View Full Version : Help with Stocks

Caged Anger
04-01-2005, 03:23 AM
Some of you seem to really know your stuff when the topic is brought up and I have a question. I've gotten into stocks and am eager to learn more about them. But what I really want to know, especially as I am getting eager to start buying some (just for fun), is if there are any free brokers out there. I really have no idea how else to buy stocks other than directly going to the company.

Any advice on stocks would be welcome anyway

::: DARK PSI :::
04-01-2005, 03:28 AM
Use online traders like Ameritrade. They have very inexpenive buy rates and do not charge maintenance fees. I have used Ameritrade for most of my "fun" investments after getting shafted by local investment managers. For my bigger investments I advise using an advisor even though they can cost.

BTW giving stock tips is considered taboo. I can say this however, make sure you do plenty of research on the company LONG BEFORE you buy. Don't just buy cause you like the name of the company. RESEARCH IS KEY to winning in the market.

Death Engineer
04-01-2005, 04:01 AM
Wow. Was that something actually useful that DP posted? I must be dreaming... ;)

04-01-2005, 04:03 AM
with stocks you have to remember that for everyone that makes money, someone is losing it by selling. it was all very nice a few years ago, any internet stock was guaranteed to go through the roof. those days are long gone. the thing about stocks is how long do you plan to invest, and how much of your disposable income, how much are you expecting in return, and what type of risk are you willing to take. The goal for many is to be able to retire and live off your investments. how successful you are at it determines when you can do this. being young, you can possibly invest more heavily towards risky stocks that have a greater potential return. as you get older you want to change to a more conservative portfolio. Anyway buying stocks is one way to make money. if you have something that you like to do, maybe you should consider opening a business. regardless, foresight in someone as young as you are is a good thing... :thumbs:

a good site to review is www.fool.com

::: DARK PSI :::
04-01-2005, 04:04 AM
I aim to shock every so often. :P

Wow. Was that something actually useful that DP posted? I must be dreaming... ;)

04-01-2005, 06:07 AM
I don't have a great feeling from Ameritrade. I purchased a drug company's stock that had their main drug rejected. My $600 investment went to under $100. I didn't read an update that they had sent and they started charging me $15 a quarter. By the time I noticed I owed more than my stock was worth. They have since been bought out by another company and that stock is hangin in there.

Just make sure you know all of the charges up front and pay attention to any mail you get from them.

I will never use Ameritrade again.

::: DARK PSI :::
04-01-2005, 01:41 PM
Really? I have had no issues with being charged a maintenance fee. Perhaps because yours it is a smaller investment?

I don't have a great feeling from Ameritrade. I purchased a drug company's stock that had their main drug rejected. My $600 investment went to under $100. I didn't read an update that they had sent and they started charging me $15 a quarter. By the time I noticed I owed more than my stock was worth. They have since been bought out by another company and that stock is hangin in there.

Just make sure you know all of the charges up front and pay attention to any mail you get from them.

I will never use Ameritrade again.

04-01-2005, 02:28 PM
Really? I have had no issues with being charged a maintenance fee. Perhaps because yours it is a smaller investment?

Maybe so. When I started the account they didn't charge one. They may have set a minimum which I fell under after my stock took a dive. My stock worth went from $600 to $1000 and then dove to $60. $15 a quarter ended up being about a 25% charge each quarter. I sure wish I could earn 25% a quarter.

04-01-2005, 02:33 PM
oh yeah, the most important thing about stocks is that you have to babysit them.You have one example here. We also lost a ton of money a few years ago because we were not responsive to the changing environment...

Caged Anger
04-01-2005, 07:42 PM
copied and pasted for future reference

thx guys

04-02-2005, 12:03 AM
For me I always buy what I use. It has never done me wrong.

04-02-2005, 12:22 AM
well i only need 1 toilet roll at a time, no point buying 60,000 of the things......lol

04-02-2005, 12:22 AM
well i only need 1 toilet roll at a time, no point buying 60,000 of the things......lol


Caged Anger
04-02-2005, 01:11 AM
oh brother...lol