View Full Version : more for the loozers list....

03-31-2005, 05:24 AM
no skills, but they find a way.... :thumbs:

03-31-2005, 05:47 AM
that's my boy :D

relax jimmie noone cares bout sam anymore ;)
oh and dont diss my players

Die Hard
03-31-2005, 08:33 AM
I wish people would stop making blanket statements about who cares!

03-31-2005, 06:07 PM
It was his own server and that means he can do whatever he wants in it

oh and sorry bout that Die Hard, lemme change it to MOST ppl dont care about sam anymore :P
i still do a tad myself :D

03-31-2005, 06:52 PM
I wish people would stop making blanket statements about who cares!
It are always the same ppl's that tells us that nobody cares about Sam, strange thing or is it to make a statement to themselfs to cheat there way to a win.

Nice screenie Jim :thumbs:

03-31-2005, 07:08 PM
It was his own server and that means he can do whatever he wants in it
this was outlaws2, and if i was an admin he would have been banned and good riddance. and looking at the screenshot I see 4 people that cared.

03-31-2005, 07:43 PM
this was outlaws2, and if i was an admin he would have been banned and good riddance. and looking at the screenshot I see 4 people that cared.
it waznt outlaws you idiot. It was his server called koutlaws and its obiovus that an outlaws server wouldnt be on yodeller for over an hour like its shown in the screnie so stop trying to lie and shutup about it.

03-31-2005, 07:52 PM

I don't care, I'm just bored :D

03-31-2005, 07:57 PM
yo TIP, do you remember joining some stupid koutlaws server yesterday in the screenshot?

OUTLAWS high ping camper
03-31-2005, 07:58 PM

I don't care, I'm just bored :D

you know.......sometimes you are pretty funny.......and I like that...now, back to your cage! :D

PS. I love serious sam :wub:

Die Hard
03-31-2005, 08:07 PM
Er, he would stay for an hour...

03-31-2005, 08:55 PM
it waznt outlaws you idiot. It was his server called koutlaws and its obiovus that an outlaws server wouldnt be on yodeller for over an hour like its shown in the screnie so stop trying to lie and shutup about it.
not a friendly tone in here :doh: :watch: :D

03-31-2005, 08:57 PM
Tip doesnt really play on servers other than saints and outlaws, so i'm assuming that it's the outlaws server, and if no one cares about ssam why do u care about the XSW members that play it. Alot of people care about the game, because it's one of the best FPS's out there, people continue to cheat and disrespect the game, even as clans who dedicate their time to play ssam.
It just doesnt make sense, and is also a reason as to why i stop wearing tags.

03-31-2005, 09:03 PM
Tip doesnt really play on servers other than saints and outlaws, so i'm assuming that it's the outlaws server, and if no one cares about ssam why do u care about the XSW members that play it. Alot of people care about the game, because it's one of the best FPS's out there, people continue to cheat and disrespect the game, even as clans who dedicate their time to play ssam.
It just doesnt make sense, and is also a reason as to why i stop wearing tags.
TIP plays in my XSW server :D
pwned exe :P
and yur damn right ssam is one of the the best fps of all time but that dont mean that noone cares about it :P
look at the playing audience. It's around 1,000-1,500. Get a game like Quake III which is just about as old as Sam and they got an audience of around 500,000. Now tell me that Sam is just bustling with activity and that would be a lie :P
im jus saying dont take this small audience game so seriously. if this was cs or q3 id be uber pissed if someone was under the map lol

03-31-2005, 09:04 PM
that's my boy :D

oh and dont diss my players

In this company................................

Villains totally rocks. :jammin:

03-31-2005, 09:20 PM
oh, and for your further education, you will note the 25 frags, no time limit, no lag. this was outlaws2. serious damage, the map switched and your bud got pwned on the next two outlaw server games. TIP might play other servers, I don't, because they lag too much. so keep your lips glued to his ass and shut up about things you know nothing about.

03-31-2005, 09:41 PM
i was there. the server was outlaws2. he came out from the ground around 23 frags.

03-31-2005, 09:49 PM
Not sure what server it was. I play what ever room has some players.

I didn't realize the numb-nut was hiding under the house. Glad to see someone took his perfect from him though.

Sam, still my favorite game and the only one I enjoy. I don't care how many people play other games. Those other games just suck compared to Sam.

04-01-2005, 12:31 AM
oh, and for your further education, you will note the 25 frags, no time limit, no lag. this was outlaws2. serious damage, the map switched and your bud got pwned on the next two outlaw server games. TIP might play other servers, I don't, because they lag too much. so keep your lips glued to his ass and shut up about things you know nothing about.
aight ill inform him ;)
nice to see you hide behind aliases :P

04-01-2005, 12:55 AM
TIP plays in my XSW server :D
pwned exe :P
and yur damn right ssam is one of the the best fps of all time but that dont mean that noone cares about it :P
look at the playing audience. It's around 1,000-1,500. Get a game like Quake III which is just about as old as Sam and they got an audience of around 500,000. Now tell me that Sam is just bustling with activity and that would be a lie :P
im jus saying dont take this small audience game so seriously. if this was cs or q3 id be uber pissed if someone was under the map lol
quake 3 isnt exactly bustling with activity either, if ssam mp was as well known and advanced as q3's then i'd say it would be more even at this moment.

04-01-2005, 12:57 AM
I really hate watching a thread.....makes my contacts fall out!

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
04-01-2005, 01:09 AM
it waznt outlaws you idiot. It was his server called koutlaws and its obiovus that an outlaws server wouldnt be on yodeller for over an hour like its shown in the screnie so stop trying to lie and shutup about it.
Nitro, are you a normal person, that is what I am asking myself now. If there is anyone you can call an Idiot it is me, but I am more affraid about you. I have been watching your posts for a while, I don't know what is happening to you, first you left our clan without a good reason, then you made your own, after that you left your own clan (XSW) and now you are telling Jim about your players.

ARE YOU ON DRUGGS, or your girlfriend ends up with you every day.

The reason I wrote this is that you are acting very very weird on GM forums. (I thought you are a normal person:dunno: )

04-01-2005, 01:55 AM
Nitro, are you a normal person, that is what I am asking myself now. If there is anyone you can call an Idiot it is me, but I am more affraid about you. I have been watching your posts for a while, I don't know what is happening to you, first you left our clan without a good reason, then you made your own, after that you left your own clan (XSW) and now you are telling Jim about your players.

ARE YOU ON DRUGGS, or your girlfriend ends up with you every day.

The reason I wrote this is that you are acting very very weird on GM forums. (I thought you are a normal person:dunno: )
I'm Alexis macho style :D

04-01-2005, 01:57 AM
quake 3 isnt exactly bustling with activity either, if ssam mp was as well known and advanced as q3's then i'd say it would be more even at this moment.
Exe, look at this: http://www.csports.net/TopGames.aspx?Matrix=0&Mod=0

As you can see, Quake III is in the #9 spot for the Most Popular Games online currently, and this game's got a few years packed under its belt. It has double the players of UT 2K4 right now as we speak in the servers.

04-01-2005, 02:38 AM
Thats cuz ut2004 blows, ssam has the potential to be just as good of a game as quake 3, its fast, weapon and movement oriented with some spacious maps.

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
04-01-2005, 02:38 AM
Exe, look at this: http://www.csports.net/TopGames.aspx?Matrix=0&Mod=0

As you can see, Quake III is in the #9 spot for the Most Popular Games online currently, and this game's got a few years packed under its belt. It has double the players of UT 2K4 right now as we speak in the servers.
You really badly need a girlfriend my friend!!!

04-01-2005, 02:40 AM
You really badly need a girlfriend my friend!!!
would ya shutup with the girlfriend crap cuz u obviously dont know me in real life

04-01-2005, 02:40 AM
Thats cuz ut2004 blows, ssam has the potential to be just as good of a game as quake 3, its fast, weapon and movement oriented with some spacious maps.
Yea true, but then how do you explain Sam being so unpopular and Quake III being so popular?

04-01-2005, 02:57 AM
I think we all know the answer to that.
Quake is a very popular game franchise, q1 was the first 3-d first person shooter and later had 2 equally popular and sucessful sequels.
Quake 3 is ENTIRELY multiplayer based and has hundreds of supporting communities.
Its engine is very flexible and allows for mod creation, and a plethora of tweaks and binds.
Quake 3 also has team based gameplay including cft mods and others.
Movement, weapons, maps are all top notch.

Ssam is just another game, its focus was mainly on single player when it came out (killing loads of enemies at once) and i dont think deathmatch was ever meant to be perfected or made to resemble a quake game.

Ssam is really one of a kind, and thats why i think so many people STILL like it.
Quake 3 is also one of a kind, but in a different way. It was very commercialized when it came out (ever heard of QuakeCon) and alot of great players were "born" through quake 3. Including Fatal1ty and other pro's which i doubt many people on gm know.

04-01-2005, 03:44 AM
i have to agree w/ Cri nitro...you have changed.

and jim is right to have posted this...cheating ****s should be shot on site...and in some cases not just in real life. Then you defend him and claim jim doesnt even know what server hes playing on?

Gimme a break

04-01-2005, 04:37 AM
i have to agree w/ Cri nitro...you have changed.

and jim is right to have posted this...cheating ****s should be shot on site...and in some cases not just in real life. Then you defend him and claim jim doesnt even know what server hes playing on?

Gimme a break
nah bro its jus whenever one of my friends gets flamed by someone, i defend em, which is why i got banend off a few forums but i dont care cuz i defended my friends and thats all that matters cuz i have the balls to do so and others dont.
if jimmy was smart and not an ass, he wouldnt post this behind my back but instead would PM me or sth and tell me this and id take care of it, he didnt have ot post it for all to see and be a prick about it

04-01-2005, 05:09 AM
ah shaddup you moron whiner. where the hell is your name in the screenshot? where the hell is your clan that you started and abandoned after you whined enough to get into the wonderful campers? why are you even in this thread? you must think that everything always has to be about you. how is this behind your back? put your lips back on his your friend's ass where they belong. keep your stupid tricks on your little private servers and no problem, nobody cares. and try be smart enough not to reply, although that may be too much to hope for.

04-01-2005, 05:44 AM
ah shaddup you moron whiner. where the hell is your name in the screenshot? where the hell is your clan that you started and abandoned after you whined enough to get into the wonderful campers? why are you even in this thread? you must think that everything always has to be about you. how is this behind your back? put your lips back on his your friend's ass where they belong. keep your stupid tricks on your little private servers and no problem, nobody cares. and try be smart enough not to reply, although that may be too much to hope for.
i whined to get into campers? rolf they were pleading me to join for ages. dont lie cuz i hate liers and so does everyone else and dont make it look like you are always right cuz u arent bro and dont try to start anythin and quit the trashtalk. and as far as i know, it WAS his private server cuz thats wat he told me he's not stupid to do it in a public server
so just please chill out man and dont evne waste your time posting this kind of stuff again. think of all the other things u could post instead of another thread that's about whining about sam or its players. there's enough threads about that topic already ;)

04-01-2005, 06:29 AM
reread my last reply, and shaddup this time.

Black Rose
04-01-2005, 07:19 AM
Did I mention I love dicks?

04-01-2005, 08:22 AM
LOL, a perfect day to post on GM. And a perfect thread to post in. How silly to debate with someone like NitroSpastic. He has always cheated in SS and he and his sidekick AsianInfestation have contributed greatly to the demise of SS:SE.

I'm surprised to read that Merc has actually allowed Asian to join. Everyone has always joked that the Merc clan cheats, but most people realize that the Mercs simply kick ass. Now with Asian in the ranks.....that may change.

And lol! Rosie must be drunk, hehe. Or maybe not. Whatever. She's a sweetie and can say whatever she wants. It always brings a smile to my face when I think of her. She is the kindest soul I have ever met.

Happy April fools day all! Enjoy!

Rock on Jimmy, and PE - you need to play in the TsT server more often! And Aries, you need to play in the TsT server a bit later so you can play against (or with) me! :)

Die Hard
04-01-2005, 08:30 AM
Hi again Sirc :wave:

Die Hard
04-01-2005, 08:30 AM
Did I mention I love dicks?
Once or twice ;)

Die Hard
04-01-2005, 09:10 AM
well someone has to love nitro :)

04-01-2005, 12:26 PM
Did I mention I love dicks?
:wave: ;) :P

Hi Rosie

04-01-2005, 12:31 PM

What I love most about SSSE is it brings out the absolute worste in people. I read what starts out a perfectly normal thread and watch people mutate into absolute assholes! Even after a forum mod posts his displeasure. Hell, you even dug up Sirc, who I thought left SSSE to play a game with semi normal people in it :D

oh well kiddies, go back to flaming, I have another boring day lined up and a little SSSE drama is always entertaining, it's like Jerry Springer, with the same guests... everytime


04-01-2005, 12:37 PM
Happy April fools day all! Enjoy!

Rock on Jimmy, and PE - you need to play in the TsT server more often! And Aries, you need to play in the TsT server a bit later so you can play against (or with) me! :)

Hey Bro, if I ever saw you in it, I'd hop in :thumbs:

Been caught up in TAM lately and getting {DS} rocking!!!! :jammin: nice to see us over 20 again! :thumbs:

3 posts in a row, I feel special :P

04-01-2005, 12:42 PM
You folks make my head hurt!
Did I mention I hate having to watch a thread?
Now where did I put that padlock?

04-01-2005, 01:21 PM
Even though I would like to see this thread played out some more I must go to work. So I hunted around in my junk boxes and found my padlock....just couldn't find a key to go with it.