View Full Version : Quick question

03-26-2005, 06:17 PM
Ok, well I am doing a project on this book I read. Part of it is I have to depict the major themes, characters, events, and setting in the story on a poster. I can use symbolic items and stuff. But I can't think of anything for the two major themes of the book, friendship and loyalty. Can anyone think of anything? Thanks!

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
03-26-2005, 06:46 PM
Well, without knowing anything about the book itself, I think a good theme for friendship and loyalty would be during a war. The image that I am going with are two WWII soldiers lying in a ditch together, and one is seriously wounded. They are both trying to hold the line and keep the enemy at bay. The un-injured friend is looking compassionately in the wounded man's eyes and they have their red hands clasped together. The un-injured man's expression is one of "we're going to make it through this".

In that example, the un-injured friend displays a very high degree of friendship and they are being loyal to the cause of standing their ground during a battle.

But in order to really help you out, I think we will need to know something about the story, unless it doesn't have to be related to the story at all.

03-26-2005, 06:49 PM
Damn, thats a good idea but my story is not about WWII at all. Its basically about gangs and drugs and two boys that get caught up in it.

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
03-26-2005, 07:16 PM
Ok, well before I give you an idea you should make sure that the poster does not have to have specific examples from the book you read. If it does, well then I think you are the only one who can help you make your poster. But let me give you two ideas that came up in my head about two boys who get caught up with a gang culture.

It is my understanding that many boys and teenagers are recruited by gangs to do their dirty work, such as sell drugs, because they are still minors and can get away with it if they get caught (by pleading they were influenced by the gang). So going with the assumption that the boys did not want to be in the gang and going with the assumption that the boys promised themselves that they would never take drugs, here are my two ideas:

Let's call the two boys Bill and Jack.

Friendship and Gangs:

This idea is a picture with dialogue boxes. The scene takes place in a dirty alleyway at night, with dim lighting. Three gang members confront Jack in the alleyway and get him cornered agaisnt a brick wall. One of the gang members lifts Jack up by the shirt and hoists him up into the air, and pins him agaisnt the wall. One of the gang members has a knife to Jack's throat, and the gang member that is holding him up says "Hey Jack, where is your friend?! You know, Bill? We heard he had a chat with the police and we want to speak with him". And Jack, with a frightened look on his face, says "I don't know where he is, I haven't seen him all day". On the far left of the picture is Bill hiding in the alleyway, squatting on the ground with his eyes closed in fear. Jack wouldn't let the gang know where his friend was, even though they threated to injure him and even though he knew where Bill was.

Loyalty and drugs:

This idea is two large pictures. In this scene, Jack and Bill are hanging out at an urban basketball court. An older male, a member of a gang, confronts them and says "Hey guys, want to buy some pot? The first one is free!". Jack and Bill both look at each other, and their expression is "What is he, joking? No way". Then the two boys give the pot seller the cold shoulder and walk away from the basketball court with a smile on their faces. The two boys were loyal to their anti-drug beliefs, despite the fact that they were being offered free drugs.

03-26-2005, 08:20 PM
Whats the name of the book?

03-26-2005, 08:33 PM
Scorpions, and yeah the boys don't want to be in the gang. The poster doesn't have to have specific examples from the story. 999 thats a good idea, but I am pretty untalented in drawing lol. I'll probably just figure out how to do it on my own, but any help would be greatly appreciated.