View Full Version : EXE is Straying Away from GM...

04-05-2005, 07:45 PM
Hello fellow (as merk would but it) "Meccians",

Disclaimer: :F

This is not a farewell letter, because i can never really say goodbye to the first online community i got involved in.

I'm not leaving GM,or asking to be banned, but i feel that over time i have become a somewhat important and possibly infamous member of the community. I'll be honest with you all, i am not perfect, nobody is, and as much as you may think you are, you are wrong because people are NOT PERFECT.

We all manage to make mistakes somehow, whether it be here on GM or in ssam. The best i can do is apologize for the times i have offended people when i came off as an a-hole in game or on the boards. I try my best not to be a bad person, and if you dissagree then you are one-sided and need to just let go.

As i type this, i am chatting to a person who has requested for me to make a movie for him. You might already know where this is going so i wont go too much into detail. I am really getting into this whole movie making thing as my unofficial title may suggest. I'm really gonna try my hardest to make this next movie worth other people's time. 999's is the only person that has an idea of what my next project, and he has been a good and supportive friend in regards to my movie making. I havent really ever been discouraged from making movies, even if people may grade me harshly on them (not on this site)

To say it bluntly, im straying away from GM and possibly ssam, because something else has caught my interest, im sure that's not hard to understand.

I've made some great friends on these boards, people that i (unfortunately) never got to know personally (except Tip of course) and overall all of you guys are great and i respect you all. SAL for his dedication to this site as well as the other admins.

As for my clan CF, ill still stay with you guys because we just might make a comeback come time for ss2.

This thread was made to inform so dont feel the need to post any comments except "good lucks" or whatnot.

Die Hard
04-05-2005, 07:57 PM
Well good luck but I don't understand where you're going or why you have to stray away from here to go there?

Take it easy Bud :thumbs:

04-05-2005, 07:59 PM
Well good luck but I don't understand where you're going or why you have to stray away from here to go there?

Take it easy Bud :thumbs:
i think people's attitudes have become more hostile towards me and my evil ways.

Die Hard
04-05-2005, 08:03 PM
Confused? But good luck anyways.........

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
04-05-2005, 08:06 PM
I hope to still see you around EXE. If not, take care, keep up the good work, and good luck.

04-05-2005, 08:31 PM
Well, you've definatley,(as your post count suggests), played a pretty large role on Gamemecca. Since you aren't leaving and never coming back, I don't feel quite so bad. It's good that you can change your hobbies, a thing a LOT of people on this board can't seem to do,(including myself)..

Anyways ExE, even though you became quite the little trasher and actually frustrated me many games, I must say I enjoyed the competition we shared. You're the only person I enjoyed trashing and shooting your gibs in a game and then saying "hello," to on the forums.. LOL I always knew you were joking and I enjoyed playing with some stakes, which were either a) a pissed Merk or b) a pissed ExE!!!

Last but not least, I'll say you became a really good player. Your skill was multiplied a 100 times over! In what felt like one day, you were as good as me, if not better. So, congratulations for that.

C ya around and keep us updated with that movie of yours.

04-05-2005, 09:00 PM
well, i gots to say exe, you certainly have developed some skills since that time long ago when you said in a game that no matter how much you play, you don't get any better. That is probably a dim memory now. Yes, you are very arrogant in the games, which is cool, but you have never been arrogant in the forums, (unlike others) so I like you plenty. :thumbs: to your next movie. And remember, with a movie, you are essentially telling a story. things that advance the story are good. things that detract from it should probably be left out. That was the point of my criticism last time around. so gg!

Death Engineer
04-05-2005, 09:00 PM
Hey. Everyone finds new hobbies at different points in life. Don't feel bad for following what you enjoy.

I will say that I am one of the people that have thought you were a royal pain in the buttocks on the servers (at times). However, knowing you from the forums, I knew it was a facade (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=facade). Whatever happens and where you go, just know that being yourself is the best thing you can do. Best of luck to ya (though I don't believe in luck). ;)

04-05-2005, 09:29 PM
Your trickjumping movie better be better than the best like the Tricking It Q 3 video
Keep it up dude you'll probly end up in video production at a job somewhere

04-05-2005, 09:38 PM
people are NOT PERFECT Excuse me, but I am. Thank you. :D (takes bow turns around and trips on untied shoelace)

04-05-2005, 09:44 PM
exe, if you are really serious about making movies you really need to move forward and look at what is being used. i may suggest since i have consulted for a company here in ny that was huge in this department a few years ago when i designed the video displays in the world financial department (plug for my design and work:P ). anyway, the software/hardware that is widely used is avid. since you are a student you really should consider looking into their student pricing. as far as the avid software and hardware goes, they really have some neat stuff that would blow your mind if you really are into editing. i will also tell you that this field is huge right now and should be taken advantage of. avid works on both platforms mac and pc and is the most widely used editing suite. i am currently waiting for my mojo and i should have a pretty nice setup myself. i am planning on training myself with the avid dvd training disks just for a hobby. i have wanted to do but never have the time. i do believe they have a demo available to take a look see.

if you are srious about this you may make yourself something. i urge anyone young to go for a job they love because theyw ill never work a day in their life.

04-05-2005, 10:29 PM
EXE my man, it's as you said, nobody is perfect. Despite your bad attitude in the games sometimes, you are a very nice person here at GameMecca and on MSN. You have made many friends thus far, and I say you will continue to do so. :thumbs: And I am also glad to hear that you are staying with us in CF. ;)

04-06-2005, 12:16 AM
Exe, I will miss ya for sure, man! You know, you used to have that avatar with the girl shooting guns...and you always made gay jokes about Lev and the like (or they were made about you, either way...)...I thought you were a chick for a long time! :P

You're the only person that I've ever played Sam with (i should probably embarass myself with some of you other people sometime). You've made some awesome posts, and I'll definitely miss reading your humorous comments, but I totally understand and respect wanting to chase a dream/hobby. If you're serious, then don't give up! Get yourself into it and start kickin' butt, and when you get this video done, you better stop by and show it off, we'll be waiting!

Props to you, and good luck for what's ahead :thumbs:

04-06-2005, 12:38 AM
EXE. the few short games I have had with you, have been great.... GOod luck with whatever you choose to do....

Hope to still see you in a server from time to time..

Caged Anger
04-06-2005, 01:16 AM
...somehow, i don't see him leaving for too long...once a gamemeccian, always a gamemeccian

04-06-2005, 02:31 AM
...somehow, i don't see him leaving for too long...once a gamemeccian, always a gamemeccian
as i said i wont be leaving permenantly, just going off into a different direction.
I'll make a post about my actual editing skills and software sometime later if anyone is interested, but like Biggs said, i could definitely use this to my advantage in career choice. I've never worked with avid or heard of what it does but i will research it. Thx for the info :D

Alexis SC430
04-06-2005, 03:18 AM
This thread was kind of weird...

He Is Legend
04-06-2005, 03:21 AM
Gl exe

I still pwn you...see you in video making

Asian Invasian
04-06-2005, 03:31 AM
Exe, hah you were always one step ahead of me in movie making, but not in sam :P

Like most said you have developed that style, somehwat chyl looking playlike style in a game. *cough* I cant say who trained you *cough* or why you played like me so much when i was at my top of my game. :P

Anyway GL with this movie making :D

Edit: Oh, and HALO 2 PWNS JOO!!! :P

Free Styler
04-06-2005, 03:32 AM
ahhhhh i remember my fist farewell thread.How i felt it was time for me to move on.The second farewell thread i did was very serious and i was convince i could abandon gaming and internet all the way.Then....there was the third farewell thread i started i think anyways.While posting the third farewell thread i realized i had done 2 before lol.

But for you exe i hope you acheive what you want to acheive.If ever you feel like doing a movie for serious sam 2 i'll be glad to edit the sound track for it:)

Then again i want to do my movie.but like bigg i never have the time.

oh well c ya around.

04-06-2005, 03:42 AM
Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!

J/K bro, cyas around :D

04-06-2005, 04:19 AM
This thread was kind of weird...
I concur...

04-06-2005, 11:23 AM

sorry Exe, I've ben looking for a spot to use that one :D

also, I'm a bit frightened
This thread was kind of weird... because I also agree with Lexi :eek:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
04-06-2005, 02:30 PM
Thanks for sharring what's going on in your life exe. Good luck with your movie project.

See, Pure and Alexis, that wasn't too hard was it? :)

04-06-2005, 03:05 PM

::: DARK PSI :::
04-06-2005, 03:51 PM
Exe? Who are you again? Oh well back to work.

::: DARK PSI :::
04-06-2005, 03:51 PM
JK good luck buddy with your projects.

BTW good luck staying away.. it is impossible. You are addicted and GM is your fix.

-- Gamemecca - Spoon feeding online crack since 2001 (or whenever we started these damn forums)

04-06-2005, 06:13 PM
Good luck EXE - Kick Azz on that Video editing! (hard work does prevail)

04-06-2005, 06:15 PM
The big issue is that vids are taking more of my time than gm or ssam, and i kinda like that cuz i feel that it is more productive. I personally don't think that's weird at all, doing more of something i like.

Most of my video projects were relatively rushed to say the least, mostly because of the "WHEN IS IT COMING OUT!?!" when i only announce the video to the people that ask me on msn. Rushing a vid is never a god thing and the final product shows. I've learned better video editing methods and because i have nothing to prove to the movie making community, i can always suprise them with a quality vid.

I'm planning on making a blog type site for my next project, so that i can post my progress and you guys could also check it out.

04-06-2005, 07:38 PM
Looks like you are having trouble getting your SHIFT button to work all of the time when you type the letter I? :P

I'm not going to mention the other stuff. :)

Mad Fox
04-08-2005, 11:16 AM