View Full Version : Mid Healers use no power to rez?

OUTLAWS The Machine
04-06-2005, 04:01 PM
WTH? Mid Healers dont use any power to rez?
Brings target back to life, and restores a portion of their health and power, and eliminates the experience penalty and con loss they would have suffered were they to have /released. (Note that con loss still applies when resurrected on a PvP server.)
Level Name Target Cast/Duration/Recast Range/Radius Effect Cost
15 Raise Fallen Corpse 4.0s/0/0s 1500 range Target is resurrected with 10% power and 10% health. Variable
24 Reincarnate Corpse 4.0s/0/0s 1500 range Target is resurrected with 25% power and 50% health. Variable
40 Resurrection Corpse 4.0s/0/0s 1500 range Target is resurrected with 50% power and 100% health. Variable
Mid Healer
Brings target back to life, and restores a portion of their health and power, and eliminates the experience penalty and con loss they would have suffered were they to have /released. (Note that con loss still applies when resurrected on a PvP server.)
Level Name Target Cast/Duration/Recast Range/Radius Effect Cost
15 Reception from Valhalla Corpse 4.0s/0/0s 1500 range Target resurrected with 10% power and 30% health. 0
24 Welcome from Valhalla Corpse 4.0s/0/0s 1500 range Target resurrected with 25% power and 50% health. 0
40 Remigration from Valhalla Corpse 4.0s/0/0s 1500 range Target resurrected with 50% power and 100% health. 0

04-06-2005, 04:03 PM
I can go try it after downtime :P But I think she used power to rez.