View Full Version : Sin City

04-03-2005, 01:41 PM
Has anyone seen this movie yet?
From the reviews i've read its said to be pretty bloody, but i wouldn't really expect less from a movie thats mostly black and white and partly directed by Tarantino.
I'm definitely gonna see it today, just wondering if anyone has any feedback to offer on it. :thumbs:

04-03-2005, 03:41 PM

04-03-2005, 03:55 PM
ah thats really cool, short atricle tho, ENTIRELY greenscreen? Now i definitel gotta see it.

04-03-2005, 04:57 PM
ah thats really cool, short atricle tho, ENTIRELY greenscreen? Now i definitel gotta see it.

Tell me how it is - I've been really lookin' forward to that movie!

Death Engineer
04-03-2005, 06:31 PM
I haven't seen it and likely will not until it comes out on video. From what I've heard it's pretty dark and very violent. Sounds interesting. ;)

04-03-2005, 06:40 PM
I haven't seen it and likely will not until it comes out on video. From what I've heard it's pretty dark and very violent. Sounds interesting. ;)

My kind of movie. :thumbs:

04-04-2005, 02:09 AM
Well this movie definitely isn't for everyone. First off there are sequences that show some of the most explicit scenes of violence and gore i've ever encountred, and were it not for the humorous approach the directors chose (very wisely) this movie would not be taken as well by the people in the theatre.
I won't describe any of these parts, its much better to see it for yourselves.
The action in Sin City is great, although it may seem a bit unrealistic at times, one must understand thats its based on a comic book which tend to have over-exaggerated action sequences.
The whole b&w thing (except for some color) really works well for me, it made for some really cool effects. Acting isnt the greatest, and i didn't really expect it to be, to me it seemed a bit too dramatic and unrealistic, i really liked the movie more when the characters weren't talking.
The entire movie is narrated by each one of the three main characters which may be good or bad for some people. But they way the movie is put together, a narration is required in order to keep up with the constant action.
Boring is not a word i would use to describe the movie, almost every scene is tense, humorous, and voilent. The movie covers many areas such as child molestation, rape, castration, dismemberment, decapitation, cannibalism, and my favorite, smashing people's heads to a bloody pulp.
Overall i'd give it a 7/10 because the acting left something to be desired, and because of other minor things that kinda bugged me.

04-05-2005, 11:32 PM
Thanks for the info, ExE! :thumbs: I was kinda thinking I would wait for DVD on this one because of all the hype and you have confirmed my decision... Still sounds pretty good, just not something I would spend the money to see in the theatre...

04-06-2005, 12:06 AM
Thank you for the review, Exe! you've inspired me just the opposite of Thundarr - I'll definitely be seeing it in theaters! Stuff like that just isn't quite as good on the tv as it is on the big screen.

04-06-2005, 02:23 AM
It all depends on whether you have a nice home theater system to watch movies, personall i tend to watch dvd's on my pc, but i'd like to have a nice 32" Plasma TV.
I kinda like going to the theater because of the overall atmosphere and the sexeh previews. I think the movie would be good to see both at home and in the theater.

04-06-2005, 02:57 AM
It all depends on whether you have a nice home theater system to watch movies, personall i tend to watch dvd's on my pc, but i'd like to have a nice 32" Plasma TV.
I kinda like going to the theater because of the overall atmosphere and the sexeh previews. I think the movie would be good to see both at home and in the theater.

Well then, I will watch it in the theater and at home! Good solution, Exe!

04-11-2005, 07:09 PM
i saw the movie last night, incredible !!!
Its black and white... and red hehehe, violent!

04-11-2005, 07:59 PM
it was cool, although I was hoping for more nudity.... :) somewhat pulp-fiction like, but the story doesn't quite wrap around as much... and who was the guy that got on the elevator at the end? :hmmm:

04-11-2005, 08:01 PM
it was cool, although I was hoping for more nudity.... :) somewhat pulp-fiction like, but the story doesn't quite wrap around as much... and who was the guy that got on the elevator at the end? :hmmm:
if u remember the beginning sequence of the film that same guy is shown as a murderer who seduces women before shooting them, so the girl that betrayed her friends is also gonna get popped! :thumbs:

04-11-2005, 08:05 PM
if u remember the beginning sequence of the film that same guy is shown as a murderer who seduces women before shooting them, so the girl that betrayed her friends is also gonna get popped! :thumbs:
ohhhh my brain hurts!!!

04-11-2005, 09:36 PM
if u remember the beginning sequence of the film that same guy is shown as a murderer who seduces women before shooting them, so the girl that betrayed her friends is also gonna get popped! :thumbs:

WHY did you say that?! ARGH!!!

04-12-2005, 12:13 AM
Heh.. Great movie.. Just great! *tear*

Not something I'd ever want to watch again, but definatley worth the $8.50011021 it cost.

04-12-2005, 12:46 AM
WHY did you say that?! ARGH!!!
well u chose to read it and it was a minor part of the movie...