View Full Version : History of Tattoos

03-28-2005, 11:00 PM
Here is something I put together over the weekend for giggles and for an upcoming convention. This was all taken from various History books and twisted to what it is. All of the below are facts.

The History of Tattoos:

Artists began using living human skin as a canvas long before real canvas- the kind used by Van Gogh and Dave Mann-- was invented.

The first recorded use of tattoos was among those master needle manipluators, the Ancient Egyptians, whose ruling class began experimenting with skin art about 1300BC-- over 3,000 years ago.

Somehow, despite the lack of Satellite TV, the practice spread. Upon arriving in Britain in 54 BC, Julius Caesar discovered that the more rebellious and freedom-minded natives-- anxious to set themselves apart from the average run of the mill Celts were already wearing hunting scenes made by poking their hides with thorns or bits of bone dipped in dye.

Strangely enough, many of the rituals involved in making and wearing a "tat" have changed little in the thousands of years the custom has existed. As you look at the people at this convention, feasting your eyes on the skilled works of today's master practitioners of the ancient art, you might recall that ancient tribes in the Pacific Islands used to accompany the application of a tattoo with group chanting. Now there's a custom, you'll have to agree or haven't you and your bros ever sat around chanting "pass another beer" while one of you number was having a new design applied to some part of his epidermis?

And, just in case you think "F*** Y**" inked into the inside of your lip is something unique and original, ponder this. The warriors of the Marquesa Islands in Polynesia-- the Polynesians were suh hot skin artits they even created the lingo; they called them "tatus" hundreds of years before the English language was even invented-- used to tattoo insults to their enemies on their lips and gums back when Christopher Columbus was still a drip at the end of his great-grandfathers's crank!

Enjoy :D

Die Hard
03-28-2005, 11:02 PM
LOL good stuff Who :thumbs:

Mad Fox
03-29-2005, 01:22 AM
Interestin :thumbs:

03-30-2005, 01:43 AM
Pretty interesting read !! :thumbs:

Alexis SC430
03-30-2005, 06:15 PM
Well, from what I've heard, Tatoo was originally supposed to be some kind of demonic assistant since the original concept of Fantasy Island was supposed to be that it was hell and Mr. Roarke was the devil.