wrights it self back in the config :confused:

its still on bro....

03-25-2005, 03:38 PM
i reinstalled and with SnipXRs help.....i beliave its fixed now....time will tell

03-25-2005, 03:58 PM
Well gusse what.............its not ****ing fixed............it says i have an anitcc cheat file -2526441[

03-25-2005, 04:55 PM
time for a new cd-key....

03-25-2005, 06:47 PM
I sent a copy of the log to Wombo
hopefuly he can figure it out?

[2005-03-24 23:27:19] - [INSECURE CLIENT] {DS}LaSH [ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd47a80a ] IP: 24.158.xxx.xxx Security ID: 1 using v3355
[2005-03-24 23:27:19] - Unknown Class: utcompvv^TDComp_HudCDeathmatch
[2005-03-24 23:27:25] - [Disconnect] {DS}LaSH [ exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd47a80a ] IP: 24.158.xxx.xxx Security ID: 1 using v3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:03] - [Connect] {DS}LaSH [ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] IP: xx.1xx.195.xxx Security ID: 2
[2005-03-24 23:29:10] - [Init] {DS}LaSH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] IP: 24.158.xxx.xxx Security ID: 2 using engine version3355 on Windows with D3DRenderDevice
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.Actor has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for Core.Object has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for UT2k4Assault.HUD_Assault has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.GUIController has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.ExtendedConsole has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudCDeathmatch has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.HUD has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudBase has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for Onslaught.ONSHUDOnslaught has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for BonusPack.HudMutant has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.Console has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudCTeamDeathMatch has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudCDoubleDomination has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.Security has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.BaseGUIController has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for GUI2K4.UT2K4GUIController has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for SkaarjPack.HUDInvasion has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudCCaptureTheFlag has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for BonusPack.HudLMS has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudCBombingRun has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.HoverPathNode has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for Gameplay.KarmaBoostVolume has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for GUI2K4.Ut2K4_FilterEdit has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for GUI2K4.UT2K4_FilterListPage has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for GUI2K4.UT2K4Movies has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for GUI2K4.UT2K4TryAMod has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XGame.BulletSplash has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XGame.InstagibCTF has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XGame.InstagibMutator has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XGame.WaterRing has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XGame.WaterSplash has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XWeapons.ExtraRedBeam has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:20] - [WARNING] Class counter for XWeapons.ExtraBlueBeam has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:44] - [INSECURE CLIENT] {DS}LaSH [ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd47a80a ] IP: 24.158.xxx.xxx Security ID: 2 using v3355
[2005-03-24 23:29:44] - Failed a check on the character Anat
[2005-03-24 23:29:44] - PlayerRecord: DefaultName=Anat MeshName=HumanFemaleA.EgyptFemaleB BodySkinName=PlayerSkins.EgyptFemaleBBodyA FaceSkinName=PlayerSop;.^MgyptFemaleBHeadB
[2005-03-24 23:29:44] - Expected: DefaultName=Anat MeshName=HumanFemaleA.EgyptFemaleB BodySkinName=PlayerSkins.EgyptFemaleBBodyA FaceSkinName=PlayerSkins.EgyptFemaleBHeadB
[2005-03-24 23:29:49] - [Disconnect] {DS}LaSH [ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd47a80a ] IP: 24.158.xxx.xxx Security ID: 2 using v3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:30] - [Connect] {DS}LaSH [ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd47a80a ] IP: 24.158.xxx.xxx Security ID: 3
[2005-03-24 23:32:35] - [Init] {DS}LaSH [ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd47a80a ] IP: 24.xxx.xxx.xxx Security ID: 3 using engine version3355 on Windows with D3DRenderDevice
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.Actor has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for Core.Object has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for UT2k4Assault.HUD_Assault has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.GUIController has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.ExtendedConsole has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudCDeathmatch has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.HUD has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudBase has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for Onslaught.ONSHUDOnslaught has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for BonusPack.HudMutant has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.Console has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudCTeamDeathMatch has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudCDoubleDomination has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.Security has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.BaseGUIController has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for GUI2K4.UT2K4GUIController has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for SkaarjPack.HUDInvasion has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudCCaptureTheFlag has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for BonusPack.HudLMS has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XInterface.HudCBombingRun has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for Engine.HoverPathNode has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for Gameplay.KarmaBoostVolume has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for GUI2K4.Ut2K4_FilterEdit has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for GUI2K4.UT2K4_FilterListPage has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for GUI2K4.UT2K4Movies has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for GUI2K4.UT2K4TryAMod has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XGame.BulletSplash has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XGame.InstagibCTF has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XGame.InstagibMutator has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XGame.WaterRing has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XGame.WaterSplash has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XWeapons.ExtraRedBeam has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:32:42] - [WARNING] Class counter for XWeapons.ExtraBlueBeam has no data for version 3355
[2005-03-24 23:49:12] - [Status] Map change, closing log file.
End log session for xDeathMatch on DM-Deck17 at 2005-03-24, 23:49:12

Red Dragon
03-25-2005, 08:22 PM
How long did it take you?

03-25-2005, 09:08 PM
I'm not a brain mechanic or anything, but it looks to me like the problem is caused by the new patch! I havn't installed it yet, so I can't really say for sure.

03-26-2005, 04:24 AM
I'm not a brain mechanic or anything, but it looks to me like the problem is caused by the new patch! I havn't installed it yet, so I can't really say for sure.

You know....you might have something their....

03-26-2005, 04:37 AM
You know....you might have something their....

Neener, neener, LaSH is a cheater... I'm a poet and didn't know it! ;)

Seriously, I'm kidding LaSH, you know I love the DS teddy bear!!! :wub: I hope you get it straightened out!!! :(

03-26-2005, 01:18 PM
Wombo’s response

Not very helpful but

Weird characters in the check results are most likely a result of a bad connection, maybe caused by a firewall or insufficient error detection/correction. Sorry, I don't know how that can be solved.

I guess it wouldnt hurt rolling back to the 3339 patch to see if it makes a difference :confused:

03-26-2005, 07:16 PM
I guess it wouldnt hurt rolling back to the 3339 patch to see if it makes a difference :confused:
What version of Anti-TCC is kicking you? With the new patch, a new version of Anti-TCC may be required - the older versions will probably kick 3355 clients. Again, I don't know what version is kicking you. I'm using 118f on the Silo and haven't had issues. Are you getting kicked from any servers, or just Anti-TCC servers?

03-26-2005, 07:19 PM
What version of Anti-TCC is kicking you? With the new patch, a new version of Anti-TCC may be required - the older versions will probably kick 3355 clients. Again, I don't know what version is kicking you. I'm using 118f on the Silo and haven't had issues. Are you getting kicked from any servers, or just Anti-TCC servers?
:eek: both servers {DS} have are only at 1.18c :eek:

03-26-2005, 07:24 PM
:eek: both servers {DS} have are only at 1.18c :eek:
Yeah... you guys might want to fix that. :)

03-27-2005, 12:55 PM
ok we are updated to version F. Lash try now :thumbs:

I didnt know there was a version F :rolleyes: I thought C was the last one Wombo released :D

04-12-2005, 01:49 PM
And ***s just wont die..

04-12-2005, 02:13 PM
And ***s just wont die..

hehe...i love reading your posts unfo...

you should come down here and hang out w/ me and diss sometime...its good fun

04-12-2005, 02:17 PM
I will try to make a trip sometime. i should have came down for spring break lol. We will see....we can hit a few clubs up or somethin :thumbs:

04-12-2005, 07:25 PM

04-12-2005, 07:26 PM
tic... tic..... tic..... Boom!
I hope you enjoyed your stay.

04-12-2005, 07:53 PM
haha sl8 thoughs gurls were under my game my friend. hell they were 16....yeah not to proud of that hehe. now as for me not getting gurls as hot as the ones u pick up ROFL u have got to be kidding me. i am not goin to talk them up because for one u dont deserve to hear me rant on about them. and two u would prolly want me to send some ur way..which wont happen. :thumbs:

04-12-2005, 08:10 PM
sorry i am a stupid hick......i like to contradict myself. just a hobby of mine. DUDE STFU NO ONE HERE CARES WHAT U THINK BYE BYE....go play with ur boyfriend. :thumbs:

04-12-2005, 08:14 PM
now that was a pathetic come back man...have no more to say so u have to make fun of my insults..sheesh i thought u were better at it than that. and as for foot fairy...i dont believe i ever said that.....maybe a turf fairy..because thats what soccer players are...stfu and leave.

04-12-2005, 09:59 PM
Uhhhhh yah.....thanks for the info all....