View Full Version : T3h f1r3f1g73r 1s M3!!!

03-24-2005, 09:30 PM
Hey Pure, I know you are a volonteer firefighter, and I was wondering what a person should do to become one? I think my military training should give me a leg up, but I know it won't be enough. Also, how often do you actually get to fight a fire, vs. doing emergency calls? I do not want to be a paramedic! I want to put out fires.

03-24-2005, 11:29 PM
Actualy, not much burns on my side of town :D mostly motor vehical accidents and alarm calls. I've been in some real cookers, but they're rare here, go one town over and it's weekly flames.

Becoming one in CT is quite easy. Live near one, have a clean record, pass the physical and interview, then you start your probation and they send you to fire school. Firefighter1 was the minimum, and it was 2 nights a week, and every other Sat for 4 months. Then the state practical and the written test. If your local runs EMT, then you may require that training too, and they should pay for it. Fire school was fun!

Each State has different regulations, but that should be close. Most people bail when they find out about the training, and that you have to commit 1 night a week for your meeting/training/ equipment maintanence. It's ussually 2 hours. The first year was the toughest, after that, it's all gravy.

My dept doesn't do any EMT :thumbs:

03-25-2005, 05:28 AM
I know it's volonteer, but do you actually get paid anything at all? Food, beer, ect, or hard cash for a big fire like a skyscraper?