View Full Version : The widely(or not so widely) discussed merge between LoF and DS

03-29-2005, 06:24 AM
Ok Ive finally got around to getting on the forums and posting some about this. Im tired of waiting for inbetween men to give me responses hahaha. Basically it started off that Spawn and I were talking about merging clans..then you guys picked up a whole lot of members and other random **** occured. I would still love to merge. I know the tag thing is a big deal for both clans so Unfo, others, etc thought up that we could have dual tags. We currently have 9 active players and 13 in all. We are ranked 15th on 2v2s and have a 7-2 record on TWL. Players play modes such as TDM, TAM, and CTF. I would be fine with you guys even having your tag first. Something like, {DS}Dævo|LøF| or making it shorter like DS}Dævo|LøF, etc, etc, etc.

other main issues would be:
1) Website- I wouldn't care, you guys could take full control
2) Forums- we have a very nicely setup private forum, but then again we could also use yours because its not a whole big deal to me.
3) Servers- we could use both servers.
4) Leadership- I would ask for at least 1 or 2 from our group on the council. Currently we are a monarchy with me as the only CL.

Discuss kids.

03-29-2005, 11:49 AM
OK, here's basically what happened.

I'm one of the founders of {DS}, Dissectional and I along with Unfo and another ran the clan for a few years and we built a tradition of class, sportsmanship and brotherhood. I recently came back after spending 8 months with a huge multi gaming clan called Steel Maelstrom. Even though I left {DS}, I kept in touch with my friends and the 2 clans competed regularly. When [SMS] had serious leadership issues, I decided to come home to {DS} and the leaders basically offered to let me pick up where I left off, then Unfo came in and we brought in 3 more friends. We've been spending the past 3 weeks getting adjusted and organised.

I read the thread about merge and reminded the guys of a past merger that failed and resulted in the birth of Downward Spiral, I also reminded them of who we are and what we stand for and we decided to put this on the back burner while Fragetti and I got the clan running smoothly.

Frag told me you guys approached him again, yet we've been too busy to really get together as a group and discuss it. Now I guess you forced the issue a bit :D

Basically, we never like to discuss this kind of stuff in public forums, and I'll probably close this thread later and we'll discuss it through PM's with you or on Ventrilo or TS2.

The Directors are going to have a discussion over this the next few days then we'll bring it to the rest of the clan. So please give us a little more time so that we can get the opinions from crew.

Sorry for the delay, it was my fault.

Also, any NON {DS} or |LøF| player who decides to post in this thread, I'll delete your post, so please read, but show both clans respect and allow this thread to be between the 2 clans involved only. Thank you.

03-29-2005, 06:37 PM
Pure the past merger was between two clans that didn't even play the same game!!! :eek: but as for representation....thats why we have the rules that we do and the power to kick ass...or just throw them out. i am sure that lof would agree wit this and our rules. so how i see it its a great idea to get some bodys and some good players...thats all i got to say hehe :thumbs:

03-29-2005, 07:04 PM
Pure...no disrespect to you or LOF .......but this thread and or topic dose not need to remain open in public......LOF was informed that we will get back to them..so their forth this thread should be locked or moved to private section...

03-29-2005, 07:22 PM
Your wish shall be honored my friend.

No disrespect to |LøF|Daevo, we will be in touch within by Monday at the latest

03-29-2005, 07:39 PM
Hi Deavo

Good to see you on the server the other night. You did rather well too I might add. :thumbs:
This isn’t what I meant really when I said join GM and do some posting :rolleyes: but since your forcing the question about the merge you will be getting an answer very soon and you guy's deserve one for sure.

What I really meant was to have your guy’s join GM and do some posting here to let everyone meet and get to know you guys. Also to hang out on our server and have some fun. Even a scrim would be cool. :cool: Not sure at this point how things will work out but just remember it’s not personal. We do respect your clan and your players.
Fragetti :jammin: